Earth Changes Three


This is an appropriate time to take another break from the channeled messages and reflect on some of what has been told us. Many of the same types of physical changes are mentioned again - perhaps resulting from the deep sighs and painful irritations of the Earth. We are also being told that we will be witness to possible massive changes in many of our belief systems. Most of us may not equate the need for physical Earth changes to many of the traditional religious and other beliefs we take pride in adhering to. However we are reminded that, if it is not for the non-physical changes, there would be few physical ones. Or as the Sun God says, "...the physical changes only represent the manifestation of the non-physical ailments". So there must be something inherently amiss with many of our everyday belief systems.

We are given even more clues about what causes harmful vibrations. Control and control systems are ways of suppressing our individuality and knowing that each of us has a direct link to the One Creator. When information is controlled we cannot know what or who we really are. Without information we are in the dark. When we are in the dark we flounder and it is most difficult for us to elevate our focus to the true meaning of love. Without the full expression of love we will remain static within the universal growth process.

As we continue to read the final pages of messages the Sun God has lovingly given us, hopefully we are beginning to realize the true scope of change that is needed. There is not a single aspect of our life that is not spiritually connected to the very things that can make this a better Earth and us a better channel of love for the One.

A Lesson On Mass Consciousness, Houston, Germany, And Living Off The Land

September 7, 1992

"Tom has recently visited Chicago and I have spoken of this city before, as a typical large population center, and specifically as a certain energy city. As large groups of people gather to live and to work in a particular area, there are many subtle energies at work. There are people in Chicago, for instance, who are quite wealthy in physical terms, and there are those who consider themselves proportionately impoverished. There are those who live "fine, upstanding, law abiding lives", and there are those who are heavily into crime. Those I have just mentioned may not agree that they are congregrating or living in the same area for some or many of the same, common reasons, but they are, or they would not be there. This is part of the workings of mass consciousness and the law of attraction. It is not the crimes or the high standards of living that are the common attractions. No, there are energies much more subtle than this "at work" here and everywhere.

Most of these people do not realize what their consciousnesses are doing. Your consciousnesses are creating that very same series of crimes and that high corporate income for the plush living arrangements for some. So, if the people could only realize they are creating the whole consequence of events, then surely they would know they can just as easily create another desired effect. If they choose, they could create total harmony among themselves. Then they could choose to break down the racial hatreds, the crimes against the young or elderly, the political disallusionment - all of these could be changed. This is not just available to a eutopian society. It is available to all in Chicago, or anywhere, who collectively pronounce it to be so. As I have said before, the mass consciousness can create a most harmonious mood and relationship to those on the Earth. And this loving harmony can affect the Earth in a most positive way to ascend to its future dimension. This in turn can change many of the cleansing Earth changes I have spoken of. This, humankind should think of and consider in the most serious way. But without the collective harmony of the mass consciousness, the Earth cleansings will be necessary.

Houston, Texas is a large thriving metropolis. It is a city that has grown as a result of abusing the land, the Earth. Many might suggest that the people here simply learned to live off the resources the Earth has provided. But I tell you the Earth did not provide the oil and the gas so that it could be used to harm herself. There is a reason for such minerals, but to be burned and help destroy the environment and the atmosphere is not one of them.

This city will be reduced to the land on which its tall buildings do reside. The people of this area must come to realize that the Earth is more important than the jobs that in themself harm this planet. The Earth did not invite [from her beginning] the different life forms to do her harm, but to enjoy her beauty. So for this city [Houston], the Earth is going to heave and shake and the needle of your seismographic instruments cannot measure the strength of such quakes. There will be few who survive this trembling state or condition, since the arrogance of those towards the Earth is attracting the necessary cleansing forces of the planet.

I will turn my attention to the Euorpean nations, in particular the country of Germany and those countries that surround it to the south and east. Wars ravage not only the countryside but also the spirit of love. Hatreds can build and can then be translated into an industrialization that has no consciousness. So it is with the desire of many of these people, to build the best and most efficient mechanical and technological processes on your planet - and to do this with no regard for the planet or the people as a whole. The cities of Munich and Berlin stand for the human made symbols of total and exclusive power. Earthquakes will ravage these regions. The entire industrial complex will be halted so the people can work closely with the Earth and learn to love and nourish this most sacred resource. And the chorus of hate vibrations must be changed to accept all nations as one people.

There will be tremendous floods that follow the Earth quaking as the skies empty their tears of cleansing on these areas of the planet. These events will begin in 1996. These countries must learn that rebuilding is a rebirth-within process and not the building of new walls and factories to continue as before.

