Earth Changes One


The Earth is a living, breathing being just as we are. Mother Earth responds to love and non love just as we do. She is more sensitive than most of us, in that she can feel the anger, hatred, and the total disregard for others and the Earth that we continuously express. The Earth does not feel a bomb exploding as physical pain, or an exchange of racial slurs as anger or frustration. She is far too sensitive for this. The Earth feels these expressions of humankind as vibrations. She marvels at an act of love and shudders from the sharp pain of negativity. She is aware of them at the microscopic level. Mother Earth is so sensitive, that a poisoned stream in Wisconsin has an affect in China.

The planet we call home is very strong and loves us without condition. But there are limits to her ability to endure our harm. She loves us but she also loves herself and must consider her own growth. Remember, she can grow just as we can.

Humankind has concluded that the Earth and all life on her revolve around humankind, as though we are the center of the universe. Otherwise, why would we convert fossil fuels into our major source of power when the Sun is clean and free? Otherwise, why would we ravage the forrests to harvest the timber? Otherwise, why would we place jobs and economies well ahead of care for the planet, the place where we live?

This is a book about changes. Some of us do not deal with change very well. I encourage you to read and pay particular attention to the messages that can most affect self change. After you read the book, if you are convinced you cannot affect any of the potential changes, I urge you to read it again and be more attentive to the reasons for each change. If we want to, we can all change.

The book is replete with "possible" changes, with a few of the changes that appear to be definite, although few things in the universe, if any, are absolute. What then determines what is a possibility or probability, or an absolute? In a very few words, I will try to explain how "things" happen, in our personal, every day life and on a mass scale. The changes that "will occur" are those that are not affected by humanity, but rather by the physical balancing requirements of a planet in a new orbit, or by some other cosmic occurrence not involving the free will of the Earth's inhabitants.

Our thoughts create - we do create our own reality, down to the color of our shoe laces. Even as we think, we are creating a reality "somewhere" within the universe. Simply speaking, this is exactly how we create our individual physical realities. They are first a thought form, which then may manifest in a manner as to create or cause us to create an actual physical condition or event. The accepted belief is that we have, for instance, the physical dollars in our possession and then think of how we come by them or create them. In fact, the reverse process is true. We first think of the money we need and the means for manifesting it, then proceed with the physical process of doing it.

When sufficient numbers of people think or project a similar thought or desired outcome, in the form of a collection of individual's thoughts, desires or energies - the mass consciousness, a "probability" of the occurrence then exists. The Sun God and others are able to tap into and comprehend those other realities and then project a "probable" outcome based on the known energies at that moment. Each individual has the free will to change at any time. Again, if enough thoughts or expectations change, the probable outcome changes. But based on the current will of those on the Earth as a whole, and of the various local centers of mass consciousness in particular, the Sun God is saying that certain cleansings will be necessary to counter the collective thought. These cleansings may not permanently alter the collective thought, nor is this the intent, but they will help remove the harmful vibrational effects to the Earth. Any permanent change is a function of our free will, and no positive, loving energy would ever interfere with this aspect of our beingness.

If humanity would only become aware of the self power of thought - true empowerment, then we would realize that whatever is happening, or will occur in the future, is merely a reflection of ourselves. Conscious choices could then be made to change, or not to change.

So it is with these words of introduction that I present channeled messages on many of the Earth changes, both the definite and probable ones. Pay particular attention to the reasons for the cleansings at the different locations, as these are how the changes can be most affected - to occur as allowed to by our collective choices, or to be averted by deliberate changes to that same mass consciousness.

The Mississippi River, Southern Hemisphere, Pole Shifts and Himalayas

April 6, 1992

"So I tell you that the river you now know as the Mississippi will become 2 1/2 times as wide. This will be necessary, for it will be washing away many of the undesirable structures that occupy the mid section of your country. There are many dirty chemicals that must be washed away with this. The widening of this river will occur in conjunction with a very major earthquake along much of the area that borders this great river. At the same time, several of those rivers that empty into this great body of water will be rerouted. This in turn will cleanse those areas of some of these same things I just mentioned.

