25 May 1994 9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. EDT

With Hosts Michael Bolanos, Executive Producer of Entertainment
Drive, and Jonathan Reiner, Soap Expert and an Editor of SOAP
OPERA WEEKLY, America's premiere Soap Opera Magazine!
LIVE! THE DAYTIME EMMYS conference is beginning
      Your moderators are Michael Bolanos & Jonathan Reiner
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
We're so pleased to have you with us,and hope  you'll enjoy being with us 
as we meet the stars  and announce the winners of this year's awards!   
If you have a question, please type /QUESTION  and we'll call on you in 
turn. Susan Lucci is introducing Peter Bergman, and that's a great place 
to begin! We're live at the Marriott Marquis in New York City, and backstage
to bring you the only  live coverage ever! We've already seen the opening 
number which was sung by Tanya Walker, who plays Alex on OLTL.  Susan Lucci
is now cavorting with  her three co-hosts.  Tanya pre-taped her number 
earlier in the week, and she's the first solo performer ever to be asked to
open the Daytime Emmys with a musical number. They're presenting the award 
for Outstanding Supporting  Actor right now. The presenters are GH's Lynn 
Herring and her real-life husband, Wayne Northrop.  He was recently let go
from DAYS and will be leaving the show in July.  Quite a shock.  This is 
of course the 21st Daytime Emmy Awards, and it's the fourth year that the
show is being broadcast in prime time. Last year's winner was Gerald Anthony
from GH. The winner is Justin Deas from GL.  This is his fourth daytime
Emmy.  He's ties for the most number of wins for an actor from a
daytime series.  He won two on ATWT and one on Santa Barbara.  This is
his first nomination and win for his current role, Buzz on GL.  He is
married to Margaret Colin,  ex-Margo, ATWT.  They have two children, and 
it's quite  a coup that he's here because he's notoriously press-
shy.  This is the first year  he's attended the Daytime Emmys.   
We're in the press room at the Marriott Marquis in New York, and there
are four press rooms - TV, print, photo and radio.   
They're now announcing Outstanding Supporting Actress in Daytime Drama.
Presenting the award are GL's Marcy Walker and Robert Newman.
We welcome your questions.
Just type /QUESTION