I have spoken of a great meteor strike to New York City. A similar occurrence will happen to the Russian city known as Moscow. The meteors will be of such size, and impact with such force that entire neighborhoods and blocks of buildings will disappear. In turn, these will create secondary destruction from the shock waves and the tremendous impact. This will occur regardless of the mass consciousness as these great meteors are already aimed at the Earth. And it is fitting that a people who promoted the fear of missle destruction should feel the affects of missles from the universe. The attitudes of force must be changed for all those who accept and respect humankind as a species of free will. Force is not an acceptable virtue of the God Source, at any level and at any point in the universe.

I will conclude this channeling with some kind words for those who live off the land, and live in true harmony with that land. This is a path these have chosen. You have learned and perhaps are learning that there is bounty and beauty in the love of the Earth and respect for all life. It is you who the rest will turn to for help and advice on how to survive on this planet. It is you who the Earth and I will bless as you make others aware of the true riches of nature. It is you who many will rely on to assist in times of need. The Earth and I ask that you help in the same harmonious way you live, but also recognize that you should not over extend your own limitations. For this is the life you have chosen and to prostitute that harmony with nature might be reflected as a return of ingratitude. So I bless you and encourage you to continue your harmony with the Earth that gives you a home and nourishment.

I love this planet Earth and I love humankind. I love the One Creator of us all."

The Sun God

Hartford, Conn, Alaskan Pipeline And The Ozone Layer

September 21, 1992

"There is a city called Hartford, Connecticut that is similar to many in its vibrations concerning the spirituality of humankind. This has led to the "typical" feelings concerning the need to prepare themselves for the coming of certain planetary events, and the value most there place on the harm to the Earth. The general feeling in this community is to maintain the status quo when it comes to improving environmental issues, especially when this may impact the job market. Of course this kind of attitude must change in order to redirect the mass focus of the people towards the "saving of the planet". This city will come to a standstill as it receives a snowstorm that will place up to 4 feet of snow on its ground in a two day period. This will be followed by a deep freeze that will not allow the snow to melt for three weeks. Many of those who choose the street as their home will not survive these conditions. The food chain will be cut off as will the water supply. All of these actions will encourage the people to exist quietly and to take advantage of this time to listen to themself, and to focus on what is really important to them.

Six months later this will be followed by an earthquake that will leave many homeless. Many will choose to make their transition at this time. But those who "survive" will be reminded of the hard times from the snowstorm and how many have not continued their spiritual growth from the big snow. They will be reminded that they "easily" set aside what they could have learned but chose not to. The earthquake will measure between 7.5 and 8.0 on your Richter scale and the damage to life and property will be massive. This will occur in 1996 unless the collective consciousness of the people can change towards a more loving and harmonious vibration.

There is an oil pipeline that carrys oil from Alaska to mainland USA. There will be such ground movement along this line as to completely interrupt the flow. There will be much spillage into the Earth until the line can be turned off at its various control valves. This will be a reminder to humankind that there are alternative power sources available if you only support their use. The oil pipeline will not be repaired for use for at least two years, as this line will be broken in many different locations. The ground will be altered in some of the locations.

There has been much written and discussed about the protective ozone layer surrounding the Earth. I assure each who doubts that this is a reality. Humanity has contaminated the atmosphere with the poisons that can damage this most necessary protection from radiation. Humanity is destroying the vegetation that is required to resupply the necessary gases that repair the ozone layer and that are needed to help sustain life on your planet. As the damage to this protection layer continues, you will see the affects on you with a further breakdown of your immune systems and extensive damage to your food supplies. Humankind continues to show how truly advanced you are, as you deliberately commit suicide to yourselves and you planet - and you are concerned about keeping a certain level of employment. You want employment opportunities for the people but you universally overlook your LIVING opportunities. The Earth and the space friends will step in at a point to help rescue the planet from this destruction and negligence. But you can serve yourself and the Earth well by recognizing the Earth is far more important than jobs and economic opportunities.

I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator."

The Sun God

Africa, Korea, Cambodia And Vietnam

September 22, 1992

"Africa is a beautiful and large series of countries. I have mentioned this country previously. There is much strife and anger there. This is one of the Earth's oldest civilizations and the hatreds have been there for a long time. But these were accented and accelerated when the Christian community went there to change their "pagan" ways. It has been through the introduction of these teachings of judgement, guilt and control that the Africans have come to believe that some are superior to others. The loving intent of the Christian missionaries was overshadowed by the controls placed on the people to live a certain regimen to please God. When humankind judges humankind against any religious standard, humans immediately begin to create differences and then prejudices. Many "holy" wars have been waged in Africa. These have deepened the wounds of hate.

