0*********************************************** Standard navigational protection Yield : 1.4 Mega Joules Capable of deflecting limited strength direct fire 1*********************************************** child of Sigmund Sung, founder of the Mugwump Propulsion Labs. Modifying the Zepher 5 drive generator created a strong defense grid. 2*********************************************** onto the hulls of their ships. The dampening field, used to capture lasers' images, also turned out to be a military grade defense field. 3*********************************************** ships magnetic defense grid from positive to negative. By changing the field every 9 nano- seconds, the field beats most counter measures 4*********************************************** power it. The Dragons Breath generators excite space around the vessel and change its gravity, thus causing light to bend away from its target. 5*********************************************** link several smaller defensive arrays together, countering the threat with on of 5 systems.Each system can act alone or in concert.