PLAYSID V3.0 (C)1990-94 Per Håkan Sundell & Ron Birk Release date: 1 Aug 1994 NOTE: From version 2.1 of PlaySID kickstart 2.04 (v37) or above is required! This is because it makes heavy use of Release 2 System routines. This is SHAREWARE, not Public Domain. That means that if you like this program and want further updates, you can be a registered owner by sending us $15. It also means that you can copy this program only if all files (including this) are included and nothing is changed. You are not allowed to replicate any portion of the program, both code or data. Note also that we take no responsibilities for the use of this program considering any damage to or failure of your hardware , software etc. You have the permission to put this unmodified and full archive on any BBS, FTP site, CD Rom, Magazine, Disk etc. In other words, the archive may be freely distributed as long as no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs. If you just like the program, PLEASE let us know so by sending us a postcard or similiar to the addresses below. NEW FEATURES: V3.0 (1994) * Uses PLAYSID.LIBRARY (please read separate docs) * Support of XPK Data Compression * Realtime waveform and envelope display (uses low priority task) * Shows C64 pictures (Koala, Blazing Paddles, Doodle, Adv Art Studio etc.) * TV System detection and selection * Channel on/off selection * PlaySID is now a commodity * Uses a config file for settings * Multifile selection (music and pictures) * Ability to show and hide PlaySID windows * Second PlaySID instance redirect modules to the running one * PlaySID font removed * More arexx commands * Many major bugs corrected PRODUCT INFO: This is a utility which uses the playsid.library to emulate the SID and 6510 chip. The SID chip is the component in the C64 computer that handles sound. The 6510 chip is the CPU of the C64, that means the component that actually executes all programs. Because the Amiga does not have these chips and others, you can't run C64 programs directly on Amiga. Now this utility lets you play all those C64 programs that produce sound. As you probably know, the C64 has three sound channels (the amiga has four). But this utility also allows use of the fourth channel. This channel is the product of some special programming on the C64, it isn't really a channel. The purpose of this product is to make the best conversion of C64 sound on Amiga ever possible. If you think some sound isn't correctly converted please let us know. This utility is designed to work with true multitasking, under any system version and any amiga model. It can be run from both Workbench and CLI/Shell. It should work with any other program that don't use sound or timing. If this isn't the fact please let us know. Some time ago we released a similar product called "The 100 most remembered C64 game-tunes". This product is the version 3.0 of that program. The tunes on that demonstration disk are now also available to this version. And up to date there are more than 400 tunes available. We and others are also working with more. PLAYSID LIBRARY The playsid.library is a standard amiga library where all the C64 music emulation is done. You can now add support for PlaySID modules in your own programs!! REMEMBER that you still need to supply the whole PlaySID archive with your program and CAN NOT only extract the library. Read the library documentation for more information. PROGRAM INSTALLATION: From v3.0 and on PlaySID uses a library called "playsid.library". This file should be in your LIBS: directory. To use this utility from Workbench you could assign SID: to a directory containing PlaySID. Then all you have to do is to double click on the icon of the tune you want to play. You could also just select the icon of the tune, then press the shift key and hold it down while double clicking on the PlaySID icon. If you want to run this utility from CLI/Shell, just put the directory containing PlaySID in your path (e.g. c: ) and then write: PlaySID [/] STARTUP PARAMETERS WORKBENCH: From Workbech PlaySID uses startup parameters in in its icon tooltypes. CX_POPUP = Use "Yes" if you want the PlaySID windows showable at the startup. A "No" means all windows will be hidden instead. Default is "Yes". CX_POPKEY = The key combination is used as a HotKey for the