Version 1.0 ----------- First Public release. Version 1.0a ------------ Fixed problem with Escape in Save Setup dialog. Fixed problem with QuickSearching and FreezeFields (only allowed on field 1 originally). Fixed problem with Tab being inserted when exiting Edit and Caps Lock was on. Fixed problem with initial display of Marked records if the cursor was at a record greater than the total Marked record list. Fixed problem of inability to switch off Labels in Page mode. Fixed problem with logical search only accepting one logical statement correctly. Added Shift-Psion-X to the menu. Switched window size options for Status Window to more closely resemble Psion Apps. Added Shift-Enter to go back a record (similar to Data). Added cursor saving between Marked and Normal list so that cursor will remain where it was in the list (this does not work at the first display - the cursor always will go to the top of the list initially). QuickSearch string is now cleared after 1 minute of non-use. Busy note added for closing down large files. Added e-mail addresses to About dialog. Version 1.0b ------------ Fixed problem with Label Edit not always showing field type correctly. Fixed problem of Help not working in Edit mode. Fixed Link/Paste outward-bound (broken in 1.0a). Fixed problem with saving marked records sometimes failing with 'Unable to create ...'. Fixed problem with Ctrl-Shift-Psion-Help causing app to fail - it now does nothing! (it is not easy to implement) Fixed problem of Delete not copying data to Clipboard first (not sure when this was broken - maybe not in a release). Fixed problem of Wrap characters in View Page and Edit working in reverse (now no wrap on Edit - switchable in View). Fixed problem of 'spurious' Cannot compress Flash media messages appearing. Fixed problem of field types not appearing when entering first record of new file. Fixed problem of find sometimes corrupting the screen when nothing found. Fixed problem of altering font in Edit mode causing Line mode spacing to be corrupted. Hopefully fixed problem with occasional panic #82. Changed the method of displaying reversed labels in Marked Files List. Added Mark records with Shift-Up and Shift-Down. Added ability to switch and create files from System Screen (using Enter). Added Search (and Replace) in Edit window. Added Highlight to single search find in Page mode (see appropriate section for getout though). Extended Dial check so that telephone symbol can be embedded in the data. Label display status is now different for Page and Line modes (the selection is independent). Version 1.1 ----------- Fixed problem of not showing more than 32 fields. Fixed problem of Enter from the System screen to change the open file hanging the keyboard. Fixed the problem of the name on the System screen being wrong when the file was changed using Enter. Fixed problem of Status window confusing the Edit window. Fixed problem of merging text files with very long lines - now breaks them down correctly. Fixed problem of Setup sometimes not being saved and corrupting setup of next file when file changed from System screen. Fixed problem of, when saving selected records to text, first record in database always included. Fixed requirement to Tab twice when moving to Page display from QuickSearch in Line mode. Fixed small problem with scroll in Line mode sometimes leaving the occasional dot on the screen. Added Wildcard search. Added display of QuickSearch string. Added Global Search and Replace with optional selected field. Added Dialog to suspend saving Setup. Added options in Save As text to save data in quotes and also save the Labels in a separate file. Changed Labels only saved when exiting the file. Sort now dynamically allocates memory so there is no absolute limit to the number of records in a file that can be sorted (it may fail around 1500-2000 records because of memory limitations though). Added 'Are you sure' dialog to auto set widths (Psion-I). Added Fieldname to giPrint during QuickSearch. QuickSearch now works after a memory sort. QuickSearch now accepts Umlaute's etc. Added very simple password control. Added sound toggle for session (Shift-Psion-B). Added option to overwrite file rather than merge in Merge. Added option to toggle Labels within Edit. Adapted Wrap lines on menu to reflect state. Version 1.1a ------------ Fixed problem with importing a file with the fields in quotes when the quotes are missing. Fixed problem of Edit eating memory. Slightly speeded up Merge although it's still a good imitation of a tortoise. Added Merge Busy message. Changed Save As quotes