Let's take the first question tonight.
 % Moderator recognizes question #2
Christa Ryan (4)
(#4,Christa Ryan) ok
Good evening
(#4,Christa Ryan) I would like to thank Justin...
(#4,Christa Ryan) for coming tonight....
(#4,Christa Ryan) He has brought a new life to GL,and he deserves
It!  Yeah!
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
Susan Haskell won.  She plays Marty on OLTL.  It's her first nomination and
her first win. She plays rape victim Marty Saybrooke on OLTL.  It was the 
hottest story line in the summer of 1993, and the rape reformed her because
she was formerly a bad girl and the rape turned her into a good girl.   
Her remarks were very brief. We're awaiting Justin to come into the
% Moderator recognizes question #3
kathy (6)
(#6,kathy) when we will see Billy Lewis again on Guiding Light?
Will he be played by the same actor?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
This is Jonathan speaking.  The character is currently in jail.   
Jordan Clarke, the original actor, left the show due to personal
reasons.  As of now there are no plans to re-activate the  character.
Michael: It's a great honor to have Jonathan Reiner with us
(#6,kathy) thanks
tonight, and we'd like to thank the wonderful people at SOAP
OPERA  WEEKLY and K III Publications for making it possible for Jonathan to
be here tonight. We'd also like to send warm thanks to Rodi Rosensweig and 
the great folks at ABC for their help in providing this unique coverage
tonight. You're the best Rodi! I just asked Jonathan how many times he's 
been to the Daytime Emmys, and this is his fourth. Mike and Maty
have just come out to present the award for Outstanding TV Talk
Show Host.  They are the co-hosts of  the newest talk show on
ABC, which is produced by Disney.   We'll say hello to Mike and Maty in a 
few minutes.  They are supposed to come back and see us. If you haven't seen
this great new show, you're missing out! Tune in and see these talented  
Ricki Lake, a close and personal friend, is having her first nomination.
And the winner is Oprah Winfrey. There's no literature available here.  
I believe it's her seventh or eighth nomination. Michael and Oprah were 
both born on January 29th.  This is the third win in a row for Oprah, and 
the first time she hasn't worn black to the Emmys.  Joan Rivers won in 1991,
and Oprah's been the winner ever since. Oprah didn't thank King World her
syndicator. Hmm.
% Moderator recognizes question #4
Honey Essman (8)
(#8,Honey Essman) I don't have one yet -- just got here.
Welcome Honey.  Where are you from
(#8,Honey Essman) NYC -- thanks!
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
              Later type in again!  You're welcome.
Now we're doing Children's Programming. The winner last year was READING 
RAINBOW. All five nominees this year are PBS shows.  We're still awaiting 
the imminent arrival of Mr. Deas.
      Speaking of personalities who never grow older, Dick Clark is 
receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award this year.   The award
he's receiving is determined by the Board of Trustees
of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.  SESAME STREET
has already won six of PBS' ten technical Emmys on Sunday night. RUG RATS 
from Nickelodeon has just won. We remember them from previous years.  
That's a really great show.
(#8,Honey Essman) Was Barney nominated for anything?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) Not that we can see, Honey.
We'd like to thank the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and
the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for their kindness and support 
in bringing you this first-ever live coverage here on CompuServe, Your 
Entertainment Connection!
% Moderator recognizes question #5
Kevin L. Horn (1)
Hi Kevin.
Where are you from?
Mr. Rogers is still going strong.
(#1,Kevin L. Horn) Hi Guys it's Kevin from Toronto Canada & I
want say that this is really cool what I want to say that this
is really cool to watch this from Toronto Canada
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
Thank you Kevin any question?
We're glad you're watching and talking.
Jonathan: Susan it must be quite an honor to win your first time out.  Was 
it unexpected?            
Susan: Yes the nomination was amazing in itself and I've seen the work the 
other women. Did. I'm not just saying that.  It's quite an honor.
Jonathan: Were you surprised that Laura wasn't nominated?   
Susan: I think sometimes it's just timing.  Who knows how that works?  At 
least the story line was represented. Maybe next year...It tells me that a 
lot of people thought.
Jeffrey: Did you receive a number of letters about the  story line
from people?
Susan: Yes.  You think, oh it's fine, I'm cool.  But I  got these letters 
from women who were raped twenty years ago and hadn't told anyone. It chokes
you up.  My heart went out to them.
Jonathan: A lot of people thought you deserved a nomination last year from 
the 1992 story line.  How did it make you feel being left out of that?
Susan: I'd only been there a year and I think it has a lot do with people 
knowing who you are.  My cast may have thought I deserved it but I probably
wasn't known enough. 
That was Susan Haskell, the winner for Outstanding Supporting Actress.  She 
just turned 21 and is probably the  youngest winner in that category.
(#1,Kevin L. Horn) Congrats to Susan 
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) The cutoff age is 25 for' Younger'. It's Susan's 
second year on the show and it's her first nomination.   She came on
in January of '92 and again, we're quite honored that this is her first 
% Moderator recognizes question #6
Gloria Gaynor (10)
Hi Gloria
