## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset 0 ## language xx ; Katalogbeschreibungsdatei f r 'Zaphod' MSG_OKAY ;; Okay; MSG_CANCEL ;; Cancel; MSG_USAGE_TXT ;; Usage: ZAPHOD [] [] ... []; MSG_SCREEN_TXT ;; Screen name; MSG_MENU_PROJECT ;; Project; MSG_MENU_NEW ;; New; MSG_MENU_NEW_SHORTCUT ;; N; MSG_MENU_OPEN ;; Open...; MSG_MENU_OPEN_SHORTCUT ;; O; MSG_MENU_SAVE ;; Save; MSG_MENU_SAVE_SHORTCUT ;; S; MSG_MENU_SAVEAS ;; Save As...; MSG_MENU_SAVEAS_SHORTCUT ;; A; MSG_MENU_PRINT ;; Print; MSG_MENU_PRINT_SHORTCUT ;; P; MSG_MENU_PRINTAS ;; Print As...; MSG_MENU_ABOUT ;; About...; MSG_MENU_USER ;; User...; MSG_MENU_QUIT ;; Quit; MSG_MENU_QUIT_SHORTCUT ;; Q; MSG_MENU_EDIT ;; Edit; MSG_MENU_CUT ;; Cut; MSG_MENU_CUT_SHORTCUT ;; X; MSG_MENU_COPY ;; Copy; MSG_MENU_COPY_SHORTCUT ;; C; MSG_MENU_PASTE ;; Paste; MSG_MENU_PASTE_SHORTCUT ;; V; MSG_MENU_ERASE ;; Erase; MSG_MENU_UNDO ;; Undo; MSG_MENU_UNDO_SHORTCUT ;; Z; MSG_MENU_SETTINGS ;; Settings; MSG_MENU_TEXTFONT ;; Text Font; MSG_MENU_AUTOTEXTFONT ;; automatic; MSG_MENU_USERTEXTFONT ;; user selected; MSG_MENU_SLCTTEXTFONT ;; select...; MSG_MENU_EDITFONT ;; Edit Font; MSG_MENU_AUTOEDITFONT ;; automatic; MSG_MENU_USEREDITFONT ;; user selected; MSG_MENU_SLCTEDITFONT ;; select...; MSG_MENU_ADDRESSES ;; Addresses; MSG_MENU_ADDRESSES_SHOW ;; show; MSG_MENU_ADDRESSES_HIDE ;; don t show; MSG_MENU_VIEWMODE ;; Viewmode; MSG_MENU_VIEWMODE_BOTH ;; hexadecimal & ASCII; MSG_MENU_VIEWMODE_HEX ;; hexadecimal only; MSG_MENU_VIEWMODE_ASC ;; ASCII only; MSG_MENU_HEXDESIGN ;; Hex number design; MSG_MENU_HEXUPPER ;; Upper; MSG_MENU_HEXUPPER_SHORTCUT ;; U; MSG_MENU_HEXLOWER ;; Lower; MSG_MENU_HEXLOWER_SHORTCUT ;; L; MSG_MENU_SIZEBORDER ;; Border for 'Sizegadget'; MSG_MENU_SIZERIGHT ;; right; MSG_MENU_SIZEBOTTOM ;; bottom; MSG_MENU_CLIPBOARD ;; Clipboard; MSG_MENU_CLIPBOARD_INTERN ;; internal; MSG_MENU_CLIPBOARD_EXTERN ;; external; MSG_MENU_NEWFILES ;; Files; MSG_MENU_NEWFILES_APPEND ;; insert first, append rest; MSG_MENU_NEWFILES_INSERT ;; insert all; MSG_MENU_NEWFILES_APPEND_ALL ;; append all; MSG_MENU_AUTORESIZE ;; Auto-resize Window; MSG_MENU_DEFCONF ;; Reset to Default; MSG_MENU_LOADCONF ;; Load Settings; MSG_MENU_SAVECONF ;; Save Settings; MSG_MENU_FILES ;; Files; MSG_MENU_EMPTY ;; (empty); MSG_SEARCHING ;; searching...; MSG_FOUND ;; ...found.; MSG_NOTFOUND ;; ...not found!; MSG_FILE ;; File; MSG_SEARCH_FROM_START ;; From Start; MSG_SEARCH_BEHIND_CURSOR ;; Behind Cursor; MSG_SEARCH_BEFORE_CURSOR ;; Before Cursor; MSG_SEARCH_FROM_END ;; From End; MSG_REPLACE_NEXT ;; Next; MSG_REPLACE_ALL ;; All; MSG_REPLACE_ASK ;; After request; MSG_GAD_OPEN ;; _Open...; MSG_GAD_SAVE ;; Save...; MSG_GAD_POSITION ;; _Position; MSG_GAD_FILESIZE ;; File Size; MSG_GAD_SEARCH ;; _Search; MSG_GAD_SEARCHFOR ;; _for; MSG_GAD_SEARCHDIR ;; Search _Direction; MSG_GAD_REPLACE ;; _Replace; MSG_GAD_REPLACE_WITH ;; _with; MSG_GAD_REPLACE_MODE ;; Replace_mode; MSG_GAD_CASEDEP ;; _Case Dependent; MSG_GAD_STATUS ;; Status; MSG_ZAPREQ_TITLE ;; ZAPHOD; MSG_ZAPREQ_OPEN ;; %s\nhas changed. Open anyway?; MSG_ZAPREQ_OPEN_CHOICE ;; Open|Save then Open|Cancel; MSG_ZAPREQ_OPENERROR ;; Can't open file\n%s; MSG_ZAPREQ_NOMEMORY ;; Not enough memory for file\n%s; MSG_ZAPREQ_READERROR ;; Error reading file\n%s; MSG_ZAPREQ_WRITEERROR ;; Error writing file\n%s; MSG_ZAPREQ_NEW ;; Do you really want to clear buffer %ld?; MSG_ZAPREQ_NEW_CHOICE ;; New|Save then New|Cancel; MSG_ZAPREQ_ABOUT ;; %s\n\n%s\n\nAuthor:\n%s\n\n%s\n\n\n%s\n%s; MSG_ZAPREQ_DISTRIBUTION ;; This program is freely distributable,\nas long as no profit is made of.\nAll rights reserved.; MSG_ZAPREQ_ABOUTTXT1 ;; Opened (Owner) on Public Screen:; MSG_ZAPREQ_ABOUTTXT2 ;; Opened (Visitor) on Public Screen:; MSG_ZAPREQ_USERTXT1 ;; This copy of Zaphod is registered to:\n\n%s; MSG_ZAPREQ_USERTXT2 ;; This is an unregistered copy of Zaphod!