Other Channelings


This channeling by St. Francis of Assisi was mentioned by the Sun God in chapter 4. Francis is another beautiful and loving energy, very similar (from my perspective) to the loving vibration of Christ.

Just Say "LOVE"

July 7, 1992

"It is my everlasting intent to do all that I do with the deepest love that I have. This is why you feel my vibration so much. So I say that all who reads my channeled words will receive the same love as Tom does in being the vehicle, the instrument so that my words are available to all who will see them.

And it is a loving message that I give tonight. Humankind is waiting anxiously for the big events to occur. There are those waiting for the big end, the Armageddon. There are others waiting for the second coming of Christ. To both of these, I say wait no more. Use your energy and thoughts for better events. Certainly there are those who wait for the many Earth changes that our beautiful and everloving Sun God does give you. There are those waiting for the coming of the 4th dimension and beyond. Still there are some waiting to channel, or to have a beautiful meditation. And yes, there are many waiting for the right person to come along, or for a better paying job.

So to all of these and millions more I give you this message. Wait no more. To wait is to loose valuable time on this planet when you each can direct your energies and love to what you are doing now. It is the NOW that is important, not the "then". Do not look so forward that you loose sight of all the loving opportunities you have at the present. Love doesn't wait, LOVE IS. Feel it. Touch it. Taste it. Ingest it. Digest it. Spread it. Do everything possible with love. Then when you have done this, you will have no great interest in all the forward thinking. You will be so pleased with the loving "now" that the future will always be another expression of the present.

I do lovingly say that it is good to plan ahead. Hope is so important. But your focus should always be in the present. If you have no present, you have no future. Simply keep it lovingly simple. The God of us all would tell you this as well.

If each of you, everyday, would sit quietly, perhaps in front of a mirror, but anywhere, and say the word "LOVE" at least 10 times, you will begin to feel it. Say it from the depths of your heart. If you will as you say it, visualize ever so quickly an object of each love - yourself, the Source, a partner, a situation - I could go on. But do not make it a chore. Mainly say the words from your soul and say them out loud if you can. If you cannot, think them. This I ask you to do. After two weeks of this, ask for me and we will talk. This I promise you.

So it is with love that I leave you. But I am here anytime you ask. I love all and I love the One."

St. Francis of Assisi

In chapter 4 the Sun God alludes to certain humankind control systems and mentions a channeling by the Blend of Loving Energies. This is as excerpted from what turned out to be a series of related channelings by the Blend, Abraham, Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command (a star being), the God Source and Christ. I combined these into a group called "The Human Experience, Then and Now". This particular channeling presents an overview of certain of the human experiences related to belief systems and the efforts of negative extraterrestrial forces to not only influence humanity, but in fact to exert control over us.

The Altering of Humankind's DNA and Why - The Loss of Spiritual Focus: An Overview

August 12, 1992

"We do want to take this opportunity to address certain universal truth concepts. Many may not consider this subject as relating to "truths", but we assure you this is the case.

Tom has been reading [channelings of others], has had some channelings of his own, and heard from others that humankind has been placed under some spell or received a virus that somehow altered the normal human perspective of "himself" and the universe. In fact, the term "himself" took on significant meaning at this time, as the alteration included a focus on male dominance. There seems to be contradictory information as to the virus as "beamed" here by some forces outside of the Earth, and those beings who tampered with humankind's DNA structure to make humans forget and feel guilty about everything. Some of this is referenced in the Dreamspell kit [by Jose Arguelles], while others' channelings reveal the remainder.

You will hear some inaccuracies and you would do well to look out for these. But by and large you have heard the truth, with each being a somewhat different perspective of the same events. We wish to provide you with more insights into the true history of humankind.

In your terms of time, a long time ago the Earth was inhabited by a humankind that lived very close to the Earth. This humankind was in constant contact with its own inner awarenesses, its own higher self. This was not a human who was advanced by today's scientific standards. But in fact this human was more advanced, as this human could communicate directly and at any time with those from other planets. Humankind was allowed to travel through space in the space friends crafts and see the universe. Humans communicated with the spirit realm in a way that was so instinctive that it was part of its daily life. Humans communicated with all things around it. There were no wheels for traveling or moving heavy objects and large loads. Yet this humankind could move the largest of objects without any physical effort. There was communications with all energies, including those in large stones, the trees, the flowers - everything. And this was a loving communication. And with love, the stones would move on their own.

