Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp
Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya. This well established permanent tented camp is situated at the foot of the Oloololo escarpment on the edge of the riverine forest in the magnificent Masai Mara game reserve.
In English Kichwa Tembo would be called elephant�s head camp, kichwa meaning head and tembo meaning elephant. Our camp has been specially designed to capture the excitement of the real African safari and the thrill of camping in the wild. But at Kichwa Tembo, we do not believe in roughing it. The view is the first thing to claim your attention. It is a most spectacular panoramic view of Africa. A rolling vista of savanna grassland sprinkled with dark patches of woodland spreading endlessly towards the horizon beckoning you. Your tent is stylish and spacious with twin beds, and en suite bathroom with hot shower, toilet and electrical hurricane lamp. Best of all is your own shaded verandah with canvas camp chairs and a stunning view. Service is unobtrusive and impeccable. From the moment tea or coffee is brought to your tent before a game drive to the after dinner nightcap around the dying embers of a campfire, you are cosseted and cared for throughout your stay. It is the combination of raw nature, adventure and luxury that makes Kichwa Tembo an unforgettable magical African experience. Karibu...
Habitat & Wildlife
The Masai Mara is a very special corner of Africa and Kichwa Tembo is a part of it.
Game Viewing & Activities
The Masai Mara is a photographer�s paradise with a chance to observe at close quarters, nature in its original setting. Even as you sit under the trees sampling our delicious barbecued breakfast the whole paradise and excitement of the Mara will unfold before you. From your table, you may see herds of zebra, topi and giraffe and perhaps a passing elephant or lion. Dawn and late afternoon are prime game viewing times but there is lots to do between game drives. You can go on game walks with the resident ornithologist and see how many of the hundred resident species you can identify, take a swim in the pool or just relax in your tent. Your day may as full as you wish; morning and afternoon game drives with our knowledgeable driver/guides in four-wheel drive safari vehicles; the opportunity of a breathtaking dawn flight in a hot air balloon in true Jules Verne style; explore the Mara River and the Hippo Pools; visit a Masai tribal homestead or arrange a �Trek across Masailand� with our experienced guides. In the evening enjoy a Sundowner in the bar and after a delicious dinner, end your day around the camp fire under a starlit sky. A visit to Kichwa Tembo will be a memorable African adventure at its most luxurious. Join us and share this African tradition.

Contact Information
Conservation Corporation East Africa / Windsor Hotels
P.O. Box 1197, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: 254-2-219784
Fax: 254-2-242428

Safari Booking