This is for Doom version 1.2 shareware. These codes are in HEX offset. This may come in handy since you can't use the cheat keys in Nightmare mode. Start a new game, save it and then exit. Open the savegame file (doomsav0.dsg if this is your first game). Use a hex editor to change the following: Everything you will need to change is in the first 0 to 200 offset. WARNING! If you are hacking up a savegame file you don't want to lose, Make a backup of it first. Offset 0: Range Function 52 - 53 ? Health I can't get this to work the way I want. You can mess around with it if you want to. When I set it over 100 it didn't do any good. 56 - 57 00 00 - FF FF This is your armor, different from health, you can make this as high as you want! Example: 9999 in hex is 27 0F Remember to always flip the two numbers around. Go to 56 and change it to 0F and then go to 57 and change it to 27 Now you have 9999 armor. For the guns and cards, 00 = off and 01 = on 76 00 - 01 Blue Keycard, 7A 00 - 01 Yellow Keycard 7E 00 - 01 Red Keycard Example: If you want the red card, go to 7E and change the 00 to 01. The Pistol is always on. B2 00 - 01 Shotgun, B6 00 - 01 Chaingun BA 00 - 01 Rocket Launcher C6 00 - 01 Chainsaw The Plasma Rifle and BFG9000 are not in the shareware version. Even if you turn them on, there are no sprits for them. Example: If you want the Rocket Launcher, go to BA and change the 00 to 01 CA - CB 00 00 - FF FF Bullets CE - CF 00 00 - FF FF Shotgun Shells D6 - D7 00 00 - FF FF Rockets DA - DB 00 00 - FF FF Maximum Bullets DE - DF 00 00 - FF FF Maximum Shells E6 - E7 00 00 - FF FF Maximum Rockets Example: 9999 in hex is 27 0F Remember to always flip the two numbers around. For 9999 max bullets, go to DA and change the number there to 0F and then go to DB and change the number there to 27 Now you have 9999 max bulets. For God mode, go to F2 and change the 00 to 02 For Light visor, go to 72 and change the 00 to 3c then go to 73 and change the 00 to 10 For the radiation suit, go to 6A and change the 00 to 0F then go to 6B and change the 00 to 07 That's it for now. Have Fun!