Where are you from?
(#10,Gloria Gaynor) Hi. This is really cool. My question is: Is
the woman who plays Sally on Bold nominated?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
No she was not.  Her name is Darlene Conley.  She was  nominated in 1991 
and 1992.
(#10,Gloria Gaynor) Did she win? 
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) We're awaiting the announcement of the winner for  
Outstanding Younger Actor. Darlene never won the award, Gloria.
(#10,Gloria Gaynor) Did Ricki Lake ever have a shot? 
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) I'm sure I speak for almost the entire Daytime 
industry in saying that the parties after the show are the best part of the
night.  There's also a party hosted by ABC in the hotel upstairs afterwards.
Gloria, Ricki should be flattered to be nominated her fist  year out.  
She's of course the youngest person ever to be nominated in the talk show
(#10,Gloria Gaynor) Do the stars get smashed? 
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) Gloria, the stars get very smashed and pose for 
embarrassing pictures that we hold on to and mail to them at inopportune 
(#10,Gloria Gaynor) How do they ever survive?  
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) Gloria, Gloria, they survive with great aplomb.  
Please hold on. Oprah is here!
(#10,Gloria Gaynor) Oprah's on?! 
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) She looks absolutely marvelous in a peach and floral
floor-length gown. She says she's won six awards, four in a row.
Oprah: I think this confirms to me that we're on the right track, that it 
separates us from the pack and that our efforts to try to make a difference,
people see that.  It makes me feel good. I think you have to be, I really do
believe that people who  are on TV have an enormous responsibility.  When
you are speaking to millions of people, you'd better be damn clear about
what you're saying.  I pray for clarity, so I don't  put something over
the airwaves that is going to cause  harm. That hasn't always been the case.  
Years ago I realized that every time you put somebody on TV you empower
them.  A person who's filled with hatred, you're not  going to make them
switch by sowing them hatred.   
What stories do you want to start doing more of?  Where would you like
to see yourself in ten years?
Oprah: I see myself being...I don't want to sound ethereal here but my 
prayer for myself is to reach the highest level  I can.  I see that I want 
to be an instrument for change... I think that all of our lives are to be
used...to help us all evolve.  Because I have been given this enormous 
platform, medium of TV...with that comes enormous responsibility.  I am in
thoughtful prayer all the time...I think, what is my intention?   Let me be 
a light in the world.  It works for me.  And you get paid a lot of money 
Michael: We're covering this for CompuServe.  That's  a good
example of what you mean.   
Oprah: When you do anything in the media where you have the ability to 
affect thousands, millions of people without thought... you have to be very
conscious about it. 
(#10,Gloria Gaynor) Jonathan...Just wanna say I love Soap Opera Weekly.
Jonathan: Thanks, Gloria
Michael: The last I heard it's being broadcast (OPRAH'S SHOW) in 64 
countries. Oprah: I said when we first syndicated, and everybody was saying
"Do you think it's gonna go?"  When we first syndicated, I always believed 
that the show could be global.  My theme is, regardless of how much I
have or what everyone else acquires, the value that we're all searching for
is to know our lives mean something. We signed this deal that carries us to
2000, and I said, "I'm glad I have the deal that says it, but I won't do it
unless it continues to feel good and I believe is effective for me and for 
the audience. Thank you very much.
Jonathan: While that was going on, the awards for Outstanding Young actor 
and Actress were announced. Jonathan Howarth from OLTL won the Actor Award.
Melissa Hayden from GL won the Best Younger Actress award. Mike and Maty 
are in the press room now.
Mike: Oprah is humming our theme song.
(#10,Gloria Gaynor) Mike and Maty? OMIGOSH!!!!
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
Jonathan: You guys lead off the daytime lineup.  Do you feel you need to be
more dramatic to hold it up?   
Mike: I've been dramatic lots of times.
Matty: We love...it's an hour of laughs, forgetting your  troubles...
Jonathan: Come on get happy?
Mike: Yeah, we could do the number if you like.  You'll never see us doing
anything about dysfunctional families, except our own.
           What are the most exciting things for you?
Mike: Oprah singing in the elevator.
Maty: Oprah said she hums our song during the day. We've just been following
her in each room, so we've been walking into a vacuum. Actually the 
photographers have been taking lots of  pictures.
Maty: If you want to have a lot of laughs, and maybe learn something, watch
Mike and Maty.   Back to the younger winners...
% Moderator recognizes question #4
Amy (8)
Amy how are you?  Where are you from
(#8,Amy) I am from Columbus 
Oh  What are your questions?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) We're about halfway through the telecast.
You're joining us live at New York's beautiful Marriott Marquis hotel.  Amy?
(#8,Amy) I would like to know if the young people plan on further Yes?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
Right now they're showing "bloopers" from talk shows and soaps.
Amy we lost the end of your question.
(#8,Amy) I just wanted to know if the young soap stars plan on
furthering their education?   
Now presenting the award for Outstanding Directing in a Drama Series,

