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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Workflow Tutorial

Coding the toggle

The logic behind our Start-Stop toggle mechanism is simple. When we click on a label that reads Start-Stop, we want the applet to behave as follow:

Assume that the reference to our TimeSensor is named myTimer, and that there is a variable named started that is initially set to false. In either Java or JavaScript, this logic would be coded like this:

if (started == false) {

    started = true;
else if (myTimer.isPaused() == false) {

else {myTimer.setPaused(false);}

The isPaused() method returns a true value if the TimeSensor is paused, and a false value if it's not. setPaused(true) pauses the TimeSensor and setPaused(false) unpauses it.


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