OPLObjectFile** LOC::C:\PELICAN\LOGIT\LOGIT.OPL` LOGIT.ODB \OPD\ RATE$ IMAGE% CDSND$ DPOS% MYPID% CWIN% CDWIN% ZERO& HWIN% PROMPT% NEWFIL$ DLOG% DLOG$ LAST$ KSTAT% PSTAT% DBRATE CLIST$ NOTE$ XNOTE$ VIEW% LANG% SFON% SMAX% THAND% SECS& REDRAW% CHOICE% LGNSEL% INDEX% FDATPTR% FNOMEM% FNSEL% FDATA% FINIT% FRETAIN% FVASTR% FAPPEND% FSET% DATDLG% VASTR% PSET% SLIST$ AACTIVE% ASTAT% CURRENT% SADD% SUPD% SDEL% LPOS% WINID% FILTER$ SRES% LOADLIB MARKNON TIMFORM GETCTD DFORM INITS$ MYPID RENAME BLDDATA BUILDWIN DRAWPEL REMAIN$ SLEEP SHOWVER FREEON CHARGES CDWIN START ABOUT MODTIM BUILD$ NEWDBF NOWIN TIMELIST TOAPP SAVTIM LOADHELP THELP T.4.1 Timerlog.log + Timer.dbf Timer Hourly Billing Rate Comments Description Continue CountDown TIM:O TIM:O \App\Logit\ Getting Sounds Initializing LOG-IT! BtimerO + Logit.cfgKO K+ Logit.cfgK PROMPT$ DLOG% WID%$ PROMPT$' ADD$' K+ Logit.cfgK PROMPT$ DLOG% Odh@[ K+ Logit.cfgK K+ Logit.cfgK PROMPT$ DLOG% WID%$ PROMPT$' ADD$' Config File Re-created( Reconfigure PreferencesO ContinueO DLOG% DEC% WID% PROMPT$# PROMPT$' PROMPT$# ADD$# ADD$' ADD$# NOTE$ Odh@[ POS% NOTE$# OvH@[ Om@[. k System Memory FreeK 123456 Can't reset Reset to ZeroK( NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[4 OzH@[N OpH@`[ OaH@[ OdH@[ OnH@[ O-@`[ OmH@[ OjH@[ O @[# OcH@[ OeH@[ OhH@[ OxH@[ Pause Resume OptionsK+ Start Oe+ Stop OS KOp+ Modify Omh+ Reset Or+ Clear AllOah+ View ChargesOc Database+ New EntryOn+ EditOE+ DeleteOd+ Sort DatabaseOj Special+ Set PreferencesOq+ VersionOvh+ RegisterORh+ About LOG-IT!Oh+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx Database+ New EntryOn+ EditOE+ DeleteOd+ Sort DatabaseOj Special+ Set PreferencesOq+ VersionOvh+ About LOG-IT!Oh+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx + CountDown+ Expand CountDown WindowOX LogOL Ox@[ Clear All Timers( Timers Will Not be Logged!O NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[z OL@[2 Oe@[ OS@[ Oz@[ Or@[ Ov@[ Can't Pause Resumed...K Paused...K O @`[ BankerO OxH@[' Exiting LOG-IT! O @[. Add Comments( Error( QuitO O<{QM RATE$ is Paused...K Modify Modify+ Add,Subtract AmountO O;O;WE Too Close to Zero Reset to Zero... Resume to Update Screen! BUILD$ PARSLIS$ PARSRAT$ CLIST$ DBRATE INDEX% VASTR% DATDLG% FDATPTR% FSET% PSET% DPOS% SLIST$ CDSND$ ZERO& NOTE$ CHOICE% RATE$ XNOTE$ +"Cancel Current Timer and Start New( Start Timer Choose Database Item+ Dummy ...or Enter a DescriptionO Enter a DescriptionO Add to Starting TimeO O;O;WE Timer Type+ Normal,CountDown StartO CancelO {A\[/ Already ActiveK( Amount for TimerO O;O;WE Sound ZERO& NOTE$ No Timer set... Stop Timer?( No Name( Log to FileOL+ Stop Log/ContinueOC NoON+ YesOY Oy@[% Os@[B Oc@`[ OcD[B WHATSSD$ NEWFIL$ DLOG$ RATE$ NOTE$ PROMPT% LAST$ O<|VO O<|RO Saving Timer Record...( *.logK Log FileO Hourly Rate DateW Charges Save Stop - Don't SaveON+ Continue On@[3 DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ Creating Default Log FileO DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ +!You Have Changed the Billing RateO +$Charges Will be Updated Accordingly.O RATE$' DESC$' TIME$' NOTE$' Logged to File HELP: LOG-IT!