The younger actors have both graduated from college.   Randolph Mantooth 
and  Debbie Morgan are presenting.   Before the show, Michael met a fan in 
the balcony of the Broadway Ballroom where the show is being hold, named 
Tim Yursin from  Kingsville Maryland.  Tim paid $380 for a ticket, one of 
one hundred seats that ring the balcony and overlook the stage.   

The directing team from Guiding Light has won the Emmy.
This is GL's third win of the evening after Deas and Hayden.  Accepting the
award is Bruce Barry who's been with GL for almost twenty years.

 There were thousands of requests for the fan seats, and some of the 
audience, like Tim, only found out they'd gotten them a day or two ago.  
He said, "This is the most amazing night of my life."

 They're showing a clip of Ricky Martin singing, he plays  Miguel on GH.

Roger just came in.
Jonathan: What more can be said about Todd? We all know he's a great 
Roger: The Emmy isn't given to the character.  It's a character that has
different sides, facets, idiosyncrasies...I would assume that people are 
judged for their performances.   I was pleased and very nervous.  
I wouldn't allow myself to
What's your question Elizabeth?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) No not this time.  This is the first year since 1981
that she hasn't been up for an award.
% Moderator recognizes question #10
Cathy Davis (7)
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
We'd like to thank the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, ABC
television, and Soap Opera Weekly, America's premiere soap opera magazine.
Hi Cathy what's your question?
(#7,Cathy Davis) I'm in Houston TX...
(#5,Michael & Jonathan)
Let's say a special thanks to Bob Christie and Bob Blake form the Academy
as well as Michael Collyer and John Cannon from the Academy for their help 
and support as we bring you the first ever live online coverage of the 21st
Annual Daytime  Emmy Awards.
(#7,Cathy Davis) My question is that it seems that every year one soap walks
away with most of the Emmys....
(#7,Cathy Davis) how come...why isn't it spread around more....
Our thanks also to Robert Silverman from Variety for his insights.