Humanity was advanced in many other ways as well. It communed with the Earth, and humans asked the Earth how it could help. The Earth in turn provided humans with all the food it needed. Humankind did not have to work for this. It was a gift.

This species of humankind was overseen by many space friends. It was agreed that the space brothers would be there to help when they were asked to, but would not infringe upon their choices. This arrangement worked quite well as humankind knew that it was on this planet to develop its own gifts and to work in harmony with the Earth and all of nature to develop and grow in the physical and the spiritual sense. So the space friends did not intrude in any way and humankind did not make unreasonable requests either, such as certain technologies to make life easier. Humankind knew why it was on this planet and did not wish to avoid any of its pleasurable growth.

There was a time during humankind's development that certain of those from other worlds decided that they [the non humans] would better be served if the Earth's and humankind's energies were directed in a way as to not inhibit their own personal growth as a species. For they did not wish to share the energies of the Earth. They had their own reasons for wanting to control the energies of humankind.

It is no secret to humankind that there is "good" and there is "evil" or "bad". Humanity's understanding of this, in general, is based on the teachings from the Bible or other similar sources. It should be no surprise to humankind, then, that the universe as a whole contains good and "bad", or as we say, positive and negative. We say this also with the understanding that humankind as a whole, may be able to accept some form of existence beyond the physical realm.

There are many kinds of negative energies. Some of these have extraterrestrial existences, and many of these are very advanced by human standards. But they too are of the One Creator. They simply are on a path that is not pleasing to the God Source. Keep in mind we say this as a general statement.

There are those extraterrestrials who feel, in fact believe, that to allow the Earth and humankind a freedom of choice, a free will to pursue their own path, is not in the best interests of these particular ET's or beings. For they wish to draw on the energies of humankind and the Earth, to the extent they can. These human energies can "feed" these ET's and even be a part of their livelihood. Also by controlling humans in certain ways, it allows other energies that humans would have utilized, to be accepted by these other beings.

The negative ET's do not abide by all of the universal laws [at least from our perspective]. They may infringe on the will of another if it is to their own advantage. This they believe they can do. So they spent long periods of time trying to determine ways to control humankind. After many different attempts at various ways, they finally became successful at altering the DNA of humankind and other life forms on the planet. How this was done can be explained and is extremely "technical". We will do this for some who feel they need to know. But it [the technology] is not that important at this time. They were able to change the direction of humankind. They altered humankind's filtering processes so that it became difficult for humankind to be as "open" and connected to its higher self and the many available spiritual gifts. Humankind was filled with doubts. It was not so much a physical alteration as it was a screening of sorts, so that humankind began to loose sight of its Source and its own self power.

To this was added certain new concepts, all of which were very specifically designed to cause humankind to lower its own self esteem as an equal in the universe. These ideas were designed to have humans place certain limitations on its own powers and abilities. The focused intent of all of these were to place certain controls on humankind by having it control itself. Also introduced were the ideas of materialism and the interest and desire to acquire materialistic goods and pleasures, with these being the main focus.

Religion was the major new concept that was introduced. It was ingenious. It pretended to give humankind a direct link with the One God, while at the same time it said humanity was not worthy. Humankind was guilty of transgressing the love of God. And it was only through hard work and sacrifice that humans could even begin to approach being the least bit worthy of God. It is not our intent to show religion in a negative light. Instead, we only wish to give a brief explanation of how and why it began. In time there will be more information on religion, but, again only as a clarification for reference only.

It was through these different mechanisms, these different tools, these different new concepts that those negative ET's were able to exert control over humankind. For when humankind did not believe in its own powers, then it did not grow in a spiritual sense. Humankind in fact regressed. Many ideas were introduced. Here we are referring to such things as industrialization, such things as competition, and such things as money, the power of money and the greed that came with that power.

