New Stanley Hotel
Location: Downtown Nairobi, Kenya

Accommodations: 235 rooms

Activities: Health club, shopping, nearby sight-seeing, game viewing in Nairobi National Park
New Stanley, a five-star hotel built around the history of Nairobi, is famous for its �Thorn Tree� cafe, a world meeting place. The Thorn tree, in the days before modern communication, was used as a bulletin board for notices and messages from the settlers that lived in the more remote areas of Kenya. The cafe was also a favorite observation post of Ernest Hemingway. Today, the visitor will find modern air-conditioned accommodations, including television, video and mini-bars in all of the spacious rooms, a rooftop swimming pool, cafe and a health club. International banquet, conference facilities and a hotel airport bus are also available.
Contact information:
Sarova Hotels/New Stanley Hotel
P.O. Box 30680
Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone - 254-2-333233
Fax - 254-2-229388
Safari Booking