Release Notes PhoneThing! 1.0 Beta 1 May 5, 1996 When installing, if you downloaded the version that contains the files MFC40.DLL and MSVCRT40.DLL, put those files in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Put pthing.exe in its own directory somewhere, and create a shortcut for it. Just double-click, and you're up and running. There are several points I wanted to make for this beta release. First off, remember, this software will go through several rounds of beta testing. Here's the scoop: 1. Printing & Export is not yet implemented. 2. There is no help file. 3. Caller-ID only works with Voice modems and the Unimodem/V modem driver from Microsoft. If caller ID does not seem to work for you, and you have a voice modem with caller-ID capabilities as well as service from the telephone company, try downloading the Windows 95 Service Pack 1 from Microsoft's web site. 4. You *MUST* have a password saved in your Dial-Up networking entry (you know, the little "Save Password" check box). PhoneThing won't complain, and will try to connect unsuccessfulyy without the right password otherwise. 5. Redialing is not yet implemented. 6. If PhoneThing causes a GPF, you'll have to re-start the computer (ouch). I know, this is not cool, but it will be fixed. There are a number of things we are aware are not working. At some point in the near future, we will put up a form on the web site to let users provide feedback. We want to make PhoneThing become a really cool, useful tool. We've got all sorts of plans for features -- some you've already seen in other applications, others that you've never seen before. Before all that, though, we've got to get version 1 solid. We'll release a new beta probably every month or so, and trust me, we'll pay attention to your feedback from the web. Thanks for your help, understanding, and patience.