Perhaps you are thinking of the Soap Opera Digest awards, which are awarded
by popularity.
(#7,Cathy Davis) and I'm a big General Hospital fan and hope they
are nominated more next year!!!  And win!!
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) So does the staff of Soap Opera Weekly. It was 
disappointing for us that GH wasn't nominated more.  Here's Melissa Hayden.
(#7,Cathy Davis) No, tonight it has been only GL and OLTL that has won.
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) Why this year?
Melissa: I had a lot of good stories.  I think the deciding factor was that 
I cut my hair off. Hopefully after the custody battle we'll see a bit more 
of the feisty Bridget come back.  What I would like to do is bring back
some of her spunk.  The little devil that she has, that's so much fun to
play. We get a script about a week in advance. We do one show a day,  
five days a week, all year long.'
            -You never get a break?
I can take it but I have to let the writers know way in advance.
-Is the Emmy heavier than You expected?
I don't know what I expected.
-What does it mean to you to win an Emmy?
I really felt I had done my best this year.  I tried to pick out what I 
thought was the best representation of me.  So coming here tonight I just 
felt that all my work had been done already.  It's strange to me that
the whole evening  comes down to about three seconds...I didn't want the 
whole focus of the evening to be about that three seconds.  As an actor
working in this business, I am incredibly fortunate. 
-How much of the role do you consider yours and how much of it do you 
consider putting together pieces that you are handed?
It depends.  It fluctuates.  You know, sometimes they give me a lot to work
with.  Sometimes there are wide gaps and I can either fill them or not fill
them and just walk in. I enjoy this medium because I do get the chance to do
some  of my own stuff.  There isn't a chance to really plan out every single
solitary moment.
-If you met the character that you portray, In real life, would you like 
that person?
The way she is now, yeah.  The way she was when she came  on, uh-uh.
-Do you actually pick the tape that the Academy views? 
I went through my year, got it down to about eight shows that I thought were
okay.  You have to submit every single scene you're in, whether you have a 
line or not, in the whole show.  Got it down to about eight, then I made
several  copies of those eight shows, sent them out to people and took 
votes. That was part of the other thing about doing my work during the year.
I was as prepared as I  could be coming here tonight.
-Would that get in the way of the story, if somebody's thinking,  
that's gonna be so-and-so's Emmy show that they pick their own tapes?
I know that it would clam me up.  I can't think that way. 
-The Guiding Light directors are now in the room.
-Thanks Melissa and congratulations. That's really interesting
Bruce: Joann and I won once before. 
-You've been at GL for years...how has the show changed?  
Bruce: When I started 15 years ago it was much simpler.  Steve Jackson would
sit and talk about the vents of the day, then we'd shoot them.  It became 
more and more complicated.  It opened up avenues for us to go bigger and  
better and...
-What's the hardest thing to direct?
Adventure, action?   Sometimes it's very easy for a writer to write, 
"He drove  off the bridge," and whatever.  When you put that down on the 
page, we leap for joy.  On location that's easier.  In  the studio, that's 
harder but we still have to do it.   There's so much input...then, again, 
it just helps us get through it. I think that GL has deserved the awards
that they haven't gotten in the past, and I'm glad we got it tonight.  I  
Hope we get best show.  I think we deserve it, and we need it too.
-Do you follow the script exactly?
Joanne: If something's working better for the actors  that they come up 
with, we'll allow it.   
BB: the actors stay incredibly close to book once the decision is made.  
The scene stays the same from rehearsal to filming.
% Moderator recognizes question #10
Lisa Faigin (7)
Lisa please give us one question.  And tell us where you're from!
(#7,Lisa Faigin) how far in advance do you usually tape?  I'm
from New York City?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) The shows are usually taped two to three shows in 
While GL was talking, Jeopardy won for Outstanding Audience Participation 
show.  Sherry Lewis has just won.  She didn't bring Lambchop.
We're awaiting the producer of Oprah.
% Moderator recognizes question #11
Kevin Horn (6)
Kevin do you have a question?  Where are you?
You're watching the world's first live on-line coverage of the 21st annual 
Daytime Emmy Awards, brought to you by Entertainment Drive, a proud part of
CompuServe's Entertainment connection.  Many materials about the Daytime 
Emmys, including your chance to win Daytime Emmy programs and T-shirts from
Soap Opera Weekly, are available on Entertainment Drive (GO EDRIVE).  
Tonight's coverage of the Daytime Emmys joins the Academy Awards,
and the Sports Emmys as events ONLY on CompuServe.
(#6,Kevin Horn) [HI I AM FROM TORONTO CANADA & I Want to know if Linda Dano
has a good shot at the Emmy I love Another World & Felicia
-Jonathan is taking a brief break.  Kevin we'll get to your question in a 
(#6,Kevin Horn) [ luck to Linda Dano
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) Right now we're watching a tribute to Dick Clark, 
the recipient  of the Lifetime Achievement Award for daytime television.  
He's receiving a standing ovation. The award was presented by Gladys Knight.
The Lifetime Achievement Award last year was presented by ATWT's Don 
Hastings, in memory of the late Douglas Marlin.   We'd like to send our 
sincere thanks and admiration to Mimi  Torchin, editor-in-chief of Soap 
Opera Weekly, for her support and assistance in bringing you this live 
coverage. We'd also like to thank Dan Meeks, Mary Kay Fenner, Deborah Young,
Rich Baker, Barry Berkov, and the great people at CompuServe.  Dick Clark
Productions now owns and operates a chain of restaurants in the heartland of
America.  Michael was just speaking to Deborah De Maio, executive producer 
of Oprah.  Diane Hudson, supervising senior producer, Alice McGee, Ellen 
Rakieten, Mary Kay Clinton, senior producers; David Boul, Legrande Green, 
Rudy Guido, Dana Newton, producers; are all here.
David: The show about good news, which Oprah liked doing, was one she 
enjoyed and we thought came off well.   
-What are you looking for, what is the criteria that you use?  
There are a couple of criteria.  How are we using this hour  to its highest
purpose?  We combine her interests along with  what's going to give the best
...responsible...we have a lot of time and Oprah moves people to what we 
hope is positive  action.
-How many awards has the show won?
Six as a show, and she's won six individually.  Not the same year sometimes.
It's a separate package.   
-we understand that you're in 64 countries.  How do you find international 
We think they understand.  It's really overwhelming sometimes.  Oprah was 
in London recently, and the reaction...was over-whelming.  We don't really 
see the reaction around the world,  but we hear she's quite popular.
-Talk is a saturated market.  Where do you fit into the  scheme of things?
We feel really fortunate, we started the program eight years ago and we have
the loyal viewers.  I don't think that the Oprah Winfrey show, we're not 
concerned about it as producers. But just as viewers, I think, it's
getting to be a bit much.

Right now we're doing the nominees for Outstanding Writing. Another World 
will not win because it was disqualified.  They sent the wrongs episodes 
- episodes that were Linda Dano's Best Actress episodes. So there are only 
three nominees this year. The  producers sent the Blue Ribbon Panel in NY 
the episodes Dano was going to submit. OLTL just won for Best Writing.  This
is a surprise because Michael Malone, the winning head writer, is a novelist
who's only been writing soaps since 1991. Malone has a style which differs 
from the classic soap style in the sense that he writes plots, rather than 
for character.  He's very talented. I like him a lot.  This award is 
deserved, but still a  little surprising considering his length of time - 
or lack thereof in the medium.

