jk-net (beta) by infinity of browbeat 1993,94 Quick instructions how to use jk-net: 1) Type 'LOADSAVE.ASC' to c64 2) Copy '64' file to par: 3) Type run on c64 and wait transfer to complete 4) assign C64_HD: to your c64 directory on amiga 5) run 'amiga' on amiga 6) Start with sys52780 on c64 And now you can use device 7 on c64. LOAD "$",7 load directory to screen LOAD "FILE",7 load FILE to c64 SAVE "FILE",7 save FILE to amiga Don't use illegal characters on file names: " /*?#~" To quit jk-net you can type: POKE56579,255:POKE56577,4 (it's last line in LOADSAVE.ASC) infinity@niksula.hut.fi