Dialup Networking Tools NBDemoE.zip 9/25/96 A great little app that dials and hangs up, | keeps track of your time spent online, | automatic launch and shut-down of twelve | apps, keeps track of phone bill right on the | screen and more! Brand new Interface. For | more info, check the NetBar Home Page. netmon.zip 9/22/96 NetMon is a replacement for the modem lights | provided by Microsoft® Windows 95. This | program replaces the LIGHTS.EXE file in the | SYSTEM directory of Windows 95. When NetMon | is activated, it collects and stores data | about the throughput of your internet | connection. This information can be viewed by | double clicking on the modem applet in the | Windows 95 System Tray. rasocx.exe 9/21/96 RAS/Dial Up Networking - Features such as | asynchronous connection, automatic retry | redials, sleep time between tries and | more. For more info, check the RDA | Consultants Home Page. rasmon13.zip 9/21/96 It is a useful application that allows you to | memorize your time consuming using Remote | Access Service (RAS). For, example when you | get connected to the Internet calling a | provider, more generally every time you use | RAS. A report of all connections is made and | can be printed. The total of connected time | can be shown off-line and on-line. For more | info, check the Rascal Home Page. SetupRascal.exe 9/20/96 This application keeps an eye on your RAS | connection by simulating network activity, | and restoring the connection if your provider | has hiccups. It is particularly useful for | people providing or using Internet services | that require a long lasting connection. For | more info, check the Rascal Home Page. ras_pro.zip 9/18/96 A RAS program with some nice features such | as: very flexible costcalculating, with | integrated costeditor(for tracking your | online bill), creates clearly arranged | LOG-file, and autolaunchs programs after | connect. For more info, check the RAS | Professional Home Page. NT 4.0 Version. DNet.zip 9/17/96 Allows you to quickly connect to the Internet | and launch your selected Web browser. MUST | HAVE utility for any Internet user! For more | info, check the DirectNet Home Page. dunmag11.exe 9/12/96 Dial-Up Magic gives you the ability to export | and import Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking | connections between systems. This allows you | to preconfigure dial-up parameters, including | DNS and login scripts, and create a master | configuration file that all of your users can | import. Great for ISPs to make it easier for | users to configure their systems to | connect. The cloning feature is also great | for quickly creating new connection | entries. Single user and site licenses | available. For more info, check the Dial-Up | Magic Home Page. DialMSN.zip 9/1/96 Prevents MSN Dialer from appearing when your | browser needs to connect to the | Internet. Replaces it with the Dial Up | Networking connection box, which is much | faster, saves a lot of time, and is | significantly more efficient than using the | standard MSN Dialer if all you want to do is | the use the Internet. For more info, check | the DialMSN Home Page. ConnectionManager.zip 9/1/96 Connection manager will terminate a | dialup-networking session after a specified | laps of time or after all selected windows | are closed. Useful to hangup after a long | download using a software that create a new | window for each files (eg. Netscape & IE | 3). For more info, check the Connection | Manager Home Page. ponger21.zip 8/15/96 Ideal if your ISP drops your connection after | a certain time period of no | activity. Designed to keep dial-up network | connections alive by tagging the host system | at regular intervals, in one of several | configurable ways. lcdset32.exe 8/13/96 LCDSET is a Windows 95 application which can | configure your modem (including advanced | settings), and can save the settings into the | modem's NVRAM and/or a PC file. It uses a | point and click interface to set settings | like modem volume, V.34 mode, clock, screen | message (for PPI 288LCD modems) etc. dunce2_4.zip 8/13/96 Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement - a | freeware app that automatically presses | "Connect" for you on the "Connect To" dialog | and supports auto-reconnect, plus MSN support | and support for international versions of | Windows. For more info, check out the Vector | Home Page. setupras.exe 7/30/96 Hands down, the BEST Windows 95 Dial-up | utility ON THE PLANET! Adds automatic | redialing, billing, automatic app-launching, | multiple-phone number and provider dialing, | and MORE! Download now, ask questions | later...trust me. For more info, check out | the Lamb Software Home Page. twsk30a.exe 7/27/96 A great dialup TCP/IP Stack for | Windows95. For more info, check out the | Trumpet Winsock Home Page. nb21demo.zip 7/27/96 A great little app that dials and hangs up, | keeps track of your time spent online, | automatic launch and shut-down of twelve | apps, keeps track of phone bill right on the | screen and more! Brand new Interface. For | more info, check the NetBar Home Page. Netcon11.zip 7/23/96 