>Rebinder "This program modifies the LineEditor module on disk to" "change the key bindings." '"You need to input the name of the file with the new" "keybindings in."' $M$=".LineEditor" M$:len%= v$,N% T$(N%) C% N%, M% len% "OS_File",&FF,M$,M%,0 T%=M%+len%-512 L%=0 N%-1 T$(L%),C%?L% T$(L%)="vanilla" v%=L% v%=-1 "No vanilla in key table": z(M%+M%!20),"Line Editor"+ 9+v$)<>1 "Incorrect key file version for module": "Key definitions file (RETURN for default): "F$ F$="" F$=".DfltKeys" WS$=" "+ ::DIM XXX% 512:FOR L%=0 TO 511:XXX%?L%=T%?L%:NEXT L%=0 511:T%?L%=C%?v%: L$,"&") T$= L$,I%) HACKARAMA !1 I%= T$,"-"): I% T$= T$,I%-1)+"~"+ T$,I%+1) K%= T$:K2%=K% T$,2) "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef", T$,1))=0 T$="" T$,1)="~" T$= T$,2) T$,1)<>"&" T$="&"+T$ K2%= T$,2) *4 "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef", T$,1))=0 T$="" T$,1)) T$<>"" T$= T$,2) T$ is the action token for key codes K% to K2% force to upper-case 13 t$=T$:T$="": L%=1 t$:T$+= t$,L%,1) t%=0 T$<>T$(t%) t%&1FF K2%<0 K2%>&1FF "Bad key number": ::PRINTK%"-";K2%" ";t% L%=K% K2%:T%?L%=C%?t%: "OS_File",&0A,M$,&FFA,,M%,M%+len% "OS_Module",11,M%,len% ::FOR L%=0 TO 511:IF XXX%?L%<>T%?L% PRINTL%" ";XXX%?L%"->";T%?L%:N.ELSEN. z(A%): ?A%:A$+= ?A%:A%+=1: >KEYLIB 2.71 ignore,46 beepignore,55 left,1 right,5 delword,88 cright,10 cleft,14 sright,18 sleft,26 toggleinsert,39 delline,44 removeline,41 complete,50 completenext,51 completeprev,52 setmark,54 copy,56 swapmark,67 cut,76 deletenext,98 delete,111 wipehistory,123 deltoend,75 paste,128 swapchars,135 quote,148 vanilla,156 cup,171 cdown,180 up,196 down,211 sup,221 sdown,222 escape,223 fnkey,242 wipeallhistory,126 enter,231 return,235 uncopy,229 showcomp,47 completeshow,49