Sarova Mara Tented Camp
Location: Northeastern Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya

Accommodations: 75 luxurious tents with a permanent roof and floor, own bathroom, hot water and electric supply.

Game Viewing & Activities: Morning and afternoon game viewing in specially designed minibuses, hot air balloon safaris
To capture the true spirit of East Africa, there is nothing quite like the experience of adventure in Kenya�s Masai Mara; the richest game sanctuary in Kenya. Situated on a natural elevation between two streams, Sarova Mara is the ideal base for safaris to the �Lion and Elephant� country which is also populated by cheetahs, leopards, rhinos, giraffes and buffalo. The area is world renowned for its annual wildebeest migration from the Serengeti in Tanzania. Early morning hot air balloon safaris with champagne breakfast on landing offer unrivaled views of the game from the skies. The Camp is set amidst wide gardens with manicured lawns and exotic flowers. Facilities include a restaurant serving cuisine of the highest international standards, bar, a well stocked curio shop and a sparkly swimming pool. The viewing deck of the Panorama Bar provides magnificent views of the surroundings as you enjoy a refreshing drink. The Sarova Mara offers you a chance to see one of the greatest wildlife spectacles on earth in superb comfort; truly �Out of Africa�.
Contact information:
Sarova Hotels
Central Reservations, P.O. Box 30680
Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone - 254-2-333248
Fax - 254-2-211472
Safari Booking