Net Connector is an easy-to-use utility to | speed-up and simplify the use of the Windows | 95 Dial-Up Networking feature. It will | automatically press the connect and | disconnect buttons for you. For more info, | check the Net Connector Home Page. dialslav.zip 5/11/96 Smart Dial Up Tool, supports automatic | redialing, phonebook management, dial on | start,view connect - and online time, drag | and drop support. Easy Installation, be the | master of your system! For more info, check | the Dialing Slave Home Page. ptdll.zip 5/5/96 Dial-Up Networking and Caller ID utility that | logs calls, totals for this call, day, week, | month, total. Also logs connect speed. | Caller-ID with support for name, number date | and time. Operates as a tray icon using | minimal memory, quick-connect menu from the | tray to any DUN entyr, 100% TAPI compatible! | For more info, check the PhoneThing Home | Page. 32pspd.zip 5/1/96 A fast and small utility program that dials | phone numbers for you (if you have a | modem). This program will save you time by | giving you quick access to your Phone | Directory and by dialing for you. It will | also redial automatically when the line is | busy. Adds an icon to your system tray. For | more info, check the PrimaSoft Dialer Home | Page. qconnect10.zip 4/28/96 A program that will dialup your connection | and then close itself. Running QConnect will | start the dailing process. For more info, | check the QConnect Home Page. netcon11.zip 9/08/96 Automates Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking. Net | Connector works invisibly to run your | communication program, open the connection | for you (will optionally reconnect if the | connection is lost), then close the | connection when you're done. Does NOT need | to be running all the time. For more info, | check the Net Connector Home Page. traydial.zip 4/20/96 A speed dialer for your system tray. | Requires a modem connected to a serial port. | For more info, check the TrayDialer Page. du95w101.zip 4/10/96 DUCA95 Wizard version 1.01 is a wizard that | guides the user through all the necessary | steps to get connected to any kind of Dial Up | Server: Windows NT, 95, Internet Access | Provider, etc. tcpsw32.zip 4/8/96 A utility to allow the changing of a Windows | 95 DialUp networking connection's hostname, | domain name, and nameserver values. And this | can be done on the fly while you're | connected. cwsock32.zip 3/30/96 This is a small utility whose purpose is to | reconnect you if you get disconnected from | your connection. For more info, check the | connect-Winsock32 Home Page. dialup.zip 3/20/96 Exe that will start AND dial your Dial Up | Networking from Win95. Use it in combination | with a bat-file and get online with only 1 | mouse-click! For more info, check the | AutoDialer Home Page. autodial.zip 3/16/96 Lets users who can't afford to shell out the | money for Microsoft Plus automaticaly open | the "connect to dialog box" whenever a 32-bit | program using 32-bit winsock is opened. sdial21.zip 3/15/96 You can now dial your phone from any window! | Simply highlight the number, and click the | dialer Icon in your tile bar, and you're | connected! For more info, check the Clearwave | Home Page. msisdn.exe 3/6/96 Tired of waiting for information to download | with your analog modem? The ISDN Accelerator | Pack enables Microsoft Windows 95 to make | Dial-Up Network connections over high-speed, | digital ISDN lines. For more info, check out | the Microsoft Home Page. kix32.zip 2/27/96 Logon script/batch enhancer, the ultimate | utility for your logon scripts under Windows | NT/95! For more info, check out the Kixtart | 32 Home | Page. dds3.zip 1/26/96 Automatically hits the "Connect" button when | using Dial-Up Networking. For more info, | check out the Blue Squirrel Home Page. dgd3.zip 1/26/96 Allows you to schedule an Windows 95 dial-up | session. It also allows a user to open | multiple Internet apps with a single | click. For more info, check out the Blue | Squirrel Home Page. dhiu3.zip 1/26/96 Ever been downloading a file but couldn't | leave because you had to wait to end your | dial-up connection? This app allows you to | schedule a dial-up connection to close after | any time period you like. For more info, | check out the Blue Squirrel Home Page. dynaconnector.zip 12/21/95 Allow users with dynamically assigned IP | addresses to connect to remote computer using | Windows 95 built-in networking. DynaConnector | basically manages the LMHOSTS file and HOSTS | file for you. It is a replacement for a WINS | server when you don't have access to one. For | more info, check out the DynaConnector Home | Page. inet95b13.zip 12/11/95 A powerful TCP/IP,SLIP & PPP dialer. For | more info, check out the Internet Connect | Home Page. keepgoin12.zip 9/21/95 A Dial-up helper utility that detects the | need to hit the "Connect" button when using | Windows 95 Dial-up. dialer.zip 9/9/95 Command line utilities to connect and | disconnect you from your ISP. rdun61.zip 5/10/95 My bud Mark Gamber's EXCELLENT scripting | utility for Dial-up networking. Supports | dynamic IP addressing.