( Use KO to Highlight Timer BoxesK Enter to Start a K Delete to Stop a K P = Pause/Resume a K Menu Key for OptionsK Space Bar to Add CommentsK Tab to View Current ChargesK 1-6 Pause/Resume a TimerK TO_L( Saving Timers...W.O NOWIN SAVWIN RATE$ NOTE$ VIEW% DLOG% NOTE$ NOTE$ Odh@[A NOTE$ {A\[b POS%$ NOTE$' + Logit.cfgKO K+ Logit.cfgK PROMPT$ DLOG% WID%$ K+ Logit.cfgK PROMPT$ DLOG% WID%$ DLOG%$ DPOS% PLAYSND SAVTIM NOWIN BUILDWIN MYPID% AACTIVE% THAND% ASTAT% CDWIN% REDRAW% KSTAT% NOTE$ RATE$ No Charges |VWB}O O<|VWB}O O<|RN O<|VO O<|RO Current Timer Info( Hourly Rate Charges SLIN% LINH% LWIN% MWIN% SFLAG% SOUT% OPFIL$ BANKER% SMEMO$ SCAT$ SPAM$ CHANGE% SWITCH$ SHFT% SINDENT% LOCMF$ XTIME$ XRATE$ XDESC$ NOQUIT% MCREATE MDRAW DRAWTOT MHEAD GETEVT CALENDAR FREEON MSTOP MBOTTOM SETWIN TOAPP MMAIN ADJPOS SAVTIM DPOS% SRES% SMAX% SADD% SUPD% SDEL% HWIN% |:\[- |RO#|Jy Accuracy to decimal places KO Accuracy to decimal places KO Om@[. k System Memory FreeK OO@`[ PO#H@[l |JF[F |:\[O L|:[% BankerO Error( PARSE$ WHATSSD$ XCASE$ DLOG% LAST$ DLOG$ OPFIL$ LOCMF$ MWIN% SFON% SMAX% HWIN% LWIN% TIMERLOG.LOGC`[ Creating Default Log FileO DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ SINDENT% MWIN% TO#LH TO#LH TO#LH OPFIL$ HWIN% MWIN% TIMERLOGG[ LogK Logged Charge SFON% SLIN% MSETPOS DRAWTOT SHOWCOMM LOADHELP DATTOT ABOUT SHOWVER DATE$ TIME$ TIMAMT$ NEWENT BUILD$ NEWDBF PARSE$ TIMFORM XCASE$ PRINTLOG MEMUPD LPOS% SDEL% OPFIL$ DLOG$ LAST$ SRES% FILTER$ MWIN% WINID% SHFT% KSTAT% NOQUIT% VIEW% NEWFIL$ XTIME$ XDESC$ XRATE$ XNOTE$ SADD% LOCMF$ SOUT% DeleteO Delete Log Entry?( DESC$# DESC$# NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[ O-@[ O @[ TIMERLOGG\[ DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ NOTE$# No Comments Help: Timer Log( +4The Timer Log shows a list of saved LOG-IT! entries. +5Use it to view charges and save charges to a customer ++database. Use the menu key to view choices.( Psion+ Opens the Default Log File Tab key+ Brings up the Calendar 0 key+ Brings up the Calculator + Space Bar+ For Viewing/Editing Comments OxH@[ ObH@[ OsH@[ OhH@[ OzH@[ OdH@[ OfH@[ OoH@[ OuH@[ OaH@[ OpH@[ OnH@[ OcH@[ OiH@[ OvH@[ OjH@[ OeH@[ OyH@[ OqH@[ View by Hours View by Hours/Minutes File+ Create New LogON+ Open LogOo+ Save asOa+ Delete LogODh+ Sort LogOs+ Export LogOX Edit+ Add an EntryOe+ UpdateOu+ DeleteOd+ Clear AllOAh+ CopyOc+ PasteOih+ Save to ArchiveOS+ View CommentsO+ Database+ New EntryOn+ EditOE+ DeleteOy+ Sort DatabaseOj Database+ New EntryOn+ EditOE+ DeleteOy+ Sort DatabaseOj Report+ Total by DateOb+ Set FilterOf Special+ Set PreferencesOq+ VersionOvh+ PrintOp CalculatorOCh+ About LOG-IT!Oh+ ZoomOzh+ ExitOx LogOL Set Filter for Display( Filter +7This will limit the Totals on Bottom to a Selected ItemO +,Leave it Blank and press Enter to set to ALLO Od@[ O+@[ ExportO M:\wrd Path is M:\Wrd M:\Wrd\*.csv Export Log File( + Delimiter+ Comma,Tab,Space Use Quotes+ No,Yes Error Creating File( + Exporting DESC$# RATE$# NOTE$# DESC$# RATE$# NOTE$# ) Log Entries Exported!K( + Saved to Oj@[J DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ OV@[$ Oc@[j TIME$# DESC$# RATE$# NOTE$# Copied Nothing Copied TIME$' DESC$' RATE$' NOTE$' Pasted *.logK Delete Log File( FileO Are You Sure?