Humankind unnecessarily burns the forrests in the southern hemisphere. This is creating an imbalance that will have long standing affects if not stopped. If this does not cease, the Earth will quence the flames with great floods. This will be unlike any seen in the recorded history of humankind, except for the voyages of Noah. There will also be three massive earthquakes in this region to seal off the area from further distruction.

There has been much talk of a pole shift and much has been channeled in this regard. What has been lost in much of this is that humankind itself can have a beneficial or a detrimental impact on this event. There are going to be pole shifts. This will happen by 1998. If humankind would raise the love level, then there would be minimal shifts, perhaps as slight as 8-10 degrees. Otherwise the shifts would be sufficient to enhance the transition of many of those who do not wish to brighten their path with an elevated love level. This is in no way a punishment. Such people, all people, make choices. Many of those whose choice is not of love will be sent to study these matters from a different dimension.

I will tell you of one more happening before I leave. The mountain range known as the Himalayas will change. I say this will occur by the end of 1995. Many of these mountains will collapse. They will make way for a waterway that is needed there to wash away the ideals of hate for the individual. While these ideals may survive the nature cleansing, many of those who espouse these beliefs will not. This will open the door for continued change in this part of your planet.

I have said that I would tell Tom of the Earth changes. These are but a few. I will tell Tom of almost all of the major changes so that he can tell the people. And then the people will choose to believe or not believe. There is a natural order to all existences. But there is also a human made order which is reacting to the natural order.

I leave in love for you and with love for our One Creator."

The Sun God

Russia, Florida, Canada And California

April 20, 1992

"There will be increased volcanic eruptions in the different parts of the Earth. Of course some are sounding now. There will be one in the country known as Russia. This will cause tremendous damage and will hopefully assist the survivors in focusing on their own problems and not their neighbors problems, and less on how bad their economy is, or how they compare to other countries. It should redirect their concerns inward. This is a cleansing and of course is dependent on the mass love of these people. I see this as a high probability to occur, and could happen as early as August 1992. It may occur much later, but this should be by the end of 1993. There will also be some earthquakes to accompany this. As many as two of their nuclear reactors could be damaged or destroyed. I choose not to give the locations at this time.

Many people are wary of future floods, as they should be. But the focus should be on the cleansing and replacing of fear and hate with love. This takes many forms. Humankind manifests these in your cities, in the chemical plants that corrupt the water, air and each of you. It is also manifested in each person's treatment of the other. So flood we will. I have already talked of flooding and cleansing. But the oceans will also rise up and overflow their banks. By 1996, Florida will be covered half by water. I warn so those who listen, will heal and flee to safe places. But I do not require that any person allow another of negative vibration into their home for shelter, even if there is an emergency. Many will not flee, for it is their intent to transition with the rising of the waters. This they have agreed to do. This is why so many do choose to live in that state. There will be back to back hurricanes that will empty the water over the land and whose winds will destroy many of the structures. Many people can choose to go within and follow their heart's path. Many of these will remain on the Earth. But the floods will occur regardless.

It is not out of hate or punishment that the Earth does call on these cleansing efforts. It is in love for herself, humankind and all creation.

There will be no major land mass that is not involved in the cleansing process. None! There too will be much flooding in the country known as Canada. This will occur as the pole shift does take place. They will also have the volcanic eruptions as reminders that they would best serve their creator in the unity that many will be asking for.

There has been much talk and prediction about the western part of your country. Some say that California will disappear into the ocean. I have heard the energy known as Edgar Cayce tell humankind much. I am one of the energies that has directed his predictions. There are many of his predictions that are yet to happen. I tell you, you will lose California and more people than you can count. But be not sad, for this is their contribution to the planet Earth. They are focusing their energies on these lands to help make it so. This may take place by 1998. I did hesitate with this as it could be delayed until 2001. But it will happen.

I leave in the love of the One Creator of us all."

The Sun God

Volcanoes and Darkness, Flooding, Atlantis, And More On Pole Shifts

April 28, 1992

"It is beautiful and sunny outside this evening. Wherever I shine I bring joy. And when my rays cannot be seen for a time, each person's energies change. For with my light comes life on this planet. But there will be long periods of darkness and no sunlight for different places on this planet. This will happen as a result of several circumstances. I have mentioned volcanic activity. This will be so great in several instances that the Sun's rays will be blocked for weeks at a time in vast areas. But this will not be the only reason for darkness in some of the same areas. There will also be a great solar eclipse that will remain in place for up to three days. Many will fear the end of the world when this happens. But this will not be so. But many people will be so frightened at these two occurrences that they will transition at their own hands. And I tell you there will be other strange happenings during this same time.