To conclude my earlier references to Africa, Kenya and surrounding countries will suffer massive flooding. The waters will rise with such speed that those in low lying areas will not have time to seek shelter. Many will make their transition. This is true in the cities as well. This cleansing will give those who survive every opportunity to return to the love of the Earth and acceptance of each other. For they must also prepare for the affects of the pole shift. The weather patterns will change drastically. During this transition, there will be much rain which will turn to snow as the warmth of this region leaves. The wildlife must migrate to a warmer climate or not survive. When these changes begin, this dark continent will be changed and have a totally different environment and physical look.

I have not spoken about many of the countries in Asia. Practically all land masses will be changed in some way. The Koreas' represent much human hatred as the ideologies literally clash. Each must learn tolerance and acceptance of the other. The current states of being are doing much harm to the Earth by way of their negative vibrations. These people must learn there are no human boundries and that each should accept the other. To this end, there will be great floods starting in 1997 that will inundate many towns and cities. The water will not recognize any kind of land separation of the people. These waters will devastate without distinction between the North and the South Koreans. The death toll will be in the hundreds of thousands. Much cleansing will take place so that each can accept the other as equal.

Cambodia and Vietnam will suffer floods similar to those of Korea. As their monsoons begin, many will think they will never end. There is much hatred and control on these lands. These peoples will be given the opportunity to accept the individuality of the human being. This too will occur in 1997.

I love all those on the Earth and I love the One Creator."

The Sun God

Do Not Forget Why You Are Told Of The Earth Changes

October 6, 1992

"I will speak of additional changes. As many as I have already given, it should be understood that these will not cover 1% of the actual changes. There will be changes to practically all locations on the Earth. It is a cleansing and a preparation by the Earth to graduate to a higher level. This does not mean that each person on the Earth requires such a cleansing. Many now and many more in the future are such beautiful vibrations for the Earth to call on for strength. It is more like an "if the shoe fits, wear it" cleansing. Of course millions may not even be aware that shoes are to be worn, but this is their path of choice.

So it is that such cities as Indianapolis, IN., Nashville, TN., Cincinnati, OH., Birmingham, AL., Memphis, TN., Raleigh, NC., Charlottesville, VA., and Washington, DC, just to name a few, will each be an active participant in the kinds of changes previously mentioned. Each of these needs a change of vibration to elevate the sense of spiritual acceptances of the many who wish this to be so. I can say what will "probably" occur to each of these areas. Those who read this will be searching for their own home to know what may happen. But if you are not careful, you will loose sight of what it is I am telling you. You can" change the Earth" yourselves. You can cleanse the Earth by cleansing your own self awareness and your own understanding and acceptance of others. When you do this, then only a few of the Earth changes need occur. The Earth will joyfully celebrate with each of you.

I will conclude this evening with these few words. There is but one message - LOVE. I leave with that love for each of you and for the One Creator of us all."

The Sun God

Sidney, Australia And More On The Great Winds

October 26, 1992

"I have spoken previously of changes to New Zealand. That part of the Earth needs a spiritual focus center, just as Louisville, Ky. is to be. This is important not only for those to physically see and feel, but also for the loving vibrations to eminate to the surrounding areas of the planet. Sidney, Australia is to be such a center of spiritual learning and teaching. But this area must first be cleansed so that there is true awareness and feeling of brotherly love. This city will be swept by flood waters that will be 20-30 feet in depth. These cleansing waters will strike with such force as to sweep away most small structures in its path. Even some large buildings will collapse from the force. Many will choose this time to make their transition. Others will remain, some of whom it will be said that deserved to die. But these people have the potential of being the strength of the spiritual movement if they choose to turn their experiences into positive growth. The reason for the floods will be to connect the people to the land and to the great spiritual knowledge of those beautiful Aborigines who have chosen this land as theirs. It is through the combining of the wisdom of this vanishing human species, with the beliefs and desires of those of Sidney seeking true brotherhood, that this area will emerge as a true light center.

I have spoken of the Great Wind already. This great energy from the universe will race across this planet. Very few spots on the Earth will not be visited by these powerful winds. Practically all tall human made structures will be leveled as this energy reminds each of you that human made monuments will not be allowed to remain on the Earth as the 5th dimension approaches. The Great Winds will be like a giant broom to assist the Earth in cleansing her house. All those who are open to their inner awarenesses, and who have not chosen this time to return to their spirit form, will know when the winds are to occur. Those can therefore seek a safe shelter. To these I say, do not be curious, but remain in your safe place until the energies have passed. You will have plenty of time to see the cleansing power of this great universal wind. Then you must decide if you wish to continue to help the Earth rid herself of the monuments of humankind's thirst for materialism and disregard for the welfare of the Earth. This decision will in fact be as much a test for you as the winds themself.