Jonathan is back, and addressing a question from Kevin about whether Linda 
Dano has a good shot at winning the Emmy.
"There are two things that would hurt her chances of winning this year.  
One is the strong competition, which is a problem for every nominee every 
year.  Second is the fact that she won last year, which is sometimes more of
a hindrance than a help.  as usual, she's had an emotional year, and we'll 
know within the next ten minutes if she can make it two in a row."

(#5,Michael & Jonathan) Jonathan is planning the night.  There are several 
parties.  He wants to be in bed by four o'clock because he has to be in bed
at seven.  Last year he just went straight to work at seven o'clock.  The 
magazine is held up a day to get in the Emmy winners. Jonathan's planning on
changing clothes after the champagne reception and before the Hard Rock.   
Shari Lewis is here.
-How has children's programming changed?
PBS has put on a number of brand new children's shows, very
enriching and entertaining.  The shows have succeeded beyond anyone's 
wildest expectations.  So now what has happened is that the rest of  the 
industry recognizes...they now have been shown the high road by PBS.  And 
everybody is getting into quality kids stuff for  pre-schoolers.
-Has LambChop had to evolve and change?
I really let LambChop be her, and she lets me be me.  I think she's gotten a
little older.  LambChop says she's six years old.  When we started, she said
she was three.  I never made the decision she  was six. It's like an actress
doing a character.  If the character doesn't take over, the actress is in
-Has anything changed for kids performing for them thirty years ago versus 
They have less attention span.
-What kind of mission do you have in mind?   
Many things.  We're dealing with a family.  A woman...told me recently that
she has based her handling on her own children of what she remembers she had
seen me act like in the sixties.  I think that any time you do a quality 
kids show, you're doing  it about something.
-We hear a lot these days about the loss of the more mature medium for kids.
Where do you see maybe the real possibility and the real seed of that age 
and that style.  where is the positive in this whole mind-set that's 
evolving?   Kids now understand things much more quickly.  You don't have
to lay things out.  Things are going by them very quickly, and they're
getting it.  In this age, it's very important that kids get it fast. The bad
news is that they don't have the patience to sit.  The difference between 
chimpanzees and orangutans is that orangutans won't stop and think.  Kids 
today won't stop for introspection, understanding,  even study.  And that's
a pity.  They don't have the patience.   -
-How do you take it as a performer - try to match your feelings
about  this to the fact that you have to live in a world like this?   
I always used to have to slow down.  I no longer have to.  It's not that I
have slowed down for the kids. The kids have sped up to me.  My show is very 
zappy and I try to reach children on the level of their quickly rocking, and
they do.   -
-Does LambChop have anything to say?
I think she just approves of everything that's happened tonight.   I'm very
admiring of SESAME STREET, what they do and what they've done for 25 years.
Even though I lost to them.  Good night.   

Michael Zaslow from GL won for Outstanding Lead Actor.
For Lead Actress is Hillary B. Smith from OLTL.  She plays Nora.   Nora has
been on for eighteen months.  She has had a brain tumor, has gone blind, has
been stalked, and is the best damn lawyer in town.  She's talented and 
beloved.  The award was much, much deserved.

At this moment CBS has four Emmys, ABC has four.

Dick Clark and Gladys Knight have just come in.  
-How is the music industry, specifically the way it related to TV, changed?
DC: It's still a tough fight to get music ON TV. The  young do support music
a great deal.  The mature people are ignored.  It's a very tough game.  
-How have you seen the acts change in the way they utilize TV to get
their point across?  Gladys maybe you can talk too.   
GK:  I really haven't changed...I think there have been great inroads.  
It's been tough.  They are becoming more aware I think of the impact of 
music on society.  I know one  of the most outstanding things that I 
remember in the soap opera thing was the Quincy Jones thing when Luke and 
Laura got married.  It's become quite the thing to do, even in your movies.
So we haven't had to change as much.  Fight a  little harder, but as a whole
I think we're making a little headway.
DC: Finally.
GK:  Finally.
-Do you enjoy being called America's oldest living teenager?
DC:  Absolutely.  It gives me a humorous little...I do seven hours of radio
a week.  I hope to never stop doing  it, as long as somebody'll hire me.   
-In this Lifetime Achievement...what direction, what would you like to do 
now?  You've done everything.
DC:  I've got so many more things I want to do in life.  I'm 64, just 
started on things that don't have anything to do with TV and radio. Same 
thing for this lady.   
GK:  I'm looking forward to passing it on.  I would really love to see what
else this music can do as far as this society is  concerned.  I'm not
knocking rap.  But there are some things we can do with music...I'm looking
forward to being part of that.
-The new marketing division you've created, what is the first product you're
going to be working on?   
DC:  We're already working on it.  But I don't think I want to talk about it 
in public.
-Any advice that you'd give to somebody who's starting and wants to do what
you've done?
GK:  That's very difficult.  It's individual.  nobody would be able to take
what I had at the time and do what I did with it. You need to be ready when
the opportunity comes along. And go for your dream.  You have to be 
persistent.  You cannot give it up.  If you can dream it, you can do it.   
DC: That's the key.  That bulldog determination.  Just keep doing it till 
somebody says, okay, I'll let you do more.   