But humankind was a partner in this as well. Humanity cannot place the total blame on those extraterrestrials who chose to infringe on the will of a species. At the same time there were and have been many, many humans who came to full realization that they did have their own power, that they were worthy, and that they even recognized what the different institutions and different belief systems were doing to humankind as a whole. Many people from time to time have recognized and analyzed the affects of all these new ideas on humankind. And many of these did try to enlighten others. And many were enlightened. But by and large the words that these many people said were misunderstood. By and large the words and truths that these individuals taught were misdirected very intentionally. For the same less than positive sources seized these same opportunities to twist and turn the words of these knowledgable and holy people. Most people are familiar with the Christ energy and his teachings. But there were many many others. It was not restricted to one civilization. Each country, each civilization did have its own teachers of truths.

There have been many enlightened individuals who have become aware of the truth, not only concerning the spiritual aspects of humans but also the controls that humankind has empowered itself with. Many have also understood the origin of these controls. Master Jesus made every effort to help humanity become aware of each person's own abilities and power. He understood that any bondage could be overcome with total self awareness and love. It was not even necessary to address certain issues of alien interferences, as "things" would take care of themself. Buddha, Elijah, Mohammed, Abraham - and the list is endless - all of these understood and taught this. The space friends understand this, except humankind has so much more programming to overcome than those of 2,000-plus years ago.

So it is easy for humankind to gain control and responsibility of itself. Simply open up and listen to the quiet voice within. Get to know and trust that voice. Then move in the most comfortable direction, and each of you will be amazed at what you allow yourself to be and to see. You will be surprised at how comfortable you will become at listening to and knowing your true self and understanding the simple truths that surround your world.

We do leave in love for all and for the All."

The Blend of Loving Energies

The Blend of Loving Energies consist of the following energies, channeled simultaneously as One Energy:

   Abraham           Moses                      St. Timothy
   Bath-Sheba        Naomi                      The God Source
   Christ            Nathaniel                  The Sun God
   Confucius         Nicodemus                  White Bear
   Earth             Nostradamus                White Buffalo
   Elijah         (1)Raphael                    White Eagle
   Ezechial          Romaine                 (2)Alastar
   Isaac             St. Benedict            (2)Ashtar
   Jacob             St. Francis of Asisi    (2)Astara
   Jeremiah          St. Germaine            (2)Azhka
(4)Joseph            St. John                (2)Bal-star
   Joshua            St. John the Baptist    (2)Bestra
(4)Mary              St. Mark                (2)Ishtar
   Melchizedek       St. Paul                (2)Palastar
(1)Michael           St. Patrick             (3)Voltair
   Mohammed          St. St. Peter

(1) The Archangel       (2) Space friend of the Ashtar Command
(3) Star Being, Arcturian    (4) Parents of Jesus

The Sun God channeled the following soon after the earlier information on the negative ET's in the Mexican subterranean. I feel it is appropriate to include it as well.

Negative Extraterrestrials In Underground Camp In Mexico

November 16, 1992

"I have previously mentioned the ET's that are resident in the country called Mexico. I will give more details on these. There is a place in a secluded part of Mexico that has many natural underground caverns and caves. The negative ET's have the technology for locating underground resources including openings such as these. They also have the ability to excavate using their own methods. This they did to a particular site. They decided to use this as their base camp for a large region of the Earth. I am referring of course to those extraterrestrials of a physical nature. These in particular have had a history of living underground, so they adapted very quickly to this environment.

The initial excursions to this area would have been seen by the local populace. However, the governments of Mexico and the US collaberated with these ET's to secure the area so as to permit their movement in and out of these campsites.

As you may well guess, the motives of those involved were dictated by their desire to exert control over the people. Tom and others have many channelings detailing this. But this particular location is used as a living place for the ET's and many humans as well. The humans are working very close with these ET's in various capacities, but it is all of a negative and harmful nature to the Earth and humankind.

This particular underground facility is a laboratory and a factory of sorts. There is much experimentation that goes on here. Many of the abductees are brought here and used by the negative ET's and humans. Many of your current viruses are discovered and tried from this location. Many humans have unwillingly given their life for the experiments. The ET's have other uses as well, as they are trying to save parts of their own life systems. They are using human and animal experiments to this end.