I leave at this time. I leave in love for all those on the Earth and for the One Creator of us all."

The Sun God

Kansas City, Kansas And Negative ET's Underground In Mexico**

November 9, 1992

"Kansas City, Kansas is a place of quiet progress in the area of light worker activities, but progress is being made. There exists within that city an attitude of independence, but it is accompanied by a certain flair of arrogance and indifference. There is a strong inclination towards material possessions. It is this materialistic attitude that is the real danger and the reason the people have lost touch with their spirituality. They have many religious institutions, but these, too, are treated as possessions by those who control them. There is a deep need for strong, spiritual leadership and energy in this part of your country. To fill this need for spirituality, there is a certain cleansing which will remove the negativity associated with materialism and control. This area will be another target of earthquakes which will level the heart and soul of possession and ownership. These people will see first hand that "things" have no value when reduced to rubble.

The earthquakes will hopefully cause the people in the Kansas City area to view each other with charity and as individual souls. Many will indeed choose this very time to make their transition, as the Earth will quake in the middle of a busy work day. By the time this cleansing is completed, the people will have touched others as well, as they seek and receive help. They will learn to love and appreciate the value of living close to the Earth. If lessons are not learned and the same negative vibrations continue, a flood will follow within 18 months and these waters will be truly devastating. One third of the entire population will transition with these waters as the city and surrounding countryside will look like an ocean.

There is a place in Mexico where negativity is part of the way of life. It is not a place you will find on the map or would be able to see if you could drive by. It is a place the Mexican and US governments have set aside for use by negative energies. I speak of an underground existence that is home and laboratory for those often referred to as negative ET's, extraterrestrials. This place is used as a base for operations that does much harm to the Earth with their negative vibrations. Despite their advanced technologies used in this underground location, the Earth will quake and rupture to such a degree as to not only destroy much of what is there, but also expose parts of it as well. This will be followed by the falling of massive amounts of water. The technology of those present will not be sufficient to change the course of these Earth cleansings. Let this serve as a warning to those other areas of high negativity where similar activities are occurring.

Humankind has been blind to the intrusions upon your being and your planet by those who are extraterrestrials who are of negative vibration. You have listened to your governments who have not wanted you to know of their existences. You have turned off your own spiritual awareness that would make you aware of what is happening all around you. Many are channeling information in this regard. Tom is one of many. Listen to them. These negative ET's, as many call them, and the humans they control are doing much harm to the Earth with their vibrations. The Earth will cleanse herself of these, as she will all harmful energies.

I leave at this time. I leave in love for all those on and in the Earth and for the One Creator."

The Sun God

Negative ET's Are Not Welcome And Must Leave

November 10, 1992

"Until my last channeling, I have not mentioned the harmful energies of the negative ET's. There is a great deal the public does not know about these energies. It has been the choice of most to follow a path that excludes or ignores these beliefs. Regardless, these forces have been among you for thousands of years. Only recently, though, have their harmful vibrations been on the increase, as they too are preparing you for what is ahead. They will continue to be a choice for many of you. At the same time, they have been working with elements of the US and other governments. If you are not careful, they will be a choice by virtue of allowing the government to place greater and greater controls on your freedoms, until you completely accept the ways of these dark forces. You will have opportunities for these choices. I suggest you do all you can to keep your mind and heart cleared so you may correctly discern what your choices really are.

The Earth will continue to cleanse herself of all harmful vibrations, regardless of the source. She cannot be a true 5th dimensional being without removing all negativity from her beingness. There are those in the US Government who sincerely believe they will have a safe haven as long as they remain with those who have advanced technologies. But the Earth will not tolerate any center of negativity, whether it be a major city or an underground encampment of humans and negative ET's. The cleansings will take place regardless of the resistance offered. Such negative based force pales when compared to the energies Mother Earth and I can generate by way of cleansings. I now ask these energies to leave this planet. I will not interfere in any way with your departure. But if you remain and continue to do harm, you will feel the full fury of the Earth as she clears herself of your vibrations. As Tom writes this message, I am sending it out to all those energies who wish to do only harm to the Earth. Humankind may choose your ways, but the Earth does not. You may remain in love, but I now tell you to leave if not here with loving intent. You are not welcome on the Earth.

I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator."

The Sun God