
Buy the Shout3D Book!

INTERACTIVE WEB DESIGN WITH SHOUT3D is the official guide to Shout3D technology.

Interactive Web Design with Shout3D
by Rob Polevoi
published by Sybex
400 pages
ISBN: 0782128602
$39.95 US
available December 2000 through all major online booksellers

INTERACTIVE WEB DESIGN WITH SHOUT3D is the sure path to learning to create professional-level interactive 3D graphics for the Web using Java. It assumes no prior knowledge of programming and contains extensive instructional projects.

From the first chapter:

"There is much about creating high-quality 3D content for use in Shout3D that involves little or no programming, but rather only modeling and animation in MAX or other 3D packages. And a great deal of simple interactivity can be worked out using JavaScript (the ubiquitous Web scripting language) or VRML rather than the true Java language. But the greatest value of this book will be for those who wish to learn the Java programming toolset that is Shout's profoundest asset and greatest contribution to the world of computer graphics. In short, this book seeks to provide the base for those who are looking to Shout3D with serious professional and commercial intentions. It is intended to serve those who want to understand where this important technological advancement can take them.

"If you are a 3D artist who knows nothing of Java, or even of programming, this book will get you started. If you have programming skills, Java or otherwise, this book will put those skills to work in 3D using 3D resources provided on the accompanying CD. In fact, this book assumes nothing about the reader's background except intelligence and a genuine interest in understanding some amazing technology. Shout3D, like everything in Web 3D and Web development, is emerging under our very feet, and the desire to learn new skills is ultimately the only thing that matters in today's world. Once you get rolling, you can quickly determine what other resources you will need to build or strengthen your skill set.

"Like Shout3D itself, this book is a brew of 3D graphics and animation, Java, 3D interactive programming concepts, VRML, basic Web technologies, and a few other things. This is a vast landscape that could never be addressed within a single cover. But our approach will be highly practical. We will be doing at least as much as we will be talking. We'll be getting our hands dirty and making things happen. When you start seeing results�when you start feeling the intoxicating sense of power and magic that comes from watching 3D graphics operate at your command�don't be surprised if this activity starts to dominate your thoughts and all your available hours."

Chapter 1: What is Shout3D?
What is Shout3D technology all about and why is it important?
Chapter 2: Your Shout3D Installation
Understanding and navigating through the toolset.
Chapter 3: Understanding 3D Scenes in VRML
3D scene files in VRML or VRML-like format are the basis of all Shout3D content.
Chapter 4: Exporting Shout3D Content from 3D Studio MAX
Creating models and scenes in 3D Studio MAX for use in Shout3D.
Chapter 5: More MAX Export Issues
Exporting animations and environments.
Chapter 6: Java Basics for Shout3D
Core concepts of Java programmed tailored for the new Shout3D developer.
Chapter 7: Getting Started with Shout3D Applets and Panels
Building the fundamental units of display and interactivity.
Chapter 8: Interactively Moving and Rotating Objects
Putting users in charge of 3D scenes.
Chapter 9: Animation Issues
Managing procedural and keyframe animation.
Chapter 10: A Project with Custom Nodes
Creating a custom camera and using it to build interactive viewing experiences.
Chapter 11: A Simple Game
Putting accumulated skills together to create a true 3D game.

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