Following is a summary of what I received so far (as of 10/15/94) in my search for civil engineering and construction related online resources. These have not all been verified, so let me know if I have something wrong. BBSs (US & Canada) ===================== ASME (Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers) 608-233-3378 411 Exchange (AutoCAD info) 404-587-4071 Computer Plumber (Engrng BBS list) 319-337-6723 Engineering BBS (EBBS) 805-253-2917 PC-AUG (AutoCAD info) 602-952-0638 Statistics BBS 316-687-0578 Bureau of Mines 202-501-0373 FEDWORLD 800-337-3942 Iowa Transportation BBS 515-294-9784 VA-Tech College Engineering 703-231-7498 Shilstone Software (currently offline) TBA CIV-Net 406-449-5633 Contractors Exchange 415-334-7393 Construction Net 505-662-0659 Foundations in Science 206-562-7083 Comp-U-Ease 408-286-8332 Engineers' Club 408-265-3353 The American Society for Quality Control has a BBS for members only. Contact Jeff Lewis at (609) 273-2320 for info. Transportation Related Electronic Bulletin Boards ============================================================================= Sponsor BBS No. Voice No.* SYSOP ============================================================================= University of Kansas (PC-TRANS) (913) 864-5058 864-5655 Carl Thor University of Florida (McTrans) (305) 554-2145 392-0378 Bill Sampson FHWA/Texas DOT (409) 845-3858 845-5299 Nelda Bravo Michigan Transportation T2 Center (906) 487-2148 487-2102 Derek Calomeni University of California Berkeley (415) 642-7088 642-1008 Philip McDonald Colorado DOT (303) 757-9509 Beth Moore Texas A&M University (409) 845-2326 845-4369 Todd Schmidt Washington State DOT (206) 586-1942 753-1065 Stan Sanders Hwy. Engineering Exchange (HEEP) (301) 333-3807 333-1693 Kathy Harryman Inst. of Transp. Engineers (ITE) (703) 863-5487 554-8050 Pete Frentz Kentucky DOT (502) 227-9783 564-8900 John Crossfield Arizona State University (602) 965-1391 965-2744 Monsa Elaji Las Vegas Computer Traffic System (702) 386-6613 386-6611 Jim Poston Alaska T2 Center (907) 474-2848 474-7733 UMTA's/RTAP (202) 628-2537 (800) 527-8279 FHWA' BBS (FEBBS) (202) 366-3764 366-9022 Carl Shea BBSs - Non-US or Canada ========================== Construction Information Systems 54-1-315-0308 (0309 or 0312) LISTSERV list ============= concrete-engineering (send email to containing join engineering-concrete firstname lastname CIVIL-L (send email to LISTSERV@UNB.CA containing join CIVIL-L firstname lastname organization ** NEW ADDITIONS ** Built-environment Construction, engineering, trades, building (send email to containing join Built-environment firstname lastname organization W78.ITCON Intl. Council for Building Research & Documentation promote Info technologies throughout life cycle of bldgs (send email to containing sub w78.itcon firstname lastname FEA-L Mech. Engrs. finite element analysis forum (send email to containing subscribe FEA-L firstname lastname feusers UK listserve for finite element analysis (send email to containing JOIN feusers firstname lastname ** END NEW ADDITIONS** The following is courtesy of Neal Holtz: The following are some listservs that are related to civil engineering. Following the short description is the subscription address and the format of the message that is to go into the *body* of the subscription (unless otherwise noted that it is to go into the Subject: line). engineering-concrete join engineering-concrete firstname lastname also: gopher:// transportation/traffic subscribe transp-l railroad list subscribe railroad transit list subscribe transit urban planning listserv@trearn.bitnet subscribe urban-l Civil Engineering WebAdministrators List (CEWL) Subject: CEWL SUBSCRIBE This one is just being setup and will likely change. environmental engineering LISTSERV@VM.TEMPLE.EDU SUB ENVENG-L firstname lastname HYDROLOGY (Engineering and Science aspects) sub HYDROLOGY firstname lastname Civil Engineering listserv@UNBVM1.BITNET sub CIVIL-L firstname lastname Civil Engineering Reasearch & Education Bitnet: LISTSERV ??? Pollution and groundwater recharge mail list ??? EDITEC-L is an email list created to allow the sharing of experiences, documents etc. concerning the teaching of IT to civil engineering students or practitioners. sub editec-l also: NICE stands for "Networked