so that value fields are not 'quoted' (similar to most other databases). Added smallest font to selection. Dial now ignores brackets round numbers. Version 1.1b ------------ Dialogs now remember what was set earlier consistently. Added Case dependency selection to Searches. Added ability to use commas in Dial. Fixed problem of Shift-Enter cutting off last character of preceding line in Line Mode. Fixed problem with Find with wildcard not finding all matches. Fixed problem with zero width fields upsetting line display. Version 1.2 ----------- Fixed problem with edited Phone Number in dial system giving incorrect numbers. Fixed problem of record numbers font not changing in Page display. Fixed problem of Global Search and Replace showing finds other than in a single field when that mode selected. Fixed problem of Dial dialog showing wrong number from marked record list. Removed failure statement when Escape is pressed in 'No. of fields' dialog after Create a new file is used from the System screen. Adjusted Wildcard search so that '*' is not automatically put on the front of the search string. Improved printing so that a marked record list can be printed. Now allows Read Only files to be viewed (not edited). Improved Global Search and Replace so that more than one find in a record is dealt with correctly. Tidied up how and when Labels appear when editing. Added a method of putting the date in automatically (Ctrl-D). Added QuickSearch to Marked records lists. Version 1.2.1 (very short life-span due to bugs) ------------- Changed method of displaying QuickSearch field from momentary display to a dialog which also allows the field to be changed. Added a method of putting the time in automatically (Ctrl-T). Added option to go to edit mode after a Find. Added option for QuickSearch to check all fields. Added display of field in final dial dialog. Added option to allow QuickSearch on first field to search within rather than from the start of the field. Version 1.2.1a -------------- Fixed password control (broken in 1.2.1). Fixed problem of Search Menu displaying same item twice. Fixed problem of Menu not showing correct Mark list type when first formed. Version 1.2.1b -------------- Fixed problem of QS field display not showing All when set. Fixed QS type not being updated on Menu after change. Fixed QS options not being saved with the datafile. Fixed problem of New file password setting not working. Fixed problem with Edited phone number not dialling correctly. Fixed problem with Save-As marked records list as Data file causing failure. Fixed record number in Page mode sometimes showing in incorrect font. Fixed problem with line display getting confused when field widths set to zero. Fixed obscure problem with merged databases causing program to fail. Added message to show Setup has been saved when force save used. Version 1.3 ----------- Added Numerical Sort (Shift-Ctrl-Psion-N). Added ability to Modify number of fields. Added display of marked records in Normal Line mode (italic and bold text). Added ability to hide designated fields (Shift-Psion-W). Added ability to toggle Marked records with Psion-Spacebar. Added method of displaying fields in a different order (Shift-Psion- D). Added memory sort to Marked records lists (this happens automatically now). Added display of total number of records found after a multi-search. Added option to seed empty fields for sort with high character. Fixed problem with last character of imported text going missing again! Fixed occasional program failure when Finding for a second time. Fixed Save Setup Suspend not working. Fixed 1st two field widths being set to zero when fields 31 & 32 are set to zero! Fixed cursor in marked items not always behaving correctly. Fixed deleting marked records when memory sort active deleting wrong records! Fixed text import not accepting 'Other' character as delimiter. Fixed occasional termination of descenders when scrolling in Line mode. Fixed occasional problem of Labels getting corrupted if Esc is pushed to terminate Label Edit. Fixed QuickSearch in Memory Sort corrupting the screen when the search starts with 'A'. Stopped Shift-Tab from inserting a Tab before terminating Edit. Changed Tab input in Edit to be the same as Data (Ctrl-Tab). Changed Add Record so that it behaves like Data (i.e. you add records until Escape is pressed). Changed key for Accept in dialogs to be Enter rather than 'A'. Changed the Dial system so it is now exactly like that of Data (including the Button options). Version 1.4 ----------- Fixed Tab not changing records in Edit if font