{11}Johnny Dash!{7} A name of {7}legendary proportions. A name {7}that strikes fear into the {7}hearts of monsters everywhere {7}today. But lets take a look at {7}how this legend came to be... It was a sleepless night. A night like Johnny had never seen in his short ten years (of which the first three or four were {Svisa,2} rather fuzzy). A storm of supernatural propor- tions had blown into town. When the lightning flashed and showered the sky with illumination, he could swear he saw figures that were not quite human atop the distant hill. Something strange was happening. {Svisa,3} {Svisa,7} {Svisa,8} Johnny's thoughts turned to Tex. His new Dalmatian puppy had been missing for two days. He had found what was left of Tex's collar still attached to the chain in his back yard. He hoped Tex was okay out there on a night like this. The storm suddenly got worse. In a flurry of pajama feet he leapt for the covers of his bed that had on many occasions been his shelter. But not tonight. He was a split second {Svisa,4} away from hitting the covers when he felt something hairy grab his leg and jerk him down with an unnatural force. The next thing he knew he was UNDER his bed looking at a pair of gleaming green eyes. {Svisa,6} But strangely, something about the eyes calmed him. {Svisa,7} {11}"Who, who, WHAT are you?", Johnny stuttered under his breath, more to himself than to the eyes. {Svisa,6} {10}"My name and WHAT I am is not {10}important,"{14} the voice responded, {10}"What is important {10}is that you must take action, {10}and take it now if you who live {10}in the Day World are to survive {10}another cycle of the moon." {10}"Tex did not run away.",{14} the eyes stared, {10}"He was kidnapped!" {Svisa,5} {11}"Who did this!"{14}, Johnny cried as he forgot about being scared and his rage built inside. {11}"If it was {11}that Jungle Jill girl {11}down the street, I'll {11}kick her butt again!" {10}"Listen carefully," {Svisa,6} the voice calmly spoke. {10}"The evil Count Chuck, {10}ruler of the Under World {10}has been preparing an {10}army to take over the {10}Day World. He is {10}sending his henchmen into the {10}Day World to steal many dogs {10}and cats. His plan is to {10}transform these pets into {10}monsters that will do his {10}bidding. Johnny, Chuck knows {10}that you have the greatest love {10}of all for your pet, so he has {10}hidden Tex in his own lair. The {10}only person with love enough to {10}free your Tex and all the other {10}pets of the world is you, {10}Johnny. Before this storm is {10}over and the portal is closed {10}you must go to Under World and {10}stop Chuck." {Svisa,7} {11}"But how do I get there and how {11}will I fight off the monsters?" asked Johnny. The large green eyes looked toward your closet door. Then an old wooden sling shot and a small rock appeared before you. {Svisa,6} {10}"Take these,"{14} commanded the voice. {10}"Place this rock in your {10}pajama pocket and your pocket {10}will never go empty." {Svisa,7} {11}"But, but...",{14} stammered Johnny. {10}"Enough talk!"{14}, the voice {Svisa,6} growled, {10}"You will find {10}a furry friend, Mr. Lloyd, {10}along the way who comes {10}and goes at will through {10}the Under World and the {10}Day World. Go now and make {10}haste! The storm is already {10}fading!" Then the eyes blinked themselves out of existence. {Svisa,5} Johnny, mad as heck about Tex and the other pets, launched himself through the closet door, and into an adventure he'll never forget...