Welcome to the CD-ROM for Interactive Web Graphics with Shout3D by Rob Polevoi. The products on this CD-ROM have been tested on and are compatible with: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT Workstation 4.x, and Mac OS.

(NOTE: The Sybex(R) CD interface is supported only by Windows 95, 98, 2000, Windows NT Workstation 4.x, and Mac OS.)

A description of the CD's contents, copyright information, and installation instructions follow. Please review the license agreement at the end of the document.

Interactive Web Graphics with Shout3D


This CD includes the Sybex CLICKME interface, an easy-to-use interface that makes it easy for you to install the programs you want from the CD. The CLICKME interface starts automatically and runs completely from the CD.

If you reached this file by clicking the "Readme" button at the bottom of the interface screen, it means the interface is already running. If you reached this file via any other method, it means the interface is not running. To start the interface, just double-click the CLICKME.EXE file located in the root directory of the CD.

We suggest you use the interface to install the programs you want. If you'd rather install the programs without using the CD interface, or if the interface isn't working for you, please read the individual program's installation instructions contained within this Readme file.

Note: Individual programs may also contain their own Readme files; please read them as well.

Table of Contents

Code from the Chapters (\Code)

Use these files to create the projects described in the book.

To install the Code from the Chapters, go to the Code folder and double-click Chapter Code.exe.

COPYRIGHT 2000 Sybex, Inc.


Images of the Color Section (\colorsection)

Here are sample images from the book.

To view the sample images, go to the colorsection folder, and double-click the .tif file of your choice.

COPYRIGHT 2000 Sybex, Inc.


Java Development Kit (\Java_Windows)

Install the Kit to work with Java files.

To install the Java Development Kit, go to the Java_Windows folder, and double-click jdk-1_1_8_005-win.exe.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

COPYRIGHT 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.


QuickTime 4 (\QuickTime402)

From Apple Computer. QuickTime 4 is software for creating and playing digital media including video, animation, sound, music, text, pictures, 3D graphics, and interactive images.

For the PC: To install QuickTime 4, go to the QuickTime402 folder, copy the QuickTimeInstaller.exe, then paste the QuickTimeInstaller.exe to your desktop and double-click.

Note: You must be online when you install QuickTime for the Mac OS.

For the Mac OS: To install QuickTime 4, go to the QuickTime402 folder, drag the QuickTime Installer file to your desktop and double-click QuickTime Installer. You will then be guided through the installation process.

NOTE: If you are installing QuickTime on a networked system with a firewall, you may need to temporarily disconnect from the network during installation. Apple is aware of this problem and is working on a solution. Please contact Apple with any questions.

  • Apple Computer, Inc.
  • Software Licensing M/S 198-SWL
  • 2420 Ridgepoint Drive
  • Austin, TX 78754
  • For more information visit www.info.apple.com/support/quicktime/index.html.
  • Copyright 1991-1999 Apple Computer

    QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks used under license. QuickTime is registered in the U.S. and other countries.


    Shout3D demo (\Shout3Ddemo)

    We have provided you with the Shout3D demo.

    For the PC: To install the Shout3D demo, go to the Shout3D demo folder, and double-click S3D_2E1.exe.

  • For the Mac OS: To install the Shout3D demo, go to the Shout 3D demo folder, and double-click S3D_2E1.1.sit.

  • Once you open the .sit file you may receive an error message, which states, "The disk with your preferred destination folder is currently locked."

  • Do not panic. Simply, click OK. A window should appear

  • Next select your destination folder. Click Macitosh HD.(Note: The names of your hard drive(HD) may vary from Mac to Mac. For example, an IMac's HD will be IMac HD.)

  • Then select Macintosh HD at the bottom of the window.

  • Your the S3D_2E1.1.sit will unstuff to your hard drive.

  • If you have unstuffed the file correctly, a folder called Shout3D_2.0 should appear on your hard drive.

  • Back

    Shout3D Web sites

    Here are the addresses for the Shout3D Web sites:

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Shout3D demo, please go to www.shout3D.com.

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Shout3D demo, please go to www.eyematic.com.


    Update Alert

    Here you'll find information about the latest software and text updates.

    To read the Update Alert, click UPDATE_ALERT.html.


