Cheli & Peacock Mobile Tented Camp
A remote spot in the Masai Mara, Kenya
Experience the sights and sounds of the African bush, sleep under the stars beneath a canvas canopy, watch the sun set over Kilimanjaro, relax and enjoy the comfort of traditional homesteads: in Swahili, the word is �Safari�. Our clients can count on luxury, privacy and a unique view of East Africa�s unrivaled wildlife and dramatic scenery. Our camp site is situated in a scenic area from where we take you out on game drives to observe the Mara�s abundant wildlife. Every year we welcome back familiar faces and greet new guests. Cheli & Peacock�s Mobile Tented Camp is reminiscent of the traditional luxury tented safari of Kenya�s history. Hemingway, Roosevelt, Blixen. The wild country they explored in style can still be found away from the well-worn trails.

At our very exclusive Mobile Tented Camp, you will stay in a 10 x 11 foot canvas, insect proof tent suite with sewn-in ground sheet and complete with a verandah! Your luxury tented bedroom has an en-suite bathroom and private toilet. Hot water will be provided for your shower each day. Each tent is furnished with full frame metal beds, foam mattresses, fresh linen, blankets & towels and bedside rugs. Our camp is fully staffed and readied in advance of your arrival. Knowledgeable and experienced guides to teach you bushlore and take care of you. The camp cook provides the best safari food including Italian cuisine.

Habitat & Wildlife
Africa is a continent of dreams, explorers� legends and adventure. A land of contrasts: hot dry desert, snow-capped mountains, deep valleys, lush forest, slow mysterious rivers, picturesque lakes, rolling plains and palm-fringed coastline. The Masai Mara is home to the greatest concentration of plains game and their predators and also host to the spectacular wildebeest migration. The �Vintage� safari combines the Masai Mara with the lush forests of the central highlands (Aberdares), the semi-desert region of the Northern Frontier District (Samburu, Shaba or Meru) and the diverse animal and bird life of the Great Rift Valley (Lake Baringo).
Game Viewing & Activities
Throughout your safari, knowledgeable and experienced guides to teach you bushlore while also taking care of you. Morning and afternoon game drives are taken in rugged four wheel drive vehicles, fully equipped with roof hatches for game viewing and photography. Not to be missed in the Masai Mara, is the fabulous hot air balloon safari followed by a champagne brunch. In some wilderness areas, outside the national parks, other activities include: night game drives, bush walks, horseback safaris, and fishing.

Safari Sabi Safari Booking