VOTE FOR SOFTWARE CREATIONS! ================= EASY INSTRUCTIONS ================= SEE "PRIZES.TXT" FOR CONTEST RULES AND A COMPLETE LIST OF PRIZES! 1. Print out and complete the ballot at the end of this form. * Remember to use "SOFTWARE CREATIONS" as the BBS Title, and "(508) 368-7139" as the BBS Primary access number! 2. Mail it to: BOARDWATCH MAGAZINE READERS CHOICE BBS CONTEST 8500 West Bowles Ave. Suite 210 Littleton, CO 80123. 3. Print out and complete the Software Creations Contest Entry Form, in the included file "CONTEST.TXT" 4. Mail it to: SOFTWARE CREATIONS BBS ATTN: Boardwatch Contest 26 Harris St. Clinton, MA. 01510 5. Tell your friends to get their votes in as soon as possible! * THE FOLLOWING IS THE OFFICIAL BOARDWATCH BBS CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT * ----------------------------------------------- BOARDWATCH 100 READERS' CHOICE BBS CONTEST 1994 ----------------------------------------------- The Boardwatch 100 Reader's Choice BBS contest has become something of an institution each winter when BBS callers all over the country fax or mail in their ballots nominating their favorite BBS for inclusion in the Boardwatch Reader's Choice Top 100 BBS List. This year, the contest will run from January 1, 1994 through June 30, 1994. Winners will be announced at the Online Networking Exposition and BBS Convention (ONE BBSCON) held in Atlanta, Georgia, August 17-21, 1994. The Boardwatch 100 list will be published in subsequent issues of Boardwatch Magazine and distributed in electronic form world-wide. Last year's Boardwatch 100 BBS list has been widely disseminated electronically, and published in several books. PRIZES FOR BULLETIN BOARD OPERATORS 1ST PRIZE: The BBS system receiving the largest number of valid ballots will be named the most popular BBS and will be presented with an award trophy at the ONE BBSCON held in Atlanta Georgia, August 17-21, 1994. Additionally, the winning BBS will receive air fare, hotel accommodations and registration at ONE BBSCON for the primary BBS operator as the guest of Boardwatch Magazine. Additionally, the system will be featured in a story in Boardwatch Magazine and a free full-page color advertisement in Boardwatch Magazine for a period of three months. TOP TEN: The ten most popular bulletin boards selected by the voters will each receive an award trophy at the ONE BBSCON, a story describing their system in Boardwatch Magazine, inclusion in a special top ten BBS listing in the magazine, and a free quarter-page black and white advertisement in three successive issues. Additionally, they will be listed in the Boardwatch 100 BBS list. System operators from the top 10 who attend ONE BBSCON will receive an award trophy in a special awards session. TOP ONE HUNDRED: The 100 bulletin boards receiving the most votes will each be listed in the Boardwatch 100 readers choice BBS list. This list will be published in Boardwatch Magazine and freely distributed electronically on thousands of bulletin boards world-wide. IN CASE OF TIE. Positions for which an identical number of votes are received will be determined by point value established by the date stamp assigned to each received ballot. Time/Date stamp values are accumulated for all votes and a cumulative score assigned to each BBS based on date of receipt of ballots. Votes receive a date stamp value between 1 and 180 based on the day of the contest the vote is received. System with lowest (earliest) cumulative date stamp score will prevail in event of tie. PRIZES FOR VOTERS All valid ballots submitted by voters will be entered in a random sweepstakes drawing. As of the opening date of this contest, prizes include five U.S. Robotics Courier Top of the line Modems, five Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC + FAX modems, and five ZyXEL Top of the line modems - and more are on the way. A minimum of 15 valid ballots will be selected from all entries and each will receive a free modem - from the most popular modem manufacturers in the world. RULES FOR CALLERS Each voter can vote once, for a single bulletin board system. Each ballot must be fully completed, and individually mailed by each voter. We will verify ballots as necessary. There are three ways to vote: 1. Complete this ballot and mail to: BOARDWATCH MAGAZINE, READERS CHOICE BBS CONTEST, 8500 West Bowles Ave. Suite 210, Littleton, CO 80123. 2. Complete this ballot and FAX to (303)933-0876. 3. Or, dial the Boardwatch BBS at (303)973-4222 and complete the online ballot provided on the main menu. Balloting closes at 23:59:59 on June 30, 1994. This contest is not limited to Boardwatch Magazine subscribers, and no purchase of anything is required to participate in this contest. Reasonable facsimiles of this ballot are acceptable, so long as all specified information is included. We held this contest during 1993 and it generated over 20,200 votes by the close of balloting for some 1,775 different bulletin boards. The TOP system received 1,330 votes. Your individual vote can have a tremendous impact on the outcome of this contest. Further, the odds of winning a modem in last years contest were roughly 1 in 3,340. You won't get those odds in the lottery. ONE BBSCON CONTACT INFORMATION: The Online Networking Exposition and BBS Convention has emerged as the annual meeting place for BBS operators and online enthusiasts. The event hosts three days featuring over 100 educational sessions on all aspects of the BBS community and virtually all the stars of the industry are on hand. This year's event will be held at the Atlanta Market Center INFOMART in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, August 17-24, 1994. For more information on the convention or a registration packet, contact: ONE, Inc., 4255 S. Buckley Rd., Ste 308, Aurora, CO 80013; (303)693-5253 voice (303)693-5518 fax; or (303)693-5432 BBS. ------- CUT HERE ------- BOARDWATCH MAGAZINE - 1994 READERS' CHOICE BBS CONTEST BALLOT Title of bbs you vote for as the BEST:_______________________________________ Primary BBS access telephone number:_________________________________________ Is this BBS a long distance or toll call for you? [] YES [] NO Voter name:__________________________________________________________________ Voice telephone number:______________________________________________________ Street address:______________________________________________________________ City:______________________________ State:____________ Zip code:___________ Primary communications software you use:_____________________________________ Primary modem manufacture and model:_________________________________________ Highest speed your modem supports: [] 1200bps [] 2400bps [] 9600bps [] 14400bps [] 19200bps [] 28800bps Operating system: [] DOS [] OS/2 [] WINDOWS [] MAC [] AMIGA [] UNIX [] OTHER Estimated BBS calls you make per month:_______ Average call duration:______ Estimated investment in hardware and software: $___________ Primary online interest (check all that apply): [] Mail/Mail Conferences [] Games/Entertainment [] Chat/Social [] News/Information [] Shareware (Files) Do you also maintain accounts on commercial services? (check all that apply) [] AOL [] Compuserve [] Delphi/BIX [] GEnie [] Prodigy [] None AGE:________ SEX: [] MALE [] FEMALE SIGNATURE:____________________________________ DATE:______________________