There has been much talk and much channeling concerning the water levels in the United States. I have said that the great Mississippi River will widen. There will be tremendous flooding in the areas adjoining these waters. But there will be much water over the land mass called the USA. Many people are content with the trends of control by groups and government. They have "settled in their ways" in this regard. These people are content to focus on the material needs alone. But the water will force these people to abandon all that they have in the way of wordly possessions. They will consider this tragic. Indeed, many will choose to transition instead of living close to nature. But for those who remain, their lives will become much richer than they could even imagine. This will happen for those who surrender to the love of God and learn to live within themself. This I tell you will happen in many of your states, too many to list.

It is also the popular topic to speak of the rising of the lost continent known as Atlantis. Indeed this land was lost, lost by mistreatment of those who dwelled there. But much of that land does still remain above the waters. There will rise out of the water more of these and other lands. I say this will occur in the regions along the Mediterranean Sea and into the Atlantic Ocean for some 200 miles. But I tell you that the continent is not lost. You need only look beneath your feet in the eastern United States including Kentucky. It is only the belief in Atlantis that is lost. So many people are pinning their hopes for the future on the Atlantean treasures and knowledge. I say that these are fools. Do not look to the past. Look forward. There are secrets and treasures for certain. But these are all within many of you and they will be bursting forth very soon. All knowledge is within your own souls.

There will be a pole shift for certain. I have spoken of this. The new pole formations will take some time to develop. The Earth will move closer to the Sun. Therefore, the overall climate will be warmer. The poles will be smaller. As the poles shift and melt there will be tremendous waters to spring forth and cover the lands. I will speak more on this at a later time.

Each who reads this will wonder how they will be affected. Most of those on the Earth will be directly affected. For some it may only mean some inconveniences. For others, their vibrations seek the full fury of some circumstances. To each I say, trust in yourself, trust in the love of the One Creator, and trust in those who serve with love. You will be concerned with your immediate needs, I know this. But keep your concerns and love of all as your overall focus and you will be amazed at the results that occur for each of you.

I have much more to speak of in these matters. I will continue to do that. I also know many look for dates for the many Earth changes. I do provide some. Others, in fact, will change as the mass consciousness changes. To put dates on these is a foolish exercise by any energy. I tell all to prepare as the Earth prepares herself for her greatest event.

I leave as one who is but part of the One Creator of us all."

The Sun God

The Great Wind, Africa, Light Bodies on Earth, Planet of Love

May 5, 1992

"Tom has asked me about the "Great Wind" as predicted by Nostrodamus, and as he has recently channeled to Tom. I can say that such an occurrence is not an Earth change. But what he has spoken of will occur. The winds will come from the atmosphere and will sweep through the Earth. The winds will have tremendous velocity and power and will be used to cleanse the Earth as well. Tom has been told the wind velocity could range from 500 miles per hour up to 1,200 miles per hour. So much depends on the people of the Earth. I do not wish to be precise at this time, for each of you can help each other and the Earth. I do say the winds will be moving very rapidly across the earth and will have speeds of at least 500 mph.

I have not spoken much of the great continent known as Africa. I can say few countries on this planet have such natural beauty as this one, as well as love, fear and hate. There are such extremes in the land. There will be new mountains formed on these lands. These mountains will help raise the love of the people to new heights. When these formations do occur, much flooding will also take place to cleanse the country of many of those who are so filled with hatred of others. I see changes taking place on these lands-changes directed towards helping each other. I do encourage these changes, as they can help diminish some of the cleansing effects.

I speak of so many natural events that many will wonder why the Earth simply does not shake everyone off, like fleas on a dog. Remember, the Earth is going to a different dimension. She does love humankind. She has asked the people, in the form of light bodies, to occupy and live in peace on the Earth. The Earth does not wish to destroy humankind. She only wishes to cleanse herself of the vibrations that slow her ascent. She wants to help the people in every way she can. Many of the Earth changes are for cleansing. Many are for the physical balance of the future planet as she takes her new position in the universe. The Earth is to be a planet of LOVE.