( Delete Log File NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[< File Deleted... Create a New Log File( .LOGG[ .logK DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ Error Creating File( File Created Os@[S DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ ArchiveO archive.logKO archive.logK DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ archive.logK Archive Options( Archive+ Highlighted Entry,By Date Starting DateW Ending DateW W7[[ Invalid Dates DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ Error Opening File( DESC$' DESC$# TIME$' TIME$# RATE$' RATE$# NOTE$' NOTE$# Entry Saved... DESC$' DESC$# TIME$' TIME$# RATE$' RATE$# NOTE$' NOTE$# + ArchivedK OA@[i ClearO Clear All Entries?( NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[ ON@`[ Oo@[, *.logK Open a Log File( OpenO DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ Error Opening File( DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ Op@[* PrintO SaveO *.LogK Path is Save as...( FileO .LOGG[? .logKW .logK File Saved... DESC$ TIME$ RATE$ NOTE$ Ou@[8 UpdateO Error( MWIN% SFON% SMAX% TIME$ SFON% VIEW% SMAX% SFLAG% NOTE$# DESC$# DESC$# DESC$# TIME$# |VWB}O O<|VO TIME$# RATE$# TIME$# RATE$# L|N2[ SMAX% SLIN% SLIN% SMAX% |RJB`W SMAX% SLIN% SUPD% RATE$# DESC$# NOTE$# TIME$# (None) {Q}NO<|VWB} Update Log Entry( DateW Start Time O;O;WE HoursO MinutesO Charges TIME$' O<|RJO RATE$' DESC$' NOTE$' MSETPOS BUILD$ PARSRAT$ LPOS% CLIST$ INDEX% VASTR% DATDLG% FDATPTR% FSET% PSET% CHOICE% SADD% Add a Log Entry Manually( Choose Database Item+ Dummy ...or Enter a DescriptionO Enter a DescriptionO DateW Start Time O O;O;WE HoursO MinutesO Enter a Description Adding New Entry O TIME$' O<|RJO RATE$' DESC$' NOTE$' BLDWIN2 BANKER% MWIN% SRES% KSTAT% MWIN% LOG-IT!O MWIN% INDENT% PARSE$ TIME$ DATE$ OPFIL$ MWIN% + Print Log( Print Options+ Printer,File Include Comments+ No,Yes Lines Per PageO \Wrd\*.wrd Path is Choose Filename( PAR:A TTY:A Busy( Any Key to Cancel!( Space Bar to Pause! DESC$# RATE$# TIME$# RATE$# TIME$# |VWB}O O<|VO Printing Entry: W DESC$# RATE$# NOTE$# Comment: + NOTE$# NOTE$# O?8[j NOTE$# O@O?W NOTE$# O~8[. NOTE$# O @[c Any Key Continues!( + Paused...( Any Key to Cancel!( Printing Cancelled! Print Cancelled!( Total Log File: Reported on Printing Done!( Enter to Continue( File Saved T I M E R L O G Date Started K K+- Elapsed Rate ChargesK LOG-IT! 5.22( This Product is SharewareO +"If you use it, please Register it!O About LOG-IT! 5.22( +.LOG-IT! was developed by Pelican Software Inc.( ++Thanks to Jason Gant, Wolfgang Schirmer andO +/Mick Burglass for their help with this product.( Pelican Software Inc.( P.O.Box 741072( Houston TX 77274-1072( +/(Voice) 713-242-8928 713-242-9573 (Fax)O +,INTERNET Address: 72662.3050@compuserve.comO Enter Registration Code( + Thankyou for Registering LOG-IT!