PSIONWPDATAFILE ROM::PSAPPLE.WDR BTNormal Indent FOfooter HEheading 5 HDheading 4 HCheading 3 HBheading 2 HAheading 1 NONormal Indent Indent Indent Indent Indent Indent Indent NNNormal UUUnderline BBBold IIItalic EESuperscript SSSubscript 0Use the Menu Key to Navigate this Document in Outline View Registration details are at the end of this file. JAM V3.0 The AGENDA view that PSION forgot! Martin Sturgess March 1995 Introduction JAM is an application which gives a Monthly View for PSION 3A Agenda Files. I wrote this application because, despite it's many excellent features, there is no easy way to search for "free" time using AGENDA. I needed an application with which I could quickly determine when I have free time to arrange a meeting or appointment. Once on the JAM icon you can view 28 days x 12 Hours at a time in a couple of clicks. Try it out and see how much faster you can interpret your AGENDA using JAM! To maximize speed I have included a SNAPSHOT facility which will instantaneously display the JAM window as it appeared when you last launched JAM. This facility allows you to process the AGENDA file, quit JAM then display the JAM window later without the need for reprocessing. Installation Copy JAMV3.OPA to your \APP\ directory and install in the usual way by pressing< PSION>< I>. Getting Started Launch JAM by selecting one of the AGENDA files listed below the JAMV3 Icon and press ENTER. Startup options Use SnapShot This option may appear when you start JAM. This will rapidly load the JAM window with Timed entries as they appeared when JAM was last run. The snapshot files are JAMA.TMP and JAMB.TMP in the \OPD\ directory. No harm is done if you wish to delete them, new ones will be created by JAM. Include Repeats Repeat processing is relatively slow so if you can remember your repeat entries you have the option of disregarding the repeats. You may find some speed benefits by changing repeats with a very old start date to start closer to today. To do this you will need to change the end date of the repeat to before today and add a new repeat starting from today. This will not effect daily or weekly repeats but will effect monthly by date, monthly by days and annual repeats. Display Text whilst Processing This will display the text of each entry as JAM reads the AGENDA file. This will slow processing slightly. How many Days in Window The JAM window is scrollable so you can use anything between 1 and 56 days. Larger windows require more memory and will take longer to process. Use Procedure Cache With this turned on JAM will allocate a dynamically variable cache to optimize speed. JAM will use as much memory as is needed up to the maximum available. If the Procedure Cache is off JAM will use less memory but will be slower. Play Sound when processing complete Allows you to turn off the short tone. Start Time of Window Sets the hour which appears at the top of the screen. Primarily for those whose working day is not 9-5. Menus Exits the Application New Start Date Reprocess the file using a new start date. Default start date is today. Process Next Window Reprocess the file starting from the day after the end of the current window. Options Exclude Repeats Valid during processing only. Cancels the processing of any further repeats. Add Timed Entry Valid after processing. Allows you to write a timed entry to the AGENDA File. Alarm can be included although you may only use RINGS,CHIMES or SILENT sounds. This is only available in the second module, JAMREG3.OPO. About Displays Registration information and Help. Search Forward Find Searches from the current day to the end of the window, i.e. from Start Date to Start Date+Days in window. Search is not case sensitive. Function Keys displays the Menus. Note that the Menus are different during and after processing. Arrows Moves the cursor 1 day or 1 hour. Arrows Moves the cursor 12 hours or 7 days. whilst the cursor is on an entry will display the text of the entry. Memos are not displayed. <+> will display all entries after the cursor position. will cancel the entry details display. will display the Shareware message and details of the Function Keys. The Shareware message is suppressed by the presence of JAMREG3.OPO.

