0****************************************************** Khartoum 1st Class Transportation Pod Accommodations : 100 Life Forms, 10 Metric Tons Livestock, and crew of 42. The Pan-African Space Consortium developed this Transportation Pod to be the ultimate in comfort and safety. Each pod is completely environmentally self sufficient, capable of supporting over 1000 different life forms. 1****************************************************** Martian Redman 2nd Class Transportation Pod Accommodations : 250 Life Forms , 50 Metric Tons of Livestock, and 9 Cryogenic Technicians The Martian Government developed this Pod to encourage Terrans to resettle on their planet. By placing the passengers in Cryogenic sleep, the cost of space travel became affordable to even the poorest of Life Forms. 2****************************************************** Krec Nyh Amber Stasis Pod Cargo Capacity : 1000 Metric Tons Stasis Charge : 10 Solar Years The Amber Stasis Pod was designed by the Royal Flora Commission to ship Earth orchids to the Imperial Palace. Other shipping companies quickly realized its potential, and began using it transport time sensitive materials. 3****************************************************** Coliekies Divine Wind Pressurized Cargo Pod Cargo Capacity : 1800 Metric Tons Atmosphere Charge : 2 Solar Years Designed to maintain a steady climate, the Divine Wind received its name from the steady, scented breeze that flows through its holds. A favorite among stowaways, the Divine Wind can be found in service in all space companies. 4****************************************************** General Cargo Pod Cargo Capacity : 5000 Metric Tons Crew : 10 Heavy Lifter Bots Their are so many different pod type that no one can decide who actually created the original. The Secaries just gut surplus 2nd Class transportation Pods, while the Krec Nyh think of the Pods as art, with no two being the same. 5****************************************************** Dante Toxic Containment Pods Cargo Capacity : 350 Metric Tons Containment Charge : 100 Solar Years With the rediscovery of the lost knowledge, each life form soon set about creating even nastier toxic goo. Terran Military cashed in with the Dante Pod, capable of holding anything safely for 100 Solar Years.