Your government has agreements with those from space to be given certain technologies. The technologies are, in turn, being reapplied for use on Earth. The ET's are also "playing" with your government. They do not wish to give them full control over some powerful systems, for they fear their use against themselves by your government. So they introduce elements or minor systems to appease the humans. There is also some work being done on craft adaptations. Although this is done at other locations, parts of the assembly and training are accomplished at the Mexico location.

This is an overview. Remember, all that is done at this and other locations, is done in a non loving way. The vibrations from the area in Mexico are creating many harmful affects on the Earth. The Earth does not want these harmful vibrations to continue. So, the Earth and I will work together to cleanse these areas of this negativity.

As I said, there are negative ET's and humans in an underground encampment in Mexico. There purpose is to create control systems and the accessories for such a system. They thrive on fear from others. When someone is brought to them for the experiments and they are in great physical stress and emotional fear, it draws others within the camp to a close proximity of the fearful vibrations.

These negative ET's thrive on fear displayed by those being experimented on. It is like a special treat being brought to them. They do not literally eat the individuals but the fearful vibrations produced by them are nourishment for the ET's. Of course they are in the physical and they have other physical nourishment as well.

Another reason for the existence of these ET encampments is to serve as receiving and relay stations for the movement in and out of the planet. It is easier for them to communicate in a physical way when others know their whereabouts. This in and of itself is not all that important, but it is another advantage for them to have those underground encampments. Mind you, they would remain on the Earth's surface if there was no chance of their being discovered. There are some activities on the surface in other areas, including one site in the US. But even there most of the activity is beneath the Earth.

The Earth has allowed all of this because this is a zone of free will. The Earth has not appreciated the harmful vibrations from these places, anymore than she does from the human population. I will say that the intense vibrations from the negative ET's in these locations are many times greater than that of the general human population. This is because in their own way, the ET's are at a higher vibration. This is not necessarily a higher positive vibration, but it is a higher vibration. Consequently, the harmful effects from these are felt even more. It is magnified many, many times, relative to the human vibration.

I can tell of the smallest detail of what occurs within these camp enclosures, and what is their physically. What purpose would be served? None. You only need to know of their existence and the fact that they are not there in the best interest of humanity and Earth.

You should also be advised that the negative forces have human agents who provide support and liason. Some of these have incarnated in the usual way. Others are what you would term "hybrids", who are part human and part their race of beings. There are also other humans assisting with the efforts. These have been subjected to intense mind control, and believe they are doing the right thing. Of course these are just as responsible for themself as are all others. Their are thousands of government workers or agents who do the "bidding" of the negative ET's. In one sense they are no different than Tom or any other teacher of the truths. However, one set of vibrations is positive and working to serve humankind, the Earth and the All. The others are self seekers and employ methods that meet their own objectives. The dark forces use whatever means necessary to serve their self interests.

This is not intended to be a dissertation on negative ET's. There are many good channelings and other information available for these. It is my intent at this time to highlight that there are negative forces among you, and they are working in ways that would shock most people. Included in this is the behavior of your own government. Naturally each of you has the ability and power to overcome and, even redirect your energies, to completely offset the harm that is being done.

I have told these forces to leave the planet because the Earth has chosen another path and does not want them here. Those who remain will realize the consequences of their negative vibrations upon the Earth. Many or perhaps all of those [ET's] in the physical will make their transition. This will be accomplished through the Earth changes I have already given. Those who remain and escape the physical Earth changes will feel the direct energies of the Earth and I. These energies will create certain stresses within their bodies. They are not equipped to counter or handle these types of energies. This in turn will create certain fatal ailments. I have asked all to leave, or to remain in a positive and loving way. They have been warned and have had the opportunity to depart without harmful effects. Those who are now here in the physical, will soon be feeling the effects of what I have spoken. For those who are of a negative vibration but do not choose to remain in a physical form, I tell you to leave and not to visit the Earth. Your harmful vibrations are not wanted by the Earth. Therefore, you are subject to the same directed energies as those presently here. These energies will indeed make it most uncomfortable for you. You, too, are no longer welcome on this planet. Leave and do not return.

I love each of you and I love the Infinite Creator of all things."

The Sun God