Angel This messenger from God told Mary that she was going to have a special baby. Ark God told Noah to build this very large boat. basket Baby Moses floated safely down the Nile River in this. bear This is a large wild animal. Born When a baby comes into the world, we say the baby is ___. coat Jacob gave Joseph one of these which was very colorful. cow This farm animal gives milk. David A king of Israel who once killed a giant soldier. Delilah She tricked Samson into telling where his great strength came from. Donkey God allowed this animal to speak to Balaam. Eve She was the first woman. horse People ride on this animal. Ladder Jacob saw this going from earth all the way up to heaven. lion This animal can give a loud roar. Lion God protected Daniel from these animals. Mary This young woman was Jesus’ mother. monkey It’s fun to watch this animal swing and play. Moses He led the Hebrews out of Egypt and through the Red Sea to the promised land. mouse A small animal that likes cheese. Noah He built a big boat and survived the great flood. pig This farm animal rolls in the mud and makes snorting sounds. Red Sea God parted the waters of this sea so the Hebrews could walk safely through. rock David put one of these in his sling to throw at Goliath. Samson He was the strongest man in the world. sheep The fur of this animal is used to make wool. Sheep A shepherd lost one of these and left all his other animals to search for it. silver Judas Iscariot was paid thirty pieces of this for betraying Jesus. star This bright light in the sky led the wise men to Jesus. tiger A large wild animal that has stripes. whale A large fish such as this one swallowed Jonah. zebra It looks like a horse, except for the stripes.