Color or Monochrome (C/M)? THE COMPUTER QUIZ A Scott Miller Production Have a nice day... THE COMPUTER QUIZ A Scott Miller Production O This program will test and rate your general knowledge of computers. The quiz O will cover all facets of computers, their history, their design and their many O applications. In all there are 100 varied questions to test your knowledge. O The quiz is played like a game. You begin with three men and lose a man for O each incorrect answer. However, for every 10 correct answers you earn a bonus O man. If you complete the quiz you receive a ranking and a score. Your score is the total of: 1 point for each correct answer ) 1 point for each bonus man you have left O Therefore, the best possible score is 113 points. A score of 100 is excellent. O You will see a question and three possible answers labeled 1, 2 and 3. Simply O type the number that you think correctly answers the question. The questions 8 appear randomly and there is no time limit. Good luck. < Press any key to begin. > THE COMPUTER QUIZ Question: Correct: Bonus men: Press to pick your answer. Hit to quit. Your question: Which answer do you choose: 7At which major college was the BASIC language conceived What does BASIC stand for EWhich is recognized as the first real personal computer ever marketed 6The Altair 8800 computer got its name from what source =Memory used to store user programs in your computer is called A byte consists of eight... 5The very first electronic digital computer was the... @A computer program permanently stored on a memory chip is called (The binary number 00000101 represents... 7What type of number uses the digits A, B, C, D, E and F AA program used to categorize and store information is called a... LA program used to tabulate & calculate rows & columns of data is called a... FA program used to write reports, letters, resumes, etc, is called a... The primary purpose of DOS is DOS stands for 8A Compiler has which major advantage over an Interpreter 8An Interpreter has which major advantage over a Compiler A compiled language... Machine language... GThe IBM PC keyboard stores how many characters in its type-ahead buffer A modem is A RAM Disk is A print spooler is The word pixel stands for FWhich PC-DOS command formats a named, single-sided disk with DOS on it HWhich PC-DOS command copies only backup files from drive A: to drive B: #Which is NOT a valid PC-DOS command #Which is NOT a valid PC-DOS command #The computer's CPU is located where CPU stands for DWhich file name will automatically execute when the IBM PC is booted A batch file... DWhich type of program is NOT executable from the PC-DOS command line 3A batch file ends with which three-letter extension (What does the PC-DOS command DIR /W do !What type of number is 00101101 To "boot" a computer means 'Which MS-DOS command clears the display ROM stands for *The hexidecimal number 1A is equal to... EOne of the first popular operating systems for personal computers was (Which language is usually an interpreter :What's an advantage of having more memory in your computer AWhich type of computer monitor can display the highest resolution =A popular display is the RGB monitor, what does RGB stand for 8Which type of data storage can hold the most information %A kilobyte consists of how many bytes *Flowcharts: The small circle symbol means )Flowcharts: The wide elipse symbol means %Flowcharts: The diamond symbol means 'Flowcharts: The rectangle symbol means 2Charles Babbage invented the first machine that... 1After the vacuum tube and the transister came the Modem stands for Putting a tab on a diskette... /If data is transferred at 300 bps, bps means... What is a peripheral A copy protected disk... ,The first computer-only related magazine was DThe maximum number of files allowed on a single-sided PC-DOS disk is DThe maximum number of files allowed on a double-sided PC-DOS disk is What type of device is a mouse BWhich type of storage medium can transfer information the quickest EDuring the running of an application program, the default drive is... $The IBM PC uses which microprocessor ;A microprocessor can best be described as the computer's... (To pause a program while it's running... ?What's the maximum memory available for any program with PC-DOS What is ASCII ,The ASCII code 66 represents which character A linker program... =On a formatted disk, which unit can hold the most information -Which ASCII code represents a Carriage Return 1How did Bug (as in "computer error") get its name The key does what DWhat's the main difference between a serial port and a parallel port A cursor is... A boolean value... An icon is... "To pipe a series of commands means .Which is NOT an example of a computer language ,Which program is an example of a spreadsheet =The 8088 microprocessor can address, at most, how much memory In computer jargon, FIFO... +Which is not a component of computer design ,Pressing the keys will do what 3Which term means to transmit data in two directions LA PC-DOS file name can contain how many characters (including the extension) 8The 8088 microprocessor is manufactured by which company 3If a computer is capable of multitasking, it can... Virtual memory... 9The IBM PC can use a special math coprocessor, called the A prompt is A raster scan is FIn 80 column mode, how many characters can be printed on a full screen A menu is 6Which is not a potential legitimate use of a light pen 'Which is NOT an internal PC-DOS command Which is NOT an output device Which is NOT an input device Stanford Dartmouth 4Binary Algorithms for Simple Instructional Computing /Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code >BASIC does not have a meaning, it's simply an appropriate name MITS's Altair 8800 Apple's Apple I Processor Technology's Sol !It's the name of a distant galaxy -It was a name used in an episode of Star Trek 3It is the name of a Ford sports car never completed RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM (Read Only Memory) CPU (Central Processing Unit) Octal digits Data buses Mark I UNIVAC +Atanasoff-Berry Computer, nicknamed the ABC Software Firmware Hardware 3 decimal 5 decimal 7 decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal Word processor Spreadsheet Database Word processor Spreadsheet Database Word processor Spreadsheet Database ATo provide a universal language between the computer and the user 6To give the user an easy way to execute other programs Both of the above Disk Operating System Designed Open-ended Set up None of the above Flexibility of program design Speed of program execution Ease of use Flexibility of program design Speed of program execution Ease of use DCan't be executed until the source code is first specially processed 6Can be executed at any time during program development and keys #Press the and keys Press the key 1 Megabyte 64 Kilobytes 640 Kilobytes 8A code system that represents letters, punctuation, etc. 3A proposed graphics standard for all microcomputers 3The initials of America's largest chip manufacturer )Connects two or more IBM PCs in a network 6Transfers control to another program (a child process) :Combines object code files into an executable program file Track Notch Sector 4The word bug simply means a "pesty" computer problem &Bug stands for Binary Unwanted Garbage @A real bug ate through a wire in one of the very first computers :Nothing, unless an application program defines its meaning 3Prevents the display from scrolling upward in BASIC ,Freezes the screen until it is pressed again ?A serial port cannot be used to connect a computer to a printer =A serial port moves data by bits and a parallel port by bytes There is no difference (zYIt %Are you sure you want to quit (Y/N)? $ You got it right ...and also earned a bonus man Wrong, the correct answer is #'ve lost the game < Press any key to continue. >