    For More Information

    Sybex will try to respond to problems that you may experience using the software on this CD. If you do experience problems running this CD and the Readme file doesn't have the information you need, please follow these steps:

    1. Visit the Sybex Web site on the World Wide Web at this address: www.sybex.com.
    2. Go to the Search box, and type in the ISBN or the Book Title.
    3. Click Go. (Make sure the pulldown menu is set to All Books.)
    4. The search engine should retrieve a hyperlink for the Book Title. Click this link.
    5. If we have made any updates to the Readme file or to the book, they will be available via the Web page that the link takes you to. If there is an Update button on the page, click it.

    You can send e-mail to Sybex directly at support@sybex.com. Make sure you include the following information:


    The media and/or any online materials accompanying this book that are available now or in the future contain programs and/or text files (the "Software") to be used in connection with the book. SYBEX hereby grants to you a license to use the Software, subject to the terms that follow. Your purchase, acceptance, or use of the Software will constitute your acceptance of such terms.

    The Software compilation is the property of SYBEX unless otherwise indicated and is protected by copyright to SYBEX or other copyright owner(s) as indicated in the media files (the "Owner(s)"). You are hereby granted a single-user license to use the Software for your personal, noncommercial use only. You may not reproduce, sell, distribute, publish, circulate, or commercially exploit the Software, or any portion thereof, without the written consent of SYBEX and the specific copyright owner(s) of any component software included on this media. In the event that the Software or components include specific license requirements or end-user agreements, statements of condition, disclaimers, limitations or warranties ("End-User License"), those End-User Licenses supersede the terms and conditions herein as to that particular Software component. Your purchase, acceptance, or use of the Software will constitute your acceptance of such End-User Licenses.

    By purchase, use or acceptance of the Software you further agree to comply with all export laws and regulations of the United States as such laws and regulations may exist from time to time.


    Components of the supplemental Software and any offers associated with them may be supported by the specific Owner(s) of that material but they are not supported by SYBEX (except where stated otherwise). Information regarding any available support may be obtained from the Owner(s) using the information provided in the appropriate README files or listed elsewhere on the media. Should the manufacturer(s) or other Owner(s) cease to offer support or decline to honor any offer, SYBEX bears no responsibility. This notice concerning support for the Software is provided for your information only. SYBEX is not the agent or principal of the Owner(s), and SYBEX is in no way responsible for providing any support for the Software, nor is it liable or responsible for any support provided, or not provided, by the Owner(s).


    SYBEX warrants the enclosed media to be free of physical defects for a period of ninety (90) days after purchase. The Software is not available from SYBEX in any other form or media than that enclosed herein or posted to www.sybex.com. If you discover a defect in the media during this warranty period, you may obtain a replacement of identical format at no charge by sending the defective media, postage prepaid, with proof of purchase to:

  • SYBEX Inc.
  • Technical Support Department
  • 1151 Marina Village Parkway
  • Alameda, CA 94501
  • (510) 523-8233
  • Fax: (510) 523-2373
  • E-mail: info@sybex.com
  • Sybex, Inc.
  • After the 90-day period, you can obtain replacement media of identical format by sending us the defective disk, proof of purchase, and a check or money order for $10, payable to SYBEX.


    SYBEX makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the Software or its contents, quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will SYBEX, its distributors, or dealers be liable to you or any other party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software or its contents even if advised of the possibility of such damage. In the event that the Software includes an online update feature, SYBEX further disclaims any obligation to provide this feature for any specific duration other than the initial posting.

    The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. Therefore, the above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty provides you with specific legal rights; there may be other rights that you may have that vary from state to state. The pricing of the book with the Software by SYBEX reflects the allocation of risk and limitations on liability contained in this agreement of Terms and Conditions.


    Where possible and relevant, SYBEX has licensed and compiled third-party software that meets the U.S. Federal standards for Year 2000 compliance, but SYBEX does not guarantee that any third-party software distributed on this CD is compatible with the U.S. Federal requirements for Year 2000 compliance. Call the product's manufacturer if you have questions about a product's Year 2000 compliance.


    This Software may contain various programs that are distributed as shareware. Copyright laws apply to both shareware and ordinary commercial software, and the copyright Owner(s) retains all rights. If you try a shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register it. Individual programs differ on details of trial periods, registration, and payment. Please observe the requirements stated in appropriate files.


    The Software in whole or in part may or may not be copy-protected or encrypted. However, in all cases, reselling or redistributing these files without authorization is expressly forbidden except as specifically provided for by the Owner(s) therein.

    The CD interface was created using Macromedia Director, COPYRIGHT 1994, 1997-1999 Macromedia Inc. For more information on Macromedia and Macromedia Director, visit Macromedia, Inc.