Black Philes info-library CD-set Black Philes I CD-Rom, 1996-05-07 (3rd Reprint) Black Philes II CD-Rom, 1996-04-02 CD-ROM images made using ClonedCD Black Philes, Information file library for the underground computing scene. [quote] A rare gem, containing a library of text files, mostly related to "underground" subjects, such as hacking, cracking, carding and conspiracy theories, but also general programming and computing topics as well as humor. Meant as bootstrap discs to be placed in a BBS system as "file areas" for users to obtain files from. Was sold by Synchron Data in 1996, generally only within the "scene" meaning mostly sold to underground computing guys and/or BBS owners. Very rare CD-set of both discs, afaik not available online before, scanned from my original discs (front/back and disc scans included as pictures) Contains files and a viewer to read/search files, viewer is written for Win95 but works fine in Windows7/10 as well. Excerpt from CD back of disc 1: "Containing over 620 megabytes of text on underground (Anarchy/Phreaking/Hacking), programming, computers, UFOs, locksmithing and other topics this is a must for your information library" [/endquote] - AppleSeed 2017 -