+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TEKTONIX SOFTWARE ©1994-7 M. Sephton | | Release Information Tektonix Software | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The programs included are Shareware, and you can become a registered user for a mere £10 (ten pounds sterling) or the equivalent. For more information, see the Tektonix.hlp file. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 16-bit* 32-bit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Alarm & Reminder program YES NO Ghost Hides/shows applications YES NO Light! Trailing light screen saver YES NO Messages Message tracking system YES YES MsgBoxer MsgBox code generator YES YES Quick Paths File selector quick access NO YES SaveAble! Screen saver hotspot utility YES YES Stars! Scrolling starfield screen saver NO YES WINotes Sticky notepad utility YES YES Wobble! Screen wobbler screen saver NO YES TekMenu 2 Easily configurable menu system YES in YES (for MS DOS 6 and above) DOS Box NOTES: 1. 16-bit applications run under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, but do not make use of Windows 95's special features. 2. If demand is enough existing 16-bit applications will be converted to 32- bit, Windows 95 programs. PROBLEMS If you find any bugs or have any ideas then contact us. THANKS Jeff Heckl for all his screen saver and general VB4 help. Benjamin Bourderon for his excellent VB4 system tray icon example. Sander Goudswaard for his beta testing and general constructive criticisms. All registered users. REGISTRATION (See Tektonix.hlp) Enjoy! Matthew Sephton, Cheques etc. payable to: M. Sephton Tektonix Software, Mark Envelope with application name 17 Hamilton Road, Liverpool, u5ms@csc.liv.ac.uk ENGLAND. L5 4RT. http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~u5ms/