A Few Details on QuickTime in the 5.1 release

The following announcement was taken from a post on comp.sys.sgi.graphics.
Compact Video (aka CinePak) is not supported. Perhaps one day we will be able to license this codec from SuperMac; there definitely is interest in it around here.

The 5.1 release of movieplayer has support for QuickTime movies which use Apple's "Animation" (RLE) and "Video" (RPZA) compression.

Another important limitation is that we cannot support QuickTime movies which have not been "flattened". On the Macintosh, the structure of a movie is usually defined in the resource fork of a movie file, with the video and audio stored in the data fork. Since the IRIX file system does not support Macintosh-style resource forks, you can't just put a CD of QuickTime movies into an Indigo and play them.

QuickTime on the Macintosh provides a facility to produce a flattened movie. Flattened movies store the movie structure together with the video and audio in the data fork. There are utilities on the Macintosh which can perform this function - the resulting file will play properly on an SGI machine.

Yeah, I know it's not convenient - but people using QuickTime on a MS-Windows system have to go through the same procedure, for the same reasons. SGI recognzies the need for better Macintosh connectivity - soon, I hope we will have a convenient way to bring both resource and data forks from Macintosh files onto an SGI system. At that point, we will probably offer some convenient means of supporting non-flattened QuickTime movies.

Finally, QuickTime output is not available from moviemaker in the 5.1 release. There were both licensing and engineering issues which could not be resolved in the 5.1 timeframe. The next release of moviemaker, along with our upcoming Movie Library developer's product, should offer QuickTime file output support.

Michael Portuesi Silicon Graphics, Inc. portuesi@sgi.com