Help ---- Welcome to the moon, circa 2100. Huge corporations battle for power and land on the lunar surface. The strongest of these companies, Zortech, blasts and burns all who stand in their way. Thousands of people are vaporized each day as rival bases crumble and fall. However, when the neutral U.S. Lunar Engineering Base is attacked, America decides to fight back. The Senate votes to unleash the terrible Shock Wave ship against Zortech. As a member of the elite FBI, you must pilot this vessel to victory. Intelligence reports indicate that there are three levels of security to be hacked. Green, red, and white access cards must be located. Use cloaking technology to avoid detection by Zortech defenses. Be extremely careful not to blast acid pits, as the fumes will corrode your ship. Land mines should also not be struck with shock waves. Your Mission Objectives Are As Follows: 1. Gather all available ammo and energy. 2. Locate the radiation field neutralizer and clean up the nuclear waste. 3. Break through security and blast all Zortech buildings. Reports indicate that Zortech has built walls within its base over which you will not be able to fly. Your shock waves will have no effect on these walls! Use the teleporters to your advantage! Escape enemy persuers and discover secret areas of the base. Upon reaching Terminator rank, find the teleporter that exits the complex, and leave level one. Of course, if you get sick of playing level one, there is always level two to play. For added excitement, order it now! Shock Wave by Technosoft, The Original and Best. * If you ever get into serious trouble, type "KRING" to enter God mode. The Rise of Zortech V1.1, by Erich Kring ----------------------------------- Far in the future, a company bold, Looked to the heavens for riches untold. To conquer the moon was seen as a must, So they built a base on the lunar dust. The company, Zortech, was not alone; Competition was fierce as a cyclone. But soon other businesses came to fear The powerful weapons Zortech brought here. Zortech wanted to control the mining And all the rocket fuel refining. For this reason they were ready to fight. They had planned for war without oversight. Many rival outposts crumbled and fell, But one base resisted Zortech's spell. With freedom and liberty as their cry, They forged a new weapon that shook the sky. A ship that fires high-power shock waves Now sends Zortech officers to their graves. To pilot this vessel one must be strong, And possess a desire to live long. Beware of laser bolts and acid pits, Collect energy cells and use your wits. It is clear that Zortech must be stopped soon, Or else they will command the entire moon. * To see the original poem from version 1.0, press F1 at the title screen. Game Controls ------------- S - Shields C - Cloak F - Change Firepower I - Inventory J - Reinitialize Joystick P - Pause Game F1 - Toggle Sound ON/OFF F2 - Toggle Joystick ON/OFF F3 - Toggle Autofire ON/OFF ESC - Quit SPACEBAR - Shoot Shock Waves Arrow keys & joystick move the ship. Joystick button 1 - Shoot Shock Waves. Joystick button 2 - Change Firepower Skill Level Information ----------------------- Ships Shield Cost Cloak Cost Damage Cost Amateur 15 0 3 2500 Pro 10 3 6 5000 Elite 5 5 10 10000 * All costs in terms of energy units per game cycle. * Damage costs are multiplied by current rank. Rank Advancement ---------------- 1. Fighter.....Starting rank. 2. Warrior.....Score 50,000 and get the green key card. 3. Commander...Score 100,000 and get the red and white key cards. 4. General.....Score 250,000 and get the radioactive field neutralizer. 5. Terminator..Score 500,000 Once rank 5 is reached, teleport out of the base to beat the level. The teleporter to the outside is hidden deep within the Zortech complex. Sound ----- Shock Wave supports Sound Blaster and Pro Audio Spectrum sound cards. Speech for V1.1 was recorded by Erich Kring and Tom Sacco. The sound setup is stored in SW.BAT. Do NOT delete SW.BAT! ~~~ Graphics Compatibility ---------------------- Shock Wave runs in page-flipped 640x350 16 Color VGAMED (hex mode $10). * Some Diamond Speedstar and Stealth cards either do not support this mode or must be enabled to support it (Check the manual for specifics). Input Devices ------------- Shock Wave can accept input from either a keyboard or an IBM style analog joystick. * Use of the keyboard may be useful on slower computers because it increases the speed of the game. Quality Management ------------------ I invite your questions and comments. In addition, technical support is available for registered users of Shock Wave. Direct all mail to the address below. Erich Kring, Owner Technosoft Co. 61577 Wagon Wheel Ct. Washington, MI. 48094-1456 Phone # (810) 781-6420 Shock Wave Shareware Package ---------------------------- Yes! The thrilling sequel to Shock Wave is available. If you want real excitement, order it NOW! ~~~~ ---> With Just $10.00 + $2.00 Shipping & Handling you can: * Register your copy of Shock Wave. * Receive Level 2 (Action-packed sequel to level 1). * Obtain free upgrades and technical support. * Gain Additional Secret Codes. * Save 25% on Technosoft's next game -- AN ACTION PACKED CD-ROM THRILLER! This last item alone is certainly worth more than $12.00. Make checks payable to Technosoft Co. Allow 3 weeks for shipment of level 2. Specify either 3 and 1/2" or 5 and 1/4" disk size. Order Form: -----------CUT HERE------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SHOCK WAVE SEQUEL - ZORTECH'S REVENGE! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *** PLEASE ALLOW 3 WEEKS FOR SHIPMENT *** Customer Info: Name:___________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State: ________ Zip: ___________ Please circle desired disk size and density: 3.5 HIGH & 5.25 LOW Thank you for your support!