WHAT: Emulator of C= 64 for Amiga computers with 68020 or higher. WHY: Because A64 (both 2.0 and 3.0) sucks IMO. And I think the Amiga deserves good emulators like the PC has. (Update: I've seen Frodo now - good try, but way slower than mine... I think I can beat it.) HOW: First you need 3 files: C64.BASIC, C64.KERNAL, C64.CHARSET. These must be exactly 8192, 8192, and 4096 bytes big. These are just dumps of real C= 64 roms. They are not included for legal reasons, but I think several other emulators actually include them. Put these files in the current directory or in the same directory you store the executable (only helps for KS 2.04 and higher). You can now start the emulator. You can LOAD files that are in RAM: or C64: (assign it where you have you your files). The fileformat is the same as A64 uses. Disk images are not supported. The keyboard is mapped nearly 100% like a real C= 64 so the keys wont always match the Amiga keyboard. The RESTORE key is not mapped at all. The joystick port of your Amiga maps to both C= 64 joystick ports. Bank switching is supported. Hires character mode is the only mode supported. Sound isn't supported. There is no restart option, you have to quit the emulator with the ESCAPE key or left mouse button. SPEED: No. Unless you have an 040/060 that can write 7M/s to chipram. Then perhaps. Unlike many other emulators (but like Frodo!) the relative speed of the screen update and the cpu speed does not change, it will always run internally like a 1MHz PAL C= 64, and never faster than a real C= 64. (Later versions might have adjustable speeds here.) WHY SELECT AXF-64: It does a few things that A64 doesn't. It can do raster bars. It can do raster interrupts and screen changes on a per line basis. It was made with big cpus in mind. TODO: Make limited (not raster interrupt splitable) sprites if you have AGA. First to come is multicolour character mode. I have ideas and all, but I need to test a little to see if I can make it fast enough. AGA support. Not only align bitplanes for more DMA time under AGA, but also use other algorithms to reduce chip bus activity. Sprites. I have code and ideas for that too. Bitmap modes. All timers. I have ready code for that too. Sound. Not sure what to do with this. Perhaps kludge in something with PlaySID? Support disk images. Make different screen update modes for different configurations. New in Alpha 15: Oooops! Sorry to all who downloaded Alpha 13. It relied on my patched Kernal to sniff LOADing :(((. Fixed now, and tested with the ROM that comes with Frodo. Copperlist building logic improved. Code simplified giving smaller size and more speed (a case of blowing the 040 caches methinks). New in Alpha 16: Redid the bankswitch logic for the VIC II chip. Seems to work better now, but I still have some unresolved cases for what to do when $D000 ram is banked in. Looked at raster interrupts, and they don't look good :-(. I got it a little better, but it still needs work... New in Alpha 17: Fixed raster interrupts. Seems to be working 100%. New in Alpha 18: Fixed bug in LOAD patch (returned wrong end of file address). Basic programs still bugs :( (but a little less...). Swapped '<-' and 'DEL' key on request. New in Alpha 19: Fixed idiotic bank switch bug. Since I'm doing my military service at the moment updates may be far and few between, and I wont have any email until summer 1995. I'll snailmail new updates to a friend of mine who will upload them. -Børge Nøst