------------------------------------ DynaConnector ’95 Version 1.01 Written By: Brian Van Mondfrans E-Mail: brianvm@halcyon.com WEB: http://www.halcyon.com/brianvm ------------------------------------ What DynaConnector ’95 does: DynaConnector automatically posts a file via FTP to a directory that everyone can access via the http protocol (the Web). Included in this file is your IP Address, computer name and your host name. Computer name being your NetBIOS computer name and the host name being your TCP/IP host name as specified in Win ’95 TCP/IP protocol. While DynaConnector is FTP’ing your IP Address file to the remote server, it is also contacting the remote computers you have specified. To contact the remote computers DynaConnector must first receive their IP Address file via the URL specified for that computer. Once that file is received it tries to contact the computer at the IP Address specified in the IP Address file using port 4000. If there is a connection and a positive authentication response on port 4000, DynaConnector on both computers add the IP Address and computer name of the remote computer in the LMHOSTS file. And it places the IP Address, host name, and computer name (as an alias) of the remote computer to the HOSTS file. Both Computers can now access shared network resources on the other computer (NetBIOS). You can also contact that computer using WinSock applications at the host name of the remote computer or the remote computer name (NetBIOS name). Example: using WinTalk to chat with a remote user: username@brian.com or username@brian. To Install: 1. Copy *.dll files to Windows system directory (e.g. \Windows\System). 2. Execute program. 3. Fill in the Server to post IP file with the server that you use to FTP your web pages to. 4. Fill in the User Name you use to on the FTP server. 5. Fill in the Password you use on the FTP server. 6. Fill in the directory on the FTP server to place the files. 7. Press the Apply button to have DynaConnector immediately FTP the file to the remote server. 8. Switch to the Add Authorized Computers tab to add a computer to connect to. Right-clicking in the list box brings up a context menu to add users. Add the Computer name of the computer you want to connect to, and the URL to the computer’s IP file. 9. Click the Refresh button to have DynaConnector immediately attempt to find the remote computer and update the LMHOSTS and HOSTS file. Registration: The unregistered version of DynaConnector ’95 allows automatic connection to one computer. The registered version has no limit set on the number of computers it will work with, other than operating system limits. Registration costs $20 with free upgrades till Version 2.0, if a Version 2.0 should even be released. Upgrades to Version 2.0 and beyond will be at reduced cost to registered users. The registered version can be obtained via the net or USMail, so please specify your preference. If you'd like a copy of DynaConnector ’95, please send a check or money order (payable to: Brian Van Mondfrans) to: Brian Van Mondfrans 5530 St. Charles Loop NE Olympia, WA 98516 Please include: Your name Your USMail address Your email address Your phone # (optional) Your delivery preference, USMail or via the net. (if you choose the net, please make sure to include either an email address or a phone number so I can get in touch with you to give you instructions) Fixed bugs: Version 1.01 - Release 12/21/95: Fixed password encryption problem, which caused truncation of the password. Planned Future Enhancements from Version 1.0: 1. Context-sensitive help 2. Faster startup, by threading the call authorized users routine 3. Windows NT support I’d like to hear your comments and enhancement requests, so E-Mail them to me at brianvm@halcyon.com. Known Bugs: 1. Memory-leaks occur if DynaConnector is closed too quickly after being started.