DeHackEd v. 1.0 By Greg Lewis (Tree) The Doom.exe hack editor! With this early version of DeHackEd, peruse the Thing tables in the Doom.exe file, and modify them at will. Make fireballs invisible! Make missiles do 2000 points of damage! Disclaimer: the author is NOT responsible for any damage, corrupting, or trashing of the doom.exe file that this program causes. Many thanks to Matt Fell ( for the specs that made this possible. Also, to Id for the great game! It is a VERY good idea to pick up a copy of the doom.exe hack specs, available at Hint: Make a backup of the doom.exe before you begin! There WILL be more improvements to this program, as soon as I have time. I was just interested in getting out a working version, to appease all you Doom maniacs out there... Future versions may or may not include: Frame table editor Sound table editor Ammo editor A better interface