-AMC has just won for Drama Series.
% Moderator recognizes question #17
Charlene Zimmermann (10)
Hi Charlene where are you from?
(#10,Charlene Zimmermann) Perry ga
One question please.
(#10,Charlene Zimmermann) what is in store for AMC this next year?
-Charlene, for the answers to that we'll have to wait until Felicia Behr, 
Mac's Executive Producer, gets to the press room.
(#10,Charlene Zimmermann) I'll wait for her
% Moderator recognizes question #20
Lisa Faigin (7)
Lisa one question please
(#7,Lisa Faigin) why the lack of nominations for Days of our lives?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) Lisa, Jonathan has no idea.  He says, "Days has 
always been under- nominated, and this year is the year that it really 
deserved to be nominated in more categories.  DOOL received no acting 
nominations  this year.  There really isn't, unfortunately, an answer to 
% Moderator recognizes question #21
Ed Bolin (1)
This is a great opportunity to thank Jonathan Reiner
(#1,ed bolin) no question just give my congratulations to OPRAH for her 
awards and tell her to keep up the good work we will continue to watch!
-We will certainly pass that along.
% Moderator recognizes question
debbie hohn (8)
hi Debbie what's you're question?
#8,debbie hohn) What happened? What happened to Y & R?
(#5,Michael & Jonathan) Debbie, the Blue Ribbon Panel felt that the 
competitors' clips were more deserving.