I love all as we are all loved by the One Creator."

The Sun God

East And West Coasts Of United States

May 12, 1992

"There will be more people not accepting the changes than those who do accept what I say. The more who do accept, the better the understanding of the love that is needed to minimize or even eliminate many of the Earth cleansings. I do not suggest that anyone talk another into any belief. Rather, I do suggest that each treat the other with love and this will become the belief-the love belief. All things are possible with love.

So it is with the next Earth change I mention. There will be great hurricanes to batter the shores of your east coast and your west coast. These storms will even move inward several hundred miles. And there will be successive storms, so that those along your coastline will wonder if they will ever cease. This will also happen to the European coastline. Much damage will be incurred and many lives will be lost. These will begin in the fall of 1993. But humankind need only remember that acceptance of each other in a loving way will have the most direct affect on these storms.

I leave in the love of the One Creator."

The Sun God

The following changes were given shortly after the Chicago sewer floodings occurred.

Nova Scotia, New York, Chicago, Food Supply

June 3, 1992

"I will continue with Earth changes. As with all the changes, each is unique in itself and each is designed in some loving way to cleanse the Earth and help raise her vibration.

There is a land or area known as Nova Scotia. This will be one of the future balancing points for the planet. It will not only have mountains that create a physical balance for the Earth's rotation, but it will also be a great vortex of energy. But there are certain activities that must occur before either of these can happen. The mountain ranges will form from tremendous volcanic eruptions. These eruptions are intended as both a regional cleansing tool as well as the mechanism for mountain growth. These eruptions will be felt all the way to your Central American regions and well into the Russian countries. This will occur between 2003 and 2006. These eruptions will be unusually powerful because of the need to extend the land mass outward.

I have spoken so often of the need to cleanse and raise the Earth's vibration. It is really the vibrations of humankind that need the cleansing. This is the reason great floods will be occurring over the next 8-10 years. Perhaps as humans begin to realize this, and sufficient numbers embrace a genuinely higher love level, then many of these may diminish in strength. These natural occurrences are merely a manifestation of the needs of the people. They will be the growing of the seeds sown by the higher selves of the masses.

I say this for now about several large population centers. New York has often been predicted as being destroyed in a nuclear holocaust, or in other ways. These of course were and are possibilities. But I do not see this as very likely. The mass consciousness of New York is so powerful, it could change its course in a single day. This much WILL occur. New York will be bombarded by a large meteor shower, with some meteors as large as 200 feet in diameter. This will cause considerable destruction. It will pave the way for even greater cleansing from the sea. The universal shower will serve as a wake up call to those who continue to ignore the many love choices that are available to them. It will be cause for the people to stop and consider other alternatives to the life styles that create such massive negative vibrations.

Similiar messages will be sent to many of the other large cities of the planet. Chicago has already felt the potential power of a water cleansing. Yet their focus still remains only on the economic affects and not the affects on personal relationships. This water warning was delivered to the business community by and large, but the response has been only to blame instead of helping each other. The next flooding will come from earthquake activity, and it will be even more "noticed" by the people. Oh, if only the people could realize their true love and true power. There would be no economic issues, for these would be of no concern when viewed from love for each other.

I say these things about the food supply. Humankind, particularly in industrialized nations, depends on electricity and fuel driven sources to sow, harvest and manufacturer the food supplies. These create tremendous damage to the Earth and humankind as well, with the poisons and waste spilled upon the land and in the air. But even more damaging is the system of controls over the people that this has created. Humankind would seemlingly be paralyzed without their manufactured food sources. The absolute dependence is there for many of you. This must change if you wish to maintain your freedom. There is sufficient food everywhere, if each only understood what the human body needs. I suggest that all people learn to live off of herbs and organically grown foods, and from food from the seas. I will speak to this at length at other times. But humankind's physical nurturing-focus should be directed to what is available when there are no power sources for food manufacturing.

I leave in the love and oneness of the One Creator."

The Sun God

Dimensional Changes, Hong Kong And Tokyo

June 9, 1992

"The focus of my predicted Earth changes to this point has primarily been of a general change - to countries or mountain ranges. I have also not said a great deal about most of the countries outside of the U.S. Recall, I did say that all major land masses would realize some changes.

