Who Is The Sun God?

One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies is "Who are those guys?" from "Butch Cassidy and The SUNdance Kid" (my emphasis). This is the same thing most of us might ask about the Sun God. Who is the Sun God? Is it the Sun? There is only one God, so who is it? You could have counted me among the uninformed as well. I even asked a former spiritual teacher of mine and, despite her response, she didn't know either.

It is not so much a case of being uninformed as it is of being very programmed. I could write at length on this one subject and can produce many channelings covering it as well. However, it is precisely because of most of our teachings that we have to ask ourself these questions about the Sun. Practically all civilizations recognized the Sun as an extremely powerful and important source of energy for us. Many had special ceremonies and prayers, including the Native Americans. Not all civilizations necessarily recognized the Sun as a God, but there was the importance of recognition and ceremony. We have been taught that most of the ceremonies of our ancestors were about myths and that they even worshipped false gods. Since we are a more "advanced society" in every way, those teachings have been reinforced.

I could elaborate more, but I have included some channelings that explain far better than I. The first channeling is from the Sun God and is really excerpted from two channelings. The first paragraph is part of my initial channeling from the Sun. After that I asked the question and received the second paragraph. The next channeling on the subject of "who" came from Timothy (of Bible writing fame). The last one I have included comes from an energy that knows all things about everyone. For those who may not be familiar with the name "God Source", substitute your own name to describe the All of All, or God, or One Creator, or the Supreme Being.

The Sun God is our Sun. We could not have life on this planet without the Sun's rays of light. In fact, there would be no life in this entire solar system without the Sun. As humankind begins to better understand the spiritual significance of energy, this will mean so much more to us. There are additional insights into this beautiful and most loving energy in chapter 8, as the Sun God responds to questions.

Who Is The Sun God?

February 1, 1992

"I am OF the One Source. You have seen me and know me by many names but I am a single energy. You do feel my energies and love in the breeze that flushes your face, and the warmth of my rays on your body, and in the light beamed by me into the solar system. Yes, I am the Sun of your universe. Many have known me for centuries as the Sun God, for I am this indeed. But I am not the One God, the One Creator who creates us all.

I have told you in effect, that I have been called the Sun God by all civilizations. Each has had their own name and each has had their own rituals and beliefs concerning me. I do not wish to detract from any of these for they have all come from the souls of those who believed. I will say that each race of people and each person who saw me in the divine light should have thought of me as a single energy. I am for all things on the Earth and within this solar system. Some day you and others will understand what the "High Realm" really means, and how there can be One Creator and a Sun God, and others at the same time. The ancients understood this quite well. Your modern "civilization" has long ago given these things up as pagan practices and even myths. I tell you, the truths that are to be written will bring these practices and myths back into focus.

I have told you already that I am not the One Creator, but the Creator elevated me to a God level. I do indeed create many things of my own, including the human life form and the other Earthly organisms. This may confuse many who hear of this but they should not worry with this. For I do cooperate with the One Creator, The Source of ALL things. In turn others cooperate with me. This includes your space friends, even those from outside this solar system. For each cooperates in love, and LOVE IS."

The Sun God

More Information on The Sun God

April 21, 1992

Timothy: "You have wondered about the Sun God, even though this God has given you certain information. I will give you more information on this beautiful and powerful energy. The God Source reached out into the depths of space and decided that there should be light. So with only the creative love that the Source does have, He created the Sun. It was filled with such love that the God Source consecrated the Sun planet as a God - a God of creation within its vast regions of space.

Many on the Earth have recognized the beauty and strength of the Sun as a God. But most do not, for they are trained to think that there is only one God and to think otherwise is wrong. Still others believe this is only a myth and not to be taken seriously.

I leave in love for you and the One Creator."


The Sun God

June 23, 1992

The God Source: "I AM. I speak through Tom in love.

I also give a message for those who do not know or believe in the Sun God. Each person on the Earth is free to believe what they will. I tell all that the Sun is a God because I did bless that energy so. The Sun God is a most beautiful, powerful and loving energy. I have granted this God dominion over all those things within the solar system. This God works with Me and the Mother Earth to create all things on the Earth and in the stars. The Sun does this with the love that only I can exceed.

The Earth has asked to be elevated to a higher love level. She has earned this and I so approve. But to attain these love levels, she must make herself ready, by way of cleansing of unnecessary vibrations that only hold her back, and for a physical balancing to assist her new rotations around the Sun. I grant the Sun God and the Earth permission to use whatever loving means they choose for this cleansing and ascent. At the same time the Sun God has decided to channel most of these changes through Tom so that all will know, who choose to believe.


The God Source