Michael's asking Jonathan how he became so involved and interested in soaps.
Jonathan started watching soaps in summer of 1989.  In summer of 1990 he
interned at Theater Week, where he met Mimi Torchin at the opening night of
a play.  He started working for Soap Opera Weekly in 1991, and he's just
been accruing knowledge  ever since.  Michael is amazed and so pleased that
Jonathan's been able to  share his knowledge and expertise with us tonight.
We're honored to have Thomas O'Neil join us for a moment.  Mr. O'Neil is 
America's foremost expert on the Emmy and  Grammy Awards, having written 
extensively in leading publications, and is the author of two books, 
The Emmys: Star Wars Showdowns and  the supreme Test of TV's Best," and 
"The Grammys: For The Record."  Let's ask Tom about his thoughts on 
tonight's Daytime Emmys.
TO:  It was a night probably full of more  surprises than any of us had seen
in a long time.  None of the pundits had predicted AMC  to win for Drama 
Series.  Most of the pundits did not predict  Michael Zessler, although 
Hillary B. Smith had been a favorite  for Best Actress.  We had a little 
history made tonight when Oprah Winfrey pulled even with Phil Donahue and 
Merv Griffin.  It's now a crowded pantheon with six Emmys each, a three-way 
tie for Best Talk Show at the Daytime Emmys. 
-Tom, we learned tonight that the actors pick their own tapes in many cases, 
and I found that very interesting.  Is there a history  to that? Linda Dano
 has her husband pick hers.
Tom:  Often the producers will give their input.  
-Do they, is that the same with prime time as well?  Do the nominees
pick their own material  
Tom:  Yes, but there are many differences.  The prime time Emmys can submit
two episodes.  The Daytime Emmys, only one.  It's fairly confusing because
writers and directors can  submit two full episodes, whereas actors can 
submit clips only from two episodes.
-How many times has SESAME STREET won?
TO:  This was its eleventh victory as best Children's Series.   
TO:  We saw a major upset in Best Animated Series, with RUG RATS winning.
-Jeopardy was the fourth time in a row?
TO:    Fifth time in a row.  RUG RATS was a major surprise because  
ANIMANIACS had been the front runner, having just won a Peabody Award, and 
given the fact that this was Steven Spielberg's year at the award 
ceremonies.  Spielberg also won this category last year with Tiny Toon 
Adventures.  So that was a big surprise.  RUG RATS is now an example of "the
black kiss after death."  It is at the end of its run.  It won in 1992 but 
was not considered a front runner this year.
Jonathan;: Can you comment on the AW disqualification?
TO:    I just heard about it tonight.
-We were the only press to pick up on it. This is the first year that NATAS
is handling it, not a joint NATAS/ATAS production, yes?
TO:     It is.  It is.
TO:    The distinction is hard to define.
-Do you think it means anything for NATAS that the disqualification happened
on the East Coast?
TO:    What happened again?
-The producers submitted Linda's tapes for writing.  The East Coast didn't 
know the difference.  The West Coast picked up on it.
TO:     We also had some history made tonight with the award for Justin 
Deas.  He's now ties with David Canary for the most Acting Awards for 
daytime Emmy.  Although David won all for the same show, Best Actor, and 
Justin has won two for Supporting on ATWT, one for SB, and then tonight's 
award.  This is the first time Justin has attended one of his wins.  
-Only the West Coast panel noticed the writing/acting reel  discrepancy, 
made some calls and AW was disqualified.   
TO:  Whose fault was that?
-Whoever sent the reels.  It would have been nice if it were caught earlier,
but... I don't know why nobody else picked up on it. It's not like it's 
non-story,  but... It's been a pleasure to be here on Entertainment Drive.
Jonathan  is going to kick his feet up at the Hard Rock.  He says, "To wrap
up, it can best be described as a typical year at the Daytime Emmys."
TO:    It's not a typical year.  Well, there were enough surprises, and
enough sure things...Mimi  predicted, we all predict as a whole and then all
come up with one. Just because we come out with something doesn't mean it's
-Linda was predicted to win, and she did win.
TO:    I was impressed.
-The big loser is of course NBC, and the big winner without a doubt is OLTL,
which lost its producer but won the most Emmys it's ever won in a single 
year, I would venture to say.  They've been perennially under-nominated. 
This was a show of faith from the  voters, and something to wave at ABC, 
that OLTL has established itself after 25 years, as a viable daytime drama
following its  recent reinvention.  How will these Emmy wins for OLTL affect
its ratings.   In daytime I don't think there's a big correlation.  It 
think it'll probably have the biggest impact over at ABC and we'll see 
ABC'S  other soaps and all ten daytime dramas taking the chances that OLTL 
has taken in the past three years.
Thomas O'Neil:  Probably the biggest drama about tonight's show is still
to be revealed when the ratings come in. For the past several years, the 
Daytime Emmys have come in at number one in the weekly Nielsen ratings.
Michael here.  We would like to thank you for being here with us for
the world's first first live online coverage of the 21st Annual Daytime 
Emmy Awards.  I'm Michael Bolanos and I've been joined by the amazing 
Jonathan Reiner of Soap Opera Weekly, America's premiere Soap Opera 
Magazine, and Thomas O'Neil, America's foremost Emmy expert, with Jeffrey
King, director, on-line services.  we've been live at the Marriott Marquis 
hotel in the heart of Times Square in New York City.  If you're in New York,
the Marriott Marquis is a wonderful place to stay.   We'd like to send 
sincere thanks to Bob Christie and Bob Blake  of the National Academy of 
Television Arts and Sciences for their support, and to CompuServe for 
providing all of us with this remarkable opportunity.  Tonight, you heard 
answers to questions  from new Emmy winners not heard anywhere else.  We 
were in the radio room and our questions and your questions were
exclusive  to the CompuServe audience. I'd also like to thank Rachel-Louise
Rubin for a literally  breathtaking job recording our discussions. Tonight's
coverage has been presented with a Hewlett Packard OmniBook 430, and a 
Megahertz 14,400 PCMCIA Gold Series fax modem with XJACK. Thanks HP and 
Megahertz!   It's been an honor to be with you tonight, and we hope you  
enjoyed this unique live coverage. Thanks again to Rodi Rosensweig and ABC 
for their kindness, to NATAS and ATAS, as well as to CompuServe. For more 
information about the Daytime Emmys, you'll find  information on
Entertainment Drive (GO EDRIVE), Your Backstage Pass to the Entertainment 
Industry.  We'll be posting a transcript  of this event as well as more
photographs and background information. Until next time, the 1994 TONY 
AWARDS on June 12th, I'm Michael Bolanos. For all of us, Thanks again and 
Good Night!

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