About The Author

The real author of this channeled text is the Sun God. There is some explanation of this loving energy in chapter 2, but there is far more to the Sun than any human could know or have the comprehension to communicate.

Tom accepts his own role for this book and feels honored to have coauthored it. Thomas H. Smith was born in 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky and is the third of five children. He has remained in Louisville except for 1960-64 when he was in the United States Marine Corps. He graduated from the University of Louisville in 1971, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Commerce degree, with a major in Accounting. Tom became a Certified Public Accountant in 1973 and has served in various accounting and management positions throughout his business career. Tom has two children, a son and a daughter.

Tom became curious about parapsychology in 1985 before he even knew what it meant, and began to explore metaphysics in earnest in 1987. His initial interest was in extraterrestrial phenomenon, but it soon expanded to many of the other facets of spirituality. Tom read most of the Seth material and for a long time did not recognize the contection between the ET's and the spirit realm.

Although he enjoyed others' channelings, Tom had no real interest in his own channeling abilities, even when he was told he would write and channel several books. In November 1991, Tom received his first telepathic channeling. Within three months, Tom was telepathically channeling several energies and the number grew to 47 within six months. These included many of the ascended masters, many star beings, and of course the Sun God and the God Source. These energies channel through Tom on an individual basis and together as a single energy, who Tom refers to as the Blend of Loving Energies. The space friends asked Tom to start an ET discussion group which he and a friend agreed to do. Essentially all the information they share during these discussions has been channeled from the space friends. Tom also has a deep interest in healing. As he is learns and develops this knowledge, he is committed to sharing his healing gifts with those in need.