( Sorry - Wrong Code... LANG% PROMPT% DLOG% SRES% Favorite + Favourite + Logit.cfgKO K+ Logit.cfgK PROMPT$ DLOG% WID%$ K+ Logit.cfgK PROMPT$ DLOG% DEC% PROMPT$# PROMPT$# ADD$# ADD$# DLOG% Set Preferences( ViewK+ Timer,Log + Allow More Than One Active Timer+ No,Yes +#File to Open When Entering Log View+ Default,Last Logged +(Prompt for Filename When Logging to File+ No,Yes +(Add New Timers to Database Automatically+ No,Yes +'Base Charges on How Many Decimal Places+ 1,2,3,0 PROMPT$' ADD$' DLOG%$ DEC%$ All Timers Put on Hold( WHATSSD$ BLDDATA VAPPEND DESTROYO CLIST$ VASTR% CHOICE% DBRATE XNOTE$ INDEX% DATDLG% FDATPTR% FSET% PSET% database.def Creating LOG-IT! DatabaseO NAME$ RATE$ NOTE$ Error Creating Database( NAME$ RATE$ NOTE$ NAME$# RATE$# NAME$' RATE$' NOTE$' NAME$# RATE$# No Entries Found Delete Item from Database( Choose Item+ Dummy wW7[z Are You Sure?( Delete O"W NAME$# NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[ Item Deleted... NOTE$# No Entries Found Edit Database( Choose Item+ Dummy NAME$# RATE$# NOTE$# Edit Database Item( Hourly RateO NAME$' RATE$' NOTE$' ZWIN% PWRAP SRES% NOTE$# OeH@`[s Options+ Edit CommentsOe Oe@[G Edit Comments( NOTE$' ZWIN% GET32 INFO% MAXREC% MODE% DESTROYO FREEON RDKEYS QSORT CPYALL FREEMEM VASTR% database.def NAME$ RATE$ NOTE$ |J:[9 Not enough disk space to sort!( Sorting M:\app\Logit\12345.srt +#Not enough room to copy sorted file( Sorted file is...O Retry copyOR+ Delete sorted fileOD Or@[ Error Sorting( FATAL TIME$ MEMCPY MAXREC% MODE% Too many records!O NAME$# Out of memory for keys!O NAME$# +&File contains wrong number of records!O RECCOPY% FATAL Error Writing File!O STRCMP% QSORT MEMCPY RECAPP% INFO% INFO% O@\[ MAXREC% BUILD$ XNOTE$ CLIST$ DBRATE Add an Item to the Database( Hourly RateO Help!( + Add a Name, or Press Esc to quit Item added... FILTER$ TIME$# RATE$# DATE$ CONVDAT$ TIMSTR$ M:\app\logit\s1.000W Total By Date( Item: O Starting DateO Ending DateO +"Use Wildcards *,? to Narrow SearchO TIME$# RATE$# Time & Charges by Item( Item: to K Total Time Total Charges Average Charge O<{U}O VIEW% TIME$# |VWB}O O<|VO TIME$# hrsK LOG-IT!O 1992-95K( Pelican Software Inc( OvOiL + LOG-IT!( ARRAY% DESTROYO DATDLG% FDATPTR% VASTR% database.def NAME$ RATE$ NOTE$ Building Database VASTR% FVASTR% FNOMEM% FINIT% FAPPEND% OLIB.DYLW> No memory to build database... NAME$# RATE$# VASTR% Unable to destroy object... VASTR% FAPPEND% REMAIN$ SLEEP SAVTIM MODTIM CDWIN% CURRENT% ROM::sa37snd.fonW) *KW.O *KW.O Press Escape to Minimize Window OxH@[ Exiting LOG-IT! Options+ ModifyOm+ Stop TimerOs+ Minimize WindowOw Os@[ Om@[ OsH@`[5 OmH@[ OwH@[ AACTIVE% ASTAT% TOFRONT CANSND PSTAT% CDSND$ AACTIVE% NOTE$ CURRENT% FanfareC[ sys$al01 Soft BellsC[ sys$al02 Church BellsC[ sys$al03 SilentC[ Has ExpiredK( \App\Pelican\Pelican.libO Pelican Library Not Found( +"Load the Pelican.lib file into any \App\Pelican Directory.O ContinueO \App\Pelican\pelican.libK LOGHELP \App\Logit\Loghelp.rscO Help File Not Found SMAX% LPOS% SLIN% GETTOP SADD% SUPD% SMAX% SDEL% |NB\[ +# LOG-IT! Version 5.22 ( LOGTOT TIMSTR$ LWIN% FILTER$ VIEW% MWIN% Wait Selected: AllW2O Selected: All T+ Selected + Selected Time: Time: hrsK Logit52.idfKO Welcome to LOG-IT! 5.22( +$This Version has an Important UpdateO +:The accuracy of charges is now fixed to the decimal places +>set by you in the preferences. If you are viewing elapsed time +>with 2 decimal places, the charges will be based on this level + LOADLIB LOADHELP GETTOP+ ADJPOS SHOWVER< DRAWTOT