\n\n%s; MSG_ZAPREQ_USERTXT3 ;; To become a registered user,\nplease read the documentation!; MSG_ZAPREQ_SAVE ;; Do you really want to save file\n%s ?; MSG_ZAPREQ_YESNO ;; Yes|No; MSG_ZAPREQ_OVERWRITE ;; Buffer %ld contains the file\n%s\nOverwrite it?; MSG_ZAPREQ_OVERWRITE_CHOICE ;; Overwrite|Save then Overwrite|Skip Buffer|Skip File; MSG_ZAPREQ_BUFFERSFULL ;; Couldn't open all selected files\nbecause all buffers are full!; MSG_ZAPREQ_QUITANYWAY ;; %s\nQuit anyway?; MSG_ZAPREQ_QUITANYWAY_CHOICE ;; Quit|Cancel; MSG_ZAPREQ_QUIT ;; Do you really want to quit?; MSG_ZAPREQ_ERROR ;; FATAL ERROR:\n%s; MSG_ZAPREQ_ABORT ;; Abort; MSG_ZAPREQ_CANTLOADCONF ;; Error:\nCan't load settings!\nDefault Settings activated.; MSG_ZAPREQ_GO_ON ;; Go on; MSG_ZAPREQ_CANTSAVECONF ;; Error:\nCan't save settings!; MSG_ZAPREQ_CANCEL ;; Cancel; MSG_ZAPREQ_CANTOPENFONT ;; Error:\nCan't open font!; MSG_ZAPREQ_NOCUSTOMSCREEN ;; Can't open custom screen!; MSG_ZAPREQ_PUBSCRNOTAVAIL ;; Chosen public screen\n%s\nnot available!\n\nProgram tries to open on\ndefault public screen.; MSG_ZAPREQ_TEXTFONTTOOBIG ;; Caution!\nThe chosen Text Font is too big!\nThis might cause side effects!\n; MSG_ZAPREQ_EDITFONTTOOBIG ;; Caution!\nThe chosen Edit Font is too big!\nThis might cause side effects!\n; MSG_ZAPREQ_REPLACE ;; Searchpattern found!\n\nReplace with MSG_ZAPREQ_REPLACE_CHOICE ;; Replace|Skip|Cancel; MSG_ZAPTXT_FILE ;; File; MSG_ZAPTXT_FILES ;; Files; MSG_ZAPTXT_COMMA ;; ,; MSG_ZAPTXT_AND ;; and; MSG_ZAPTXT_HASCHANGED ;; has changed.; MSG_ZAPTXT_HAVECHANGED ;; have changed.; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_INTUITION_LIB ;; Can't open version 37 or higher of intuition.library!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_GRAPHICS_LIB ;; Can't open version 37 or higher of graphics.library!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_GADTOOLS_LIB ;; Can't open version 37 or higher of gadtools.library!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_ASL_LIB ;; Can't open version 37 or higher of asl.library!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_WORKBENCH_LIB ;; Can't open version 37 or higher of workbench.library!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_DISKFONT_LIB ;; Can't open version 37 or higher of diskfont.library!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_ICON_LIB ;; Can't open version 37 or higher of icon.library!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_PUBSCREEN ;; Can't lock any public screen!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_ROMFONT ;; Can't open good old topaz/8!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_DEFFONT ;; Can't open default system font!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_SCRFONT ;; Can't open active screen font!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_WINDOW ;; Can't open window!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_MSGPORT ;; Can't create message port!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_APPWINDOW ;; Can't build AppWindow!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_ASLREQUEST ;; Can't allocate AslRequest!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_VISUALINFO ;; Can't get VisualInfo!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_MENUES ;; Can't create menues!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_MENULAYOUT ;; Can't layout menues!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_GADGETS ;; Can't create gadgets!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_DISPLAYID ;; Can't get DisplayID from default public screen!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_CUSTOMSCREEN ;; Can't open custom screen!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_APPICON ;; Can't build AppIcon!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_ZAPHOD ;; This version of Zaphod has been patched!\nSee the documentation for\ngetting an intact program version.; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_MEMORY ;; Not enough memory available!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_CHIPMEM ;; Not enough chip memory available!; MSG_ZAPERR_NO_CLIPBOARD ;; Clipboard not available!;