It should be somewhat easy to comprehend that changes must occur, at least to a general degree. Think about this. The Earth is now moving into a higher dimension, the 4th [as of July 26, 1992]. Soon after that it will ascend even more quickly to the 5th dimension. These movements in themself will cause physical vibrational changes in and on the Earth, as well as within the Earth's auric field above the Earth. This does not tell you specific areas or types of changes, but you can readily understand many will occur. Those changes that are primarily of a human-vibrational cleansing are almost entirely preventable. This I have spoken of as well.

I will continue with general changes but will also begin to be more specific to some areas. Your scientists have been predicting certain changes and will continue to do so. Most of the predictions which are considered "purely scientific" in their content, you may choose to forget, at least any major ones. Your science simply does not understand the energies of the universe. Consequently their judgements are clouded with insignificant data or reasons. There will be several open minded scientist who will actually be channeling the changes, although they may not realize it. But those who are steadfast to their scientific limitations will certainly block reception of any channeled input. I am saying this as the scientific community will denounce the book that Tom will be publishing on the Earth changes. This should be no surprise to anyone. There are certain other population centers that I wish to discuss this evening. Major earthquakes will split the cities of Hong Kong and Tokyo. These will be followed within 3-6 months by tremendous floods. The earthquakes will occur but the major flooding is avoidable. The floods are to cleanse so as to open the minds to true spiritual connection. These two cities are very similar in vibration as the material and control mentalities are present. Much has been said concerning the family values of Japan. But these values are now playing second fiddle to material growth and concerns. This has also long been a male-dominated society without recognition of equal status to the female, as well as to non-Japanese. The recognition of others as equals is the message to be learned. Hong Kong is very similar.

There will be two areas that will change only minimally, as the energies there are very good for them. I will not mention these at this time as the energy balance could be significantly altered by panic driven individuals. I tell you this so you may know that there are places of balance on the Earth. This does not mean that some large areas are not or will not be synchronized with the solar system. I am only referring to country-type areas.

I leave in the name of love and love of the One Creator."

The Sun God

Lunar Eclipse Energy, Warning On Rain Forrests, Fourth Dimension

June 17, 1992

"The Earth has just witnessed a lunar eclipse. The lunar and planetary energies are very specific at these times. No two lunar eclipses will have the exact same energies, but they will be similar. There are many entities [including negative ET's] that are very familiar with the specific energies. Some will use these to their advantage. This may not always be beneficial to humankind. I mention this for it would be wise for humankind to be aware of this so that you can counter with love and with additional protections. The less than benevolent space energies are significant users of these lunar and lunar eclipse energies.

There is a country in the southern hemisphere that you call Argentina. This is a large and beautiful country. I have already spoken of the destruction of rain forrests. Humankind can stop this horrible wasting of Earth resources. Humankind does pin everything on jobs and global economies. You treat these as though they are to be the end result of your existence. Humans say that financial concerns are more important than the Earth. Humankind cares for the Earth only as a stepchild and not as a first born. Your leaders have said this is so. I tell you to tell those leaders they are wrong. The mass consciousness has spoken through your leaders. I urge immediate reconsideration. Both the Earth and I will not allow more senseless destruction of these forrests which are so necessary for maintaining chemical balances of your planet. I will issue warnings very soon. And these will be manifested in Argentina. I love humankind but I am not pleased with those who choose a path of destruction to Mother Earth. The leaders only express what the masses will allow.

Tom and others are talking of the changes the Earth has chosen. And the Earth will ascend into the 4th dimension on July 26, 1992. Many ask how this will affect them and how might they, as individuals, also move into this new dimension. It is not so easy a task for those whose vibration and love are not at the levels that are acceptable. Remaining in the 3rd is certainly not bad in any regard. It merely represents non-growth to the 4th. Humankind cannot move into the 4th without proper spiritual preparation. You must sincerely recognize that you are not separate and alone. It must be a heart and soul level acceptance of the oneness of all with the God Source. So I suggest that a person must be willing and prepared for this shift. The personal change will occur at the cellular level. I will speak more on this at a later time.

I leave in the knowing and the love of the One Creator."

The Sun God