Commonly Asked Questions

Why Africa?
Because Africa is safari country. A safari is one of the greatest experiences of a lifetime. It is like no other travel experience; it is like a journey into creation. There is no place else in the world where you can see traditional villages, tribes and prehistoric landscapes populated by untamed wildlife. And, this can all be experienced without sacrificing the creature comforts to which modern men and women have become accustomed.

What will I see on safari?
The greatest profusion of animal, bird and plant life on earth. You roam across the countryside in search of elephant, lion, rhino, Cape buffalo and leopard (the Big Five). You will encounter wildebeest, zebra, gazelle, giraffe, baboon, hippo and monkey in great numbers and jackal, hyena and cheetah... the list goes on. The bird life is infinite in its variety and form. There are plants from the giant baobab and mahogany to the tiny whistling thorn. And there will be morning rainbows, mirages in the afternoon, and moonlit, star-filled nights.

Why go now?
During the past twenty-five years man has destroyed much of the wildlife which has roamed the African plains for over 2 million years. Not only is the wildlife disappearing, the primitive cultures are changing due to Western influences. This is not an experience which should be put off. By traveling to Africa now, your tourism dollars have an immediate effect on conservation. It is the foreign exchange from tourism which is the motivation to preserve the wildlife for future generations.

Isn�t there a lot of trouble in Africa?
Africa is a continent four times larger than the United States. The chances of you being the victim of crime are extremely small, probably less than the town you live in.

What is the weather like?
While no one can guarantee the weather in Africa we can make some predictions:

Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
East Africa is fairly moderate year round. The temperature ranges between 49 degrees and 80 degrees. The humidity is low and the mornings and evenings are refreshingly cool.
Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana
The best time to visit Southern Africa is between the months of May and October. This is the dry season and temperatures range from a low of 40 degrees to daytime highs in the mid 70�s. In June and July, the evenings can be quite cool - sometimes in the low 30's.
South Africa
South Africa is generally sunny and temperate throughout the year. Since the country lies south of the equator, the seasons are the reverse of those in the northern hemisphere. Winters (June/July) are usually cool and mild. June to October is the ideal time to visit the game reserves.
Namibia has a subtropical climate and is typical of semi-desert areas with hot days and cool nights. Inland summer day (October to April) are warm to hot (sometimes in excess of 100F). Summer is the rainy season, with most rainfall occurring in the north and northeast.

What is a Winged Safari?
Winged safaris utilize flights between the game parks. This has the advantage of saving time. And there is also less fatigue from bouncing over the rough African roads. It has the disadvantage though of missing some of the local color found along the roadside, which we feel is the essence of Africa.

What is the difference between a mobile and a permanent tented camp?
In the early days of safaris, mobile tenting was the only option. Teddy Roosevelt was known, for example, for his elaborate safaris. Over the years the luxury connected with the traditional mobile tenting safari has increased. The cost to have a �luxury hotel� follow one around Africa is expensive, however, and most people settle for tented camps which are permanent. Because they are permanent they can be equipped with flush toilets and traditional bathroom fixtures and conveniences. These permanent tented camps offer the comfort of a 5-star hotel but with the romance and adventure of being surrounded by the beauty and the natural world that is Africa.

If you prefer a mobile tented safari, the cost is about 50% more than a permanent tented camp safari.

Will there be any language problems?
No! English is spoken throughout East and Southern Africa.

What are the accommodations like?
The lodges and luxury tented camps used in Africa meet the standards of the most discriminating traveler. You have your own private bathroom facilities in Kenya and Tanzania. In Southern Africa it varies depending on the safari you choose. Most lodges also have swimming pools.

Can I travel as a single?
A safari is the ideal trip for the independent traveler. If you prefer to travel with a group, choose a scheduled departure offered by tour companies.

Are children welcome on safari?
Yes. Our recommendation is that children should be at least eight years old. Some activities and lodges do not permit children below the age of 16. A safari is the perfect holiday for children. They will enjoy the wildlife and meeting the tribal people, and during their free time they can relax in the swimming pool. Your children will remember their safari for the rest of their lives.

What do people wear on safari?
People find casual wear to be in style. Most tour companies provide a complete packing list of items you should take for your trip.

What inoculations are required?
A yellow fever inoculation may be required if you travel between African countries. We strongly recommend anti-malaria medication be taken for those going on safari. Suggested and required medical precautions will be sent to you upon registration by the tour company that you book with. It is a good idea to consult your physician while planning your trip.

Do I need a visa?
American citizens are required to have a visa for all African countries except South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Refer to travel tips.

Can I purchase trip insurance?
Supplemental health insurance as well as trip cancellation insurance is available through most safari companies.

How long is the flight?
he direct flight from New York to Johannesburg is 14 1/2 hours. The flight from Johannesburg to Nairobi is approximately four hours. If traveling through Europe, it will take you about eight hours from Chicago and eleven from Los Angeles to get to Europe, and another nine hours to Nairobi.

Are we safe from the animals?
You view the wildlife from the safety of safari-designed mini-vans or Land Cruisers. Additionally, your safari guide is experienced in dealing with the wildlife and makes your safety and comfort his highest priority.

How is the food on safari?
You will find the food very good and ample. Breakfasts are substantial in the true colonial tradition, offering a selection of fresh fruits or juices, hot or cold cereal, eggs, sausage or bacon, toast and fresh baked bread, and coffee or tea. For lunch you can choose from an elaborate buffet which includes a variety of hot and cold food, and a chance to try some African cuisine. You can expect your evening meal to match the standards which you would find in any high quality restaurant in the world. If you have a sweet tooth you will certainly enjoy the specially prepared desserts.

What is a typical day like on safari?
No two days are alike on safari. The only thing the days have in common is that each day will be filled with some new experiences coupled with the joy and excitement of being alive and in Africa. Your day usually begins with a hot beverage before you prepare for your first game drive of the day. This game drive is early in the morning when the animals are most active. Then, after viewing the African wildlife for about three hours, you return to the comfort of your lodge for breakfast. The middle of the day is free to relax pool side or visit with the African people. Mid-afternoon you return to your game viewing vehicles for an afternoon game drive which ends around sundown. After a hot shower it is off to a delicious dinner in your first class lodge or luxury tented camp. On the days when you transfer between the game park areas there are educational and cultural activities designed to enhance your safari experience.

How about snakes and bugs?
You rarely see a snake, but if you do it will be from the safety of your safari vehicle. People who grew up with Tarzan movies are surprised at how few insects they see on safari.

When is the wildebeest migration?
Every year the wildebeest migrate from Serengeti National Park into Kenya�s Masai Mara. You can expect to see the herd in the southern Serengeti during December - April and in the northern Serengeti during June. The wildebeest reside in the Masai Mara from July through October.

What extra costs will I have on safari?
Very few. One nice thing about a safari is that most everything is included in the price you pay before you leave. There are a few meals left on your own to allow you to experience the cuisine of your choice. Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages are generally not included. A gratuity for your professional safari guide ($7.00-8.00 per day on average) is left to your discretion. Other extra expenses include film, processing and items of a personal nature.

Is the water safe to drink?
The water in Nairobi, Johannesburg and Windhoek is perfectly safe. While out on safari, however, only drink the purified water provided by your lodge, or drink bottled water.

Is the balloon safari worth it?
Yes! To float above the Masai Mara or Serengeti Plains is an experience not to be missed!