zoomed. Fixed Copy/Insert not working between Edits of records. Fixed Psion-G on Last record causing program to fail. Fixed Labels in Edit not intially aligning if data would normally wrap in display mode. Fixed Shift-Delete in Edit not working correctly. Fixed rogue blank line when printing records in Line mode. Fixed problem of deleting marked record in All view putting marked records out of step. Fixed problem of total of marked records display not being corrected after mass deletion. Fixed problem of not being able to include accented letters after saving the text. Fixed Marked List memory sort displaying incorrectly in Page view. Fixed problem of delimiters within Quoted Text imports being acted on. Fixed display not adjusting correctly when Labels hidden - wrap was not working across the whole screen. Fixed problem of Replace window remaining after a Search and Replace whilst in Edit mode. Pressing Escape when in Save-As 2nd dialog now aborts the save. Pressing Escape when in Global Search and Replace (All) now stops the procedure. Stopped Compress of file when exiting using Shift-Psion-X. Allowed searching of marked records to create new marked records list. Sort direction and NULL position now stored with file. Multi/Single find flag stored with file. Stopped screen rewrite after Compress. Removed option from Field Search - this caused an error to occur when selected. Stopped program aborting when using the Menu in Edit mode and selecting Tab or Escape options (it now does nothing). Changed 'All' in QuickSearch field selection to '' to stop confusion with fieldnames. Altered Delete so that marked records can be deleted en-masse in any view. Altered display in Line display so that multi-line fields are shown with the lines just separated by a space. Improved Text Merging to account for different varieties of NewLine line and record termination. Text Merge (Overwrite method only) now allows the first record to be treated as Labels and files can be saved in that format. Export as Text now optionally deals with Shift-Enter in fields as a new line. Export as Text with Newline delimiter now saves blank fields with a space. Export as Text with Quotes now allows the chosen delimiter to exist within the data. Phone dialling now accepts numbers separated by Shift-Enter. Added ability to save labels with each record and to strip them off when merging. Added Psion-Tab to find next QuickSearch match in Page mode. Modify Fields now automatically adjusts the Labels accordingly. Symbols now appear in Page mode view as well as Edit mode - changed toggle to Shift-Psion-Y. Print should now deal with Shift-Enter in Fields correctly. Sort is now normally case sensitive but can be changed. Closing the app from the System screen will now save the Setup at the time. Added a simple history memory to access previous records (use Ctrl- Cursor-Up to go backwards/Ctrl-Cursor-Down for forwards. Added the ability to ignore full stops in dial codes (e.g. 20.20.20). Added Jump to Field in Line mode (Psion-/). Added ability to Remap fields as a merge of files occurs. Added Remove Duplicate records. Version 1.4a ------------ Fixed problem with importing Combined Labels with Data if quotes used. Fixed problem with Jump to Field not working from Menu. Shift-Psion-Y now works in Line mode as well as Page mode (but symbols only viewable in Page mode). Fixed problem with Global Search and Replace not replacing hits if a later hit in a record is flagged not to replace. Fixed problem with Global Search and Replace looking after the single field even when this option is selected. Fixed problem of deleting highlighted text in Edit box deleting all Shift-Enters in record. After an edit in full database display any marked records are unmarked. Tab now toggles cursor on and off in Page mode. Jump now remembers last jump. Version 1.4b ------------ Attempted fix on problem of Descriptive record sometimes being deleted. Fixed problem with numbers scrolling in Page mode. Fixed problem of QuickSearch in Found List in Line mode sometimes losing cursor. Fixed problem with Menu Psion-'-' behaving as if Shift were pressed. Fixed problem of Save-As corrupting Labels and setup when file closed after action. Compress on exit and closedown now only occurs if the Setup has changed (otherwise the file grows too fast ). Record Number display now can be configured differently in Page and Line views. Changed QS so that it always searches from 1st character unless otherwise specified regardless of field number. Version 1.4c ------------ Fixed a severe problem with exporting to a text file.