Desktop Theme Installer

What's a desktop theme?

A desktop theme is a collection of desktop attributes--colors, mouse pointers, sounds, wallpaper, and so on--that create a "theme" for your desktop. Windows 95 (with Plus! installed), Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows XP, and Windows NT 4.0 (with add-on theme support installed) provide support for desktop themes. Please read this additional information if you are using Windows 2000.

The WinZip® desktop theme installer

If the WinZip Wizard determines that you are extracting files from a Zip file that contains a desktop theme, it will automatically lead you through the simple steps required to install the theme. Just click the Next button and follow the simple instructions.

After WinZip has extracted the necessary files to the correct folders, it will run the system theme installer (normally Themes.Exe) to complete your installation. Here you can preview the sounds, cursors, colors, and images provided by the theme designer. (Under some versions of Windows you may need to first select the new theme from the list of available themes in the Theme drop-down list.) If you like the theme, just click Apply and Themes will convert your desktop to the new theme. If you don't like the theme, click Cancel and your desktop will be unaffected. Consult your Windows documentation or help for more information about the theme installation program.

More detail about desktop themes and the WinZip desktop theme installer is available in WinZip's Classic interface help.

Note: Microsoft has not documented the format of .Theme files. The WinZip Desktop Theme Installer is designed to work with .Theme files as used by the current version of Microsoft's THEMES.EXE (4.0). It is possible that Microsoft may change the format of .Theme files or other aspects of desktop theme support and that, as a result, WinZip will no longer be able to support desktop theme installation. Current information about desktop theme compatibility issues can be found on our website at