Pom Pom Camp

Location:Inner region of the Okavango Delta, Botswana

Accommodations: 7 tents

Game Viewing & Activities: Game viewing by 4-wheel drive open vehicles and mokoro, walking safaris
Pom Pom is a luxury camp in a remote site of the inner delta where hippo grunt and frolic in the pool in front of the camp. At the heart of the delta, Pom Pom is surrounded by miles of reed in which mokoros offer a wonderful means of viewing the wildlife. You glide between palm-fringed islands on your way to the main channels. There you will find the busy pied kingfisher, along with countless other birds which flourish in the waterways. One such bird native to the area is the African jacana or lily trotter which, with its long stick like legs, will run along the top of lilies without causing so much as a ripple. This camp is designed for the wildlife enthusiast, the photographer and those who wish to experience the untamed Africa of the explorers. Game viewing is led by field staff who stalk the game with uncanny skill. They know how close you can get to a lion without annoying him and are well versed in bush discipline. In camp, the staff is just as proficient at their skills -- and you will find a warm welcome at the end of an exciting day. A gracious meal is prepared and noble wines uncorked. Over excellent coffee and fine cognac, you will relive the day's events around the campfire, check up on that bird you debated about, compare notes on fishing and photography and plan another day that will be remembered forever.
Contact information:
Ker & Downey / Friedkin Adventures
13201 Northwest Freeway, Suite 850
Houston, Texas 77040-6096, USA
Telephone - (713) 744-5260
Fax - (713) 744-5277
Safari Booking