will toggle the display to early am, mid day, late PM then back to normal. Toggles display of day month year info. Toggle this off for faster cursor movement. Toggles the display of Entry Text whilst moving in the window. Sharing JAM with the AGENDA The AGENDA file must not be open by AGENDA when the file is processed by JAM or when adding entries. You CAN open the AGENDA file from the AGENDA application after JAM has finished processing. Registered users will obtain an additional module to automatically close the AGENDA file then reopen it from AGENDA when JAM quits. This will allow you to run JAM on an AGENDA file irrespective of whether AGENDA has it open. Printing from JAM Although JAM does not include an option to print, you can print the current screen contents by saving the screen to a file then using a suitable drawing application to open then print the Screen dump. To save the current screen press ctrl+shft+PSION+s. This will create M:\SCREEN.PIC. Version History V1 (Jan 95) Original version. V1a (9th Feb 95) Minor bug fixes and additional functionality. 1. Tone now sounds at the end of processing of the AGENDA File. 2. JAM looked for the additional JAM.OPO ( now called JAMREG.OPO) module in the \APP\ directory of the disk on which the AGENDA file resided. JAM now looks for this module in M:\APP\ A:\APP\ and B:\APP\ 3. The Use Snapshot option now correctly warns if Repeat processing was turned off during the previous session. V2.0 18th Feb 1995 1. JAM now checks for the existence of the\ OPD\ Directory and will create one if not present. 2. Play Sound on completion of processing is now an option. 3. The date format has been changed to ddd dd mmm yy when displaying the text of entries. The previous format was ddd dd/mm/yy. 4. An uncommon bug which displayed unintelligible text when there were no entries for the specified period has been fixed. 5. JAM version 1 Users were invited to request the JAM1.OPO module before registering. This facility no longer applies. JAM1.OPO is not compatible with JAM Version 2. 6. Registered users now receive an additional module named JAMREG.OPO. 7. The P key now acts as a Peeking key. This will toggle the display to view Early Morning , Mid Day then afternoon/evening. This reduces the need to scroll up and down using arrow keys. 8. JAM is now approximately 10% faster. 9. The D key will toggle the GIPRINTing of the day,month,year information whilst moving with the arrow keys. 10. The key now jumps to a date. 11. The key jumps to first day of first window. 12. The slow scrolling when using PSION + Arrows has been fixed. 13. Psion + Up or Down arrows now jumps 4 hours. This was 12 previously. 14. A Forward Find function has been added to the Menu. 15. JAM now checks if the AGENDA file is smaller than it was due to compression. Snapshot will NOT be an option since the text of the entries would be corrupt. 16. SNAPSHOT dialogue now tells you how long ago the SNAPSHOT was created. 17. SNAPSHOT dialogue now warns about compression. This is to ctach the situation where the AGENDA file has been compressed and new entries added thus making the file bigger than when the snapshot was created. V3.0 31st March 1995 1. Added the E key option which toggles display of Entry Text whilst moving in the Window. 2. Changed the way in which Entry Text is looked up. In version 2 the snapshot file contained pointers to where the text is in the Agenda File. This required the AGENDA file to be closed in order to see the text. In Version 3 the Entry text is stored in the snapshot file. This makes the Snapshot file larger but allows text to be displayed whilst moving in the Window. Also the problem with corrupted entry text has been eliminated since it does not matter if the AGENDA file has been modified since the snapshot was created. The AGENDA File now only needs to be closed during the initial processing phase and when adding an entry. 3. A rudimentary Memory check has been implemented. This will reduce the size of the window when memory is low and will prevent JAM from running if there is insufficient memory. 4. By popular demand an additional option to choose the start time of the window has been added. 5. To reduce the memory used by JAMV3 the window is now Black and White with no grey plane. This will be of great benefit to those using 256K machines. 