Noah and the Ark Long, long ago, there lived a man named Noah. Now during the time when Noah lived mankind became very evil. The people on the earth had forgotten about God and did not follow God. Man became so evil that God decided to destroy all the evil people with a great flood. Now Noah was not like the other men on the earth. Noah loved God and did what was good in God's eyes. God told Noah to build a huge boat, called the ark, to keep him and his family safe during the flood. A pair of all the animals would also be kept safe in this big boat. So Noah obeyed God and began to build. When the ark was completed, God brought two of every kind of animal on the earth into the ark. Then God told Noah and his family to get inside. God closed the door. The sky became dark and it started to rain! It rained for forty days and forty nights and water flooded the whole earth. God kept Noah and his family and all the animals safe in the ark.