PlaySID main window. Default key is "Ctrl Shift P". CX_PRORITY = This sets the priority of the commodity engine in PlaySID. Default value is zero. IF you do not know what this parameter is used for, please leave it then. SHELL/CLI: From Shell or CLI you can supply extra parameters after the PlaySID command. CX_POPUP, CX_POPKEY and CX_PRIORITY Same as above tooltypes parameters. FILES = A list of the files to play. The first one is loaded at startup. As default no file is loaded and played. PROGRAM USAGE: It works almost like an ordinary cassette player, with the symbols for play, forward, rewind, pause and stop. While PlaySID is active you can just drag a tune icon and drop it on the PlaySID window. To most commands there are keyboard shortcuts. l - Play a - Pause s - Stop t - Next Tune T - Previous Tune o - Open p - Previus module n - Next module The menu have more options like about, open, quit, filter, rewind and display. The filter option turns on and off the amiga sound filter. Please try it. REWIND BUTTON: If the rewind option is turned on, the rewind gadget will be enabled first when you press the play gadget. The rewind routines are very complex and need a lot of memory. Thats the reason of the option. It takes approximately 30k every minute of playing. REAL-TIME DISPLAY: From version 3.0 of PlaySID and on, a special window with real-time information about envelopes and waveforms is included. To enable the window, use the display option in the menu. SHOW C64 PICTURES: This option opens a screen with a C64 Picture. The first 2 bytes is the loading address and is ignored by PlaySID. Then follows a 8000 bytes bitmap and a 1000 bytes charmap. For multicolor pictures there is also a 1000 bytes colormap and 1 byte holding the background color. The order and base addresses is depending on the file format. PlaySID have support for the following formats: HIRES Art Studio Image System Doodle MULTICOLOR Koala Advanced Art Studio Vidcom 64 Image System Blazing Paddles XPK AND POWERPACKER SUPPORT: Version 2.2 of PlaySID and above support powerpacked files. V3.0 and above also support the XPK Compression libraries. If PlaySID finds XPK or Powerpacker installed all file loading is done with it. To save space you can now crunch all your files, e.g. songs and pictures. ONE-FILE FORMAT: Many users requested a new "one file" format of PlaySID data files. The file SIDConv on the disk will convert a regular data/icon file to the new one-file format or the opposite. Of course these new files can be crunched as well. SIDConv iconfile newfile - To convert a data/icon file to the "one file" format. SIDConv one-filefile newfile ICON - To convert a file in "one file" format to the regular data/icon file. AREXX PORT: PlaySID have an Arexx Port named 'PLAYSID'. This mean that you now have full controll of PlaySID through your arexx scripts. Supplied with this release are two examples of what you can do with arexx: Jukebox - This will take given file as input and play each module the amount of time given. Try: RX Jukebox JukeDemo Preview - This will play each tune in given module for 10 sec. Like the preview found in CD Players. Try: RX Preview Songs/RunTheGauntlet Arexx commands supported: SID_PLAY() - Start current tune SID_STOP() - Stop current tune SID_PAUSE() - Toggles the pause state of the current playing tune SID_QUIT() - Quit PlaySID SID_LOAD(module) - Load into PlaySID SID_SETTUNE(tune) - Set to current one SID_NUMTUNES() - return number of tunes SID_SHOW() - Show PlaySID windows SID_HIDE() - Hide PlaySID windows TOOL TYPE INFO: Syntax of the Tooltypes of .info: SIDSONG = If "yes", the module is recognized as a Compute! SID .mus-file. Default is "No". ADDRESS = ,, ;in hex loadaddress should be the C64 adress where the file should be loaded. If 0 is specified, the first two bytes of the file will instead be used as loadaddress. initaddress should point to a subroutine which initializes the tunenr in accumulator (starting with $00). If 0 is specified, then the initaddress will be the first C64 address loaded. playaddress should point to a subroutine which plays a note of the song. This will be called as often as described in the speed parameter. If 0 is specified, then the playaddress will be the address of the interrupt initialized by the subroutine