6. Time format for registered users will be am/pm or 24 hour as set in the Formats option of the TIME application. The format will thus be the same as the AGENDA application. How to Register Registration Fee The fee for JAMV3 is 10 Sterling which is approximately $15 US Dollars. Please add 2-50 Sterling ($5-00 US Dollars) handling fee if you wish to receive JAMREG3.OPO on a floppy disk. What you get when you register Registered Users will receive JAMREG.OPO which : Enables allows the addition of Timed Entries to an AGENDA file from within JAM. Will automatically tell AGENDA to close the file if it has it open and the reopen it again after the initial processing is complete. This obviates the need to manually close the AGENDA file before launching JAM then manually opening the file afterwards. Automatically saves the last selected options in the New Start Date dialog. Automatically sets the time format to am/pm or 24 hour. The settings set in the Formats option of TIME application will be used. Registering via Compuserve Compuserve users can use the GO SWREG facility to register on-line. Author: Martin Sturgess CompuServe ID [100545,2662] Program Title JAM VERSION 3 Registration ID 4757 Fee (US$) 15.00 On registration I'll mail you JAMREG3.ZIP. Registering via post or Internet My internet address is Send the shareware fee to the postal address on the order form below but please include your Internet Address and home address so that I can contact you in the event of problems. I do not want to take your money then be unable to get the file to you! On receipt of the registration fee I will send UUENCODED JAMREG3.ZIP. If you are unsure as to whether this format will work then please mail me and I'll send a test application toprove the integrity of the communications path. I will also use BINHEX format ( for Macintosh users) if required. Standalone Users The easiest method is to find someone with a Compusurve Account. If you cannot do this then send the Shareware Fee to the postal address below but please add a postage/handling/Floppy fee of the equivalent of 2-50 UK Pounds Sterling and I'll send a PC Floppy containing JAMREG3.OPO. If you use a Mac then please state this and I'll place JAMREG3.OPO on a Macintosh Floppy. If you are reading this a long time after March 1995 then you can always send a reply paid envelope for me to verify that I'm still alive and collecting mail from my PO BOX! Method of Payment I can accept payment in the following formats: Normal Cheque to the Value of 10 (or 12-50) EUROPE Eurocheque or cheque in YOUR OWN currency to the equivalent of 10 (or 12-50) Pounds Sterling. Cheque in US Dollars to the equivalent of 10 ( or 12-50) Pounds Sterling. Other Countries Cheque in YOUR OWN currency to the equivalent of 10 (or 12-50) Pounds Sterling. Postal Address Martin Sturgess PO BOX 45 TONBRIDGE TN9 1AL UNITED KINGDOM Order Form Martin Sturgess PO BOX 45 TONBRIDGE TN9 1AL From: Name: Address: Internet Address: Compuserve Address: Please send me JAMREG3.OPO by the following method: [ ] PC Floppy Disk [ ] Macintosh Floppy Disk [ ] Via Internet mail UUENCODED [ ] Via Internet mail BINHEXED [ ] Via Compuserve mail (but why not use GO SWREG?) I enclose a registration cheque payable to Martin Sturgess to the value of 10 Pounds Sterling or equivalent in my own currency. 12-50 Pounds Sterling or equivalent in my own currency.(Floppy Disk via post) Signed -------------------------------- Disclaimer I have tried and tested JAM as much as possible and use it myself on a daily basis on a PSION3a 256K. I do not accept any responsibility or liability for any damage to hardware or data caused by the use of JAM. I will, however, do my best to assist in the event of problems. Martin Sturgess 30th March 1995 ZBBB2 ZANN$ BTNNL BTNN] BTNN^ CTNNT CTNNk CTNN$ CTNN' CTNNh BTNNH CTNNN CTNNM CTNN, CTNNZ CTNN" CTNN% CTNN CTNNf CTNNe CTNNO CTNNX HBNNC BTNNe BTNN] BTNN! CTNN. BLNN@ BLNN BLNN BLNNq BLNN` BLNN> BLNN& BLII> BLNN| BLNNH BLNN) BLNNo BLNN' BLNN8 BLNNA BLNNI BLNN8 BLNNK BLNN[ BLNNk BLNNa HBNNJ BTNNo BTNN2 BTNNR BLNN7 BLBB BTNNE BTNN+ BTNN! BTNN: BTNN= BTNN< BTNN; BTNN% BTNNZ HBNN/ BTNN. 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