--------------------------- Technical Support Form --------------------------- Perpetual Motion Software Stefan K. S. Tucker --------------------------- If you need technical support, please provide the following information when you contact us (by any of the above methods). Please fill out this form, print it, and mail it with your question. Name: ________________________________________________ Mailing address: E-mail address: ________________________________________________ Product name: ________________________________________________ Product version: ________________________________________________ Operating system: ________________________________________________ O/S version: ________________________________________________ (You'll find this under Control Panel's System's General tab or in the Explorer's or File Manager's About box.) Describe the problem you are experiencing. Include the complete text of any error messages or codes you see. Describe how to reproduce the problem, step-by-step: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample: Jane Doe 123 Main Street, Halcyon TX 12345 jane.doe@place.com Alarm++ for Windows 95 version 4.01 Windows 95 version 4.00.950a Error message: "Unable to locate some file." Reproduce: 1. Create new database. 2. Add new entry. 3. Select this option. 4. Press "Find". -----------------------------------------------------------------------------