Information-servers for Civil Engineering". The goal of the list is to foster and promote information sharing, cooperation and coordination among webmasters of civil engineering WWW servers in order to minimize efforts, improve the existing servers and help in the creation of new ones. sub nice-l note: this is moderated and subscription must be on aprovoal of moderator. Civil Engineering Research and Education (CIVIL-L) subscribe civil-l ** NEW ADDITIONS ** Courtesy of Ted Smith: Well, in my search for GIS and geoscience lists, I've found a few more that might qualify, though some are general engineering lists and some might only be periferally related. CIVIL-L certainly qualifies, though... AAEE Australasian Association for Engineering Education ( ACCES-L Associated competitions for Canadian Engineering Students (listserv@unbvm1.bitnet) ACES-L Atlantic Congress of Engineering Students (listserv@unbvm1.bitnet) ASTMSRCH ASTM Materials Search Section (listserv@uga.bitnet) CCES-S Canadian Congress of Engineering Students (listserv@unbvm1.bitnet) CRE8TV-L Teaching creativbe problem solving to engineers (listserv@psuvm.bitnet) CTI-ENGINEERING ( EPPD-L Engineering and public policy (listserv@unbvm1.bitnet) PACES-L Publications Assn of Canadian Engineering Students (listserv@unbvm1.bitnet) SWE-L Society of Women Engineers (listserv@psuvm.bitnet) YESCAMP Youth Engineering and Science Camps of Canada (listserv@unbvm1.bitnet) CFESA-L Canadian Federation of Engg. Students Alumni (listserv@unbvm1.bitnet) CFESEXEC Canadian Federation of Engg. Students Executive (listserv@unbvm1.bitnet) Subscribe to listserv lists by sending private e-mail to the listserv address with the text "subscribe list first last" where list=name-of-the-list, first is your first name and last is your last name. Mailbase lists require you to use "join" instead of "subscribe". -- Ted Smith ( WWW ==== If you have access to a web browser, start here. It is the best jumping off spot for finding civil engineering locations. Many of the WWW sites mentioned here can be access from Curtin. (list of Civ. Eng. Resources) Other sites: ------------ (University of Bristol, UK) (GA Tech) (Army Corps @ Waterway Exper. Sta.) (Guide to Engineering Resources) (Carleton Univ.) ICARIS - hitech applications for civil engineering (Slovenia). SUNY at Buffalo & ASCE Engr Mech. Div. Construstion-Engineering.htm1 EINet Galaxy Stanford University Univ. Florida at Gainesville Texas A&M University (College Station) University of Alberta, Canada University of Manitoba, Canada Northwestern Univ, USA Michigan Technological University Leeds Univ- Transportation Studies Univ. North Carolina- Transportation Univ. Portsmouth, UK Norwegian Technological Univ. Univ. Bochum, Germany (in German) Washington Univ.- Missouri Monash Univ., Australia Carnegie Mellon Institute Tech. US Case Western Univ. - Ohio Korea Advanced Inst. Science & Technol. http://www.engr.washington,edu/departments/ce/ Univ. Washington, Seattle, WA Clemson Univ., South Carolina Virginia Tech. Purdue Univ. Kansas State Univ. Univ. Illinois Brigham Young Univ. Univ. Wisconsin- Madison (gopher site?) Univ. North Carolina, Charlotte Inst. for Research in Construction (Can.) US Geological Survey Cambridge Univ Engrg Dept Again, most of this can be easily accessed through the Curtin site above. I just mention the site names so you don't have to go through Australia to get to someone down the street. Paul Herrington has done a wonderful job of putting this list together. Misc ==== The Transportation Research Information Service maintains a bibliographic database available as File 63 on DIALOG & available through gateways on Compuserve, Internet, etc. This is a database search facility that usually costs money, but selected abstracts can be found on the FHWA BBS for free. *** DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY FTP SITES? *** So far no one has come forward with civil engineering FTP sites. My thanks to the many people who have contributed to this, especially Paul Herrington at Curtin. If you have any other resources, please Email me and I will add them to the list. Also, please post any corrections. Jay Shilstone Shilstone Companies (214) 361-9681 9400 N. Central Expy., #105 FAX: (214) 361-7925 Dallas, TX, 75231 U.S.A. << Concrete Consultant >>