at the initaddress. This address will be the contents of $0314/0315 or $FFFE/FFFF depending on what value $0001 contains. SONGS = ,[] ;in dec The number of tunes the module have and the startup tune to play. Default values are 1 tune and the first tune as startup tune. SPEED = ;in hex speeddata contains info about playspeed. For each tune a bit is reserved, bit 0 for tune nr 1 and so on. A 0 bit means vertical sync (50Hz PAL or 60Hz NTSC) and a 1 bit means 60 Hz or the time set in $DC04/05. Default value is 0 for all bits. NAME = ;in ascii AUTHOR = ;in ascii COPYRIGHT = ;in ascii Default values are "?" for the above three tooltypes. TECHNICAL INFO: PlaySID is written with GnuEmacs 18.58 and compiled with SAS/C 6.50 and Devpac 3.02 assembler. The user interface was designed with Toolmaker. It uses about 50kB of chip memory and 160kB of other memory. If playing samples or rewind option is on, more memory will be used. Also add the length of the tune to the amount of other memory. FUTURE FEATURES: This is a list of features that still isn't included into the current version. They will probably be included in future versions. * Save C64 pictures as IFF files. * Show Compute! SID ".mus" file information. * Utilities to create icon files and convert to/from different playsid fileformats. * Features YOU would like to be added (PLEASE WRITE AND TELL US). REGISTRATION: If you want to support our work, you have the option to become a registered owner of this utility and receive further upgrades WHEN THEY ARE READY. Send $15 USD (US DOLLAR) or equal amount in SEK (Swedish Krona) or DM (German Mark). Send it to either address below with your name, address, e-mail, phone etc. If you later change address, PLEASE let us know. Håkan Sundell Ron Birk Dr. Lindhs Gata 3,II Krögarvägen 11 413 25 Göteborg 145 52 Norsborg SWEDEN SWEDEN Those of you who already are registered users and have got one or more upgrade version, and want further upgrades can send either a fully post-paid return letter (swedish stamps!) with a disk or $5 USD for our expenses. You can do this right now so that you will get the upgrade the same moment it is ready. CONTACT ADRESSES: You will reach us through usual mail, phone or Internet mail. Regular mail is very slow so Internet mail is the best way to reach us and is usually answered the very same day! If you want to call us about suggestions, bug report or complains about PlaySID you may call: +46 (0)31 419 418 (Håkan) about 6502 and SID Emulation +46 (0)8 531 88626 (Ron) about Library, User Interface and Features If you have access to Internet you will reach us at the following e-mail addresses: (Håkan) (Ron) THANKS: We want to thank the following people for helping us with the development of PlaySID: Robert Eichelsheim - For supporting us with extremely many ripped tunes and for information about the authors and copyrights. For beta testings and good suggestions about improvements. Bent Nielsen - For supporting good ideas and algorithms about synthesized waveforms. Alexander Andelkovic - For lending us your C64, 1541 and many games to rip songs from. Peter Kunath - For good suggestions and beta testing. Stefan Boberg - For early beta tests and good suggestions. ??? (Florida?) - For giving us the Compute! SID player. Teijo Kinnunen - For making MED! It inspired us to make PlaySID multitask. Olaf Barthel - For making Term! Without it we would still use snail mail during development, as we live 460 km from each other. Registered Users - Thanks for supporting our work. You are the reason for our work. Commodore-Amiga - For making all this possible! LAST WORDS: We hope that you will find this program useful and that it will bring back the old C64 athmosphere to you too... OLD FEATURE LIST: V2.2 (1993) * Powerpacker support * New onefile support V2.1 (1992) * Gadtools controlled workbench window * Appwindow * Arexx port * Keyboard shortcuts * Rewind Button * Open Button * Pause Button * Jukebox (arexx) * Preview (arexx) * Faster emulation of 6502 * Faster and enhanced emulation of waveforms * Faster emulation of ringmodulation/synchronize * Emulation of undocumented 6502 instructions * Enhanced tooltype format V2.0 (1991) * Load icon files * Multitasking and system friendliness * Uses a workbench screen V1.0 - V1.3 (1990) * Old releases...