Aim Software, Ltd. 6-15-98 Acknowledgement ------------------------------------------------------ Aim Software, Ltd. gratefully acknowledges the assistance provided by NASA in the production of this Cd-Rom title, particular in providing photographs, production locations and video used thoughout the game. Unless otherwise indicated, photographs and vido utilized in Apollo 18, The Moon Missions, received a NASA credit line and are not subject to copyright. ------------------------------------------------------ It should be noted, NASA has not endorsed or approved this product. ------------------------------------------------------ Windows 95 Notes: ------------------------------------------------------ The game has been known to have problems when running in 'large fonts' mode. If you have buttons overlapping or type extending past visible limits, please follow these instructions. To enter 'small fonts' mode, go to your 'control panel'. Open 'display'. Use the tabs to advance to 'settings', and change to 'small fonts'. With Auto-run verification enabled, setup will run automatically. Otherwise, run setup.exe from the root of the CD and follow the on-screen instructions. Release Notes: ------------------------------------------------------ Disk 1 must be played in 256 colors! Disk 2 must be played in 16bit or greater. ------------------------------------------------------ Game Notes: ------------------------------------------------------ This game is designed to give you, the player, the feeling and the realism of being recruited into the Apollo Astronaut Corp. It is advised to review in detail, the training disk, simulators, and the flight manual prior to launch. Be advised. The majority of mission control calls and mission events have time constraints. [example] Docking must be completed within 90 seconds. An Apollo Moon Mission is based on a sequence of events happening in a precise order and time frame. The spacecraft is traveling at 24,000 miles per hour, small pauses can lead to catastrophic consequences. This is a mouse oriented game! There is little typing and joystick play. The only typing available is when communicating with mission control or during pre-launch orientation. Mission Control Responses ------------------------------------ "go" "nogo" "roger" "abort" "copy" ------------------------------------ For Russian systems, and other non-English keyboards, type "00" in place of "go". If mission control reports a problem, upon completion of a solution, you can signal mission control with a "roger", or a "copy". They will let you know if you fixed it. Final Notes: ------------------------------------------------------ Prior to launching a real mission, you should review the first CD in detail. Without the knowledge of how to launch, dock, set course corrections, use the star finder, land, and eventually reenter the earth's atmosphere, you will not complete this game. Examples: You must know to pull the Lunar Module completely out of the SPS section of the Saturn Rocket after having docked with it. You must find the correct star cluster for your starmap. If you are not over the correct grouping, your gimbal will not be correctly locked. During landing, note the coordinates and get there quickly. Drop your thrust, and be prepared to recompensate your position. Your yellow targeting line, must be over or along side of the red target square. If it is you will drop down to the graphical non-radar landing. You must land very close to the old lunar module during landing, if you want any chance of reaching the RTT-301.