@@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@ Mega Media Player 1.1 (C) 1992, 1993 Steve Goldsmith All Rights Reserved * NOTICE THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE! If you paid a public domain vendor or communications service for this product, you paid for the service of copying or transferring the product, and not for the product itself. I guarantee you that nothing ever gets to the originator of this product from such a sale. You may evaluate this product, but if you make use of it, you must register your copy. I offer several incentives for you to register. First of all, you receive the most up-to-date copy of the program that I have which is updated on a regular basis. You also receive support for Mega Media Player which can be quite valuable. Finally, you get an assortment of professionally recorded ZBF sound files and late breaking information on new developments such as the Z Blaster Developer's package not included in this evaluation package. * REGISTRATION INFORMATION The non-commercial registration fee for Mega Media Player 1.0 is $10.00 plus $3.00 for shipping in US funds. Send a check or money order for the appropriate amount to: Steve Goldsmith 2805 Jamaica Street Sarasota, FL 34231 Please indicate what product you are ordering and if you have a requirement for 3.5" media. I normally ship 5.25" Commodore GCR format diskettes, but will furnish 3.5" media upon request. Customers outside of the United States and Canada should include an extra $5.00 for airmail. If you are a registered user of this product and desire an update, please send $6.00 for handling and I will ship you an up-to-date copy. * DISTRIBUTION NOTICE This is "user-supported" software. You are hereby granted a license by Steve Goldsmith to distribute this evaluation copy of Mega Media Player and its documentation, subject to the following conditions: 1. Mega Media Player may be distributed freely without charge in evaluation form only. 2. Mega Media Player may not be sold, licensed, or a fee charged for its use. If a fee is charged in connection with Mega Media Player, it must cover the cost of copying or dissemination only. Such charges must be clearly identified as such by the originating party. Under no circumstances may the purchaser be given the impression that he is buying Mega Media Player itself. 3. Mega Media Player must be presented as a complete unit, including this documentation. Neither Mega Media Player nor its documentation may be amended or altered in any way. 4. By granting you the right to distribute the evaluation form of Mega Media Player, you do not become the owner of Mega Media Player in any form. Any other use, distribution or representation of Mega Media Player is expressly forbidden without the written consent of Steve Goldsmith. Commodore 128 is a trademark of Commodore Business Machines. CP/M and CP/M 3.0 are trademarks of Digital Research. * OVERVIEW Mega Media Player allows you to create multimedia shows on a C128 running CP/M 3.0 or compatible operating system! Mega Media Player uses a simple script file to combine graphics and digitized sound sequences into a awesome show for the eyes and ears! Best of all you can get graphics and sound files from existing sources or you can create your own. * REQUIREMENTS + A C128 or C128D running CP/M 3.0 or compatible OS + At least one 1541 or 100% compatible drive. + external amplified sound output such as a stereo is recommended + 64K VDC and 80 column monitor for viewing PCX images only + Z Blaster Kit 2.0 or later for making your own ZBF files * WHAT'S NEW WITH VERSION 1.1 Fixed false out of memory problem causing .ZBF files to be skipped. Now you can use all of the available heap space! No strange video display when setting the VDC to 64K. PCX viewer is now overlaid in MMPLAY.000. You need to include this with MMPLAY.COM in the same drive and user. MMPLAY.DOC with version 1.0 incorrectly stated that is was for version 2.0. When you run MMPLAY.COM it correctly states which version it is. * MEGA MEDIA PLAYER Mega Media Player MMPLAY.COM is a command line driven .MMF file player. To play a file: [D:]MMPLAY [D:]FILENAME FILENAME = standard 1 to 8 character CP/M file name without .MMF extension. MMPLAY will play a Multi Media File (.MMF) you create with your favorite text file editor or word processor. Some error recovery is automatic, but there are fatal errors which will be reported after processing the .MMF file is complete. * MMF FILE FORMAT The .MMF file format is straight forward and flexible. What follows is a sample .MMF file. ;This is a comment. Blank lines are allowed too! Chain chainfil ;chain will execute chainfil.mmf after playing ;zbf sequences ViewPCX pcxfile ;viewpcx will view 1 bit pcx file pcxfile.pcx ;before playing sound sequences LoadZBF ;load zbf files file1, file2 and file3 into memory file1 file2 file3 End ;end of load block PlayZBF ;play zbf sequences file1 file1 file1 file2 file2 file2 file3 file3 file3 End ;end of play block * MMF COMMANDS MMPLAY reads a .MMF line, strips comments and converts it to upper case, so .MMF text is not case sensitive. The first pass on the .MMF file is used to collect information about how many files and sequences to process. The second pass processes the commands if the .MMF completes the first pass without any errors. Below is a detailed description of each command. CHAIN FILENAME CHAIN (not required) is used to allow you to run multiple .MMF files in sequence. FILENAME is the .MMF file you want to run next. Do not use the .MMF extension because it is added automatically. VIEWPCX FILENAME VIEWPCX (not required) displays a 1 bit .PCX file on the VDC screen before .ZBF files are loaded and played. FILENAME is the .PCX file you want to display. Do not use the .PCX extension because it is added automatically. If the .PCX is greater than 640 X 200 then only the top left 640 X 200 is displayed. If a error occurs such as file not found then VIEWPCX is skipped, no image is displayed and processing resumes. A 64K VDC and 80 column monitor is required to use VIEWPCX. If the VDC is not set for 64K then MMPLAY moves the character sets to a buffer, sets the VDC to use 64K and restores the character sets. LOADZBF FILENAME END LOADZBF (required) loads the .ZBF file(s) you want to play. FILENAME is the .ZBF to load. Multiple file names are separated by at least one space (FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 ...). END (required) tells MMPLAY that there are no more files to load. Do not use the .ZBF extension because it is added automatically. You are limited to about a 36K work area, so keep an eye on the size of the .ZBFs. If there is not enough memory to hold the .ZBF then it is skipped. PLAYZBF FILENAME END PLAYZBF (required) plays the .ZBF files loaded in memory. FILENAME is the .ZBF to play. Multiple file names are separated by at least one space (FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 ...). END (required) tells MMPLAY that there are no more files to play. Do not use the .ZBF extension because it is added automatically. REST FILENAME REST (not required) is used inside a PLAYZBF block to silence the SID for the duration of FILENAME. The first file in the LOADZBF block cannot be RESTed. Do not use the .ZBF extension because it is added automatically. Each PlayZBF sequence is assigned a two byte index that points to the .ZBF in memory. REST causes a negative index to be stored. There must be enough memory to hold all the .ZBFs and two byte indexes in memory at the same time. * HOW TO CONTACT ME Please report any support questions (for registered users only), problems, suggestions, etc. to me via GEnie as S.GOLDSMITH2, voice phone (813) 925-1064 or mail to: Steve Goldsmith 2805 Jamaica Street Sarasota, FL 34231