If you are using a Sound Blaster compatible sound card and are not hearing digitized speech or sounds, make sure your AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains the following line... SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T1 ...where A### is the address of your card (220 or 240), I# is the interrupt (5, 7, 10), D# is the DMA channel (1 or 3), and always T1. Please consult your sound card manual with any options regarding emulation of the Sound Blaster. Make sure to reboot your computer after making any changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT, so that this setting will take effect. Also, if you have run MEMMAKER from DOS 6.2, a HIGHSCAN option may have been added to the EMM386 command line in your CONFIG.SYS file. If you experience problems, you should try removing the HIGHSCAN option.