This is the license agreement between you and DeinerSoft, through its representative, Howard Deiner. 1) Everyone gets a license to this software for free. They may use it as much as they would like on as many computers as they wish without charge. 2) You can give it away this software for others to use, so long as you give it away in it's entirity, don't sell it for profit, and give DeinerSoft credit. 3) DeinerSoft claims any and all copyright to this software. Possession of this software is not the same as ownership. While you are allowed to physically possess the software and use the software, I will always own it. 4) This software is distributed without any warranty express or implied. You promise to hold DeinerSoft harmless from any action which would otherwise assess damages, including, but not limited to, direct, consequential, or other, from your person or buisiness. You also promise to not third party DeinerSoft nto any action you may be involved in, including, but not limited to, copyright or patent infringement. If DeinerSoft does become involved in such actions, you promise to provide complete indemntification as part of this hold harmless clause. 5) Other than the foregoing, you promise to have fun with this software! All I ask is that you eMail me and tell me that you have the software, whether or not you find it useful, and what you would like changed or fixed. Of course, DeinerSoft is under no obligation to provide changes or fixes, but I'd like to know what people want.