% The  conference is beginning

  Your moderator is Stacy Jenel Smith   (23)

9:04:28 PM EST Monday, March 21, 1994

(#21,Michael Bolanos) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Academy Awards!
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) Good evening and welcome to the Oscars on line!
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) We're in the print/radio press room back stage
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) at the Dorothy Chandler pavilion.
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) We've been watching the stars arrivals outside.
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) You can hear the cheering crowds in the bleachers
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) from blocks away.  I'm Stacy ...
(#21,Michael Bolanos) And I'm Michael Bolanos
(#21,Michael Bolanos) and with Monika Guttman and Stephanie DuBois
(#21,Michael Bolanos) we'll be your hosts for the world's first online coverage!
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) I imagine some of you have been watching the
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) arrivals on TV -- and noticed the fabulous 
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) jewels worn by many of the celebrity women.
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) Well, many of those come from Harry Winston
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) jewelers -- they're loaners.  The fashion designers
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) vie for the honor (and promotability!) of dressing
(#23,Stacy Jenel Smith) the stars.
(#23,Stacy) Winston had a Lincoln Town Car with a rep from the
(#23,Stacy) company and an armed guard delivering goodies (earrings in the
(#21,Michael) And here's Bernadette Peters!
(#21,Michael) Let's take a question
(#23,Stacy) $20,000 range, etc.) this morning.  /next

Currently recognized:        Laura 
  User ID & User #:          [73737,1051] (45)

(#45,Laura) ummmmmm...are you in the room where the stars come right after they
(#45,Laura) and will you get an interview with any famous people????
(#23,Stacy) Yes, we're in one of the rooms through which they
(#23,Stacy) parade the winners after they get their Oscars.  There
(#45,Laura) I do NOT like Woopie very much-- is T4d there?
(#45,Laura) I mean Ted?
(#45,Laura) That would be a fuinny little confrontation!~ will she do anything
(#23,Stacy) are several of these rooms -- kind of a gauntlet of press.  There
are photo rooms -- when you
(#23,Stacy) re in those, it's liek a firestorm of strobes.
(#23,Stacy) And yes, we'll be talking to them back here.
(#45,Laura) ohhh-- I know how thAt is!!! 

Currently recognized:        huler 
  User ID & User #:          [73232,106] (7)

(#7,huler) hi there. only question for ms. peters, if she's still there...
 (#23,Stacy) Miss Peters is not here...this space is just
(#7,huler) as someone who's been so solid a performer for so long, how does it
feel to perform on the oscars?
(#23,Stacy) for press and winners.

Currently recognized:        mantis 
  User ID & User #:          [74047,611] (31)

 (#31,mantis) where is mcauly culkin tonight i hear he is not coming tonight
please elaberate.
(#23,Stacy) Macauley was replaced...seems there's a bit
(#23,Stacy) of a problem with his father wanting control
(#23,Stacy) of his script, the show, whatever...Army Archerd
(#23,Stacy) reported in this mrning's Variety that the plan was
(#23,Stacy) to have Mac onstage (presenting effects) with a 
(#23,Stacy) dinosaur ala 'Jurassic Park" -- and Whoopi Goldberg
(#23,Stacy) was going to adress him as Kit Culkin.  You probably
(#31,mantis) whoopi is not funny.
(#23,Stacy) know Kit Culkin's reputation as a Monster of a stage father.

% Moderator recognizes question #4
  Bill Bort (1)

(#21,Michael) Thanks! Let's take another question
(#21,Michael) It was quite an earthquake yesterday
(#21,Michael) The Hollywood Roosevelt hotel shaked and swayed
(#21,Michael) but stayed in perfect condition!
(#21,Michael) It was the site of the first Oscars
(#21,Michael) We're here at the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion
 (#21,Michael) at the Los Angeles Music Center
(#21,Michael) Getting here was incredible with the traffic and police
(#21,Michael) helicopters buzzing overhead
(#23,Stacy) "Entertainment Tonight" sent the Goodyear Blimp
(#23,Stacy) to circle overhead and greet the nominees.  They also
(#21,Michael) Bill, please ask your question or we'll have to move on
(#23,Stacy) sent 76 staffers including a motorcycle
(#23,Stacy) messenger to go to and from their studio.
(#23,Stacy) Ah...will we see the beginning of the "Schindler's
(#23,Stacy) Sweep here?  You bet.
 (#21,Michael) We love Entertainment Tonight!

% Moderator recognizes question #5
  John Beal (56)

(#56,John Beal) NAvyDoes the orchestra sound as bad backstage as it does on TV?
(#21,Michael) Soon they'll bring the first winner backstage
(#23,Stacy) Backstage, we don't have to listen to the orchestra...
(#56,John Beal) axe"AOo?-oL\Maybe you'
(#56,John Beal) !8yo+TyUb
(#23,Stacy) We're listening to the TV audio via headphones. 
(#23,Stacy) Do you have questions for the "Shinder's" set 
(#21,Michael) While the ABC audience is watching a commercial the lights are
(#23,Stacy) de...er, art direction winners?
(#21,Michael) being tested and the audience is talking to each other
(#23,Stacy) I'll turn to one of the advance quetions E-mailed our
(#23,Stacy) way last week.  You wondered what Liam Neesen's next film
(#23,Stacy) is.  It's "Nell," with Jodie Foster (she's playing a
(#23,Stacy) woman who grew up in the forest without human contact...)
(#23,Stacy) and he's starting work on it Thursday.  He's very glad
(#23,Stacy) to be getting back to work, he told me Saturday, because
(#23,Stacy) it's been since "Shindler's" that he's been before the
(#23,Stacy) cameras, and h'e s dying to get going again.

Currently recognized:        Matthew Leary 
  User ID & User #:          [73302,1463] (60)
 (#60,Matthew Leary) could you ask someone (anyone)
(#60,Matthew Leary) about whether or not they like having people on on-line
(#60,Matthew Leary) services like this being able to ask questions of them 
(#60,Matthew Leary) (or ain  addition to) the normal press people? Do they
(#21,Michael) There are so many laptops here
(#60,Matthew Leary) think these will be more intersting, challengin?
(#21,Michael) But this is the only live online service backstage!
(#21,Michael) The winners are looking forward to answering questions
(#23,Stacy) Well, we could...Hey, look...it's Macauley Culkin's father!
(#60,Matthew Leary) Great! Thanks!
(#21,Michael) When they come back here we have We have numbered slips of 
papaer to hold up 
(#21,Michael) Our are 103, 104, 105
(#23,Stacy) Hooray!  Michael Lantieri is working on "Casper, The Friendly 
(#21,Michael) We hold those numbers up and the winners select some to answer
(#23,Stacy) for Spielberg's Amblin Pictures right now.  He says
(#23,Stacy) that Spielberg's on the set every day...Some
 (#23,Stacy) rest break.  He's very "hands on" with all 
(#23,Stacy) his productions.

Currently recognized:        mara 
  User ID & User #:          [74243,3306] (56)
 (#56,mara) What do Ryder's chances seem from there?
(#21,Michael) The winners from Schindler's List will be coming any second
(#23,Stacy) Let's see...Anna Paquin from "The Piano" is our 
(#23,Stacy) prediction.  There is a sense around these parts
(#23,Stacy) that Winona will get the Oscar in time...but this
(#21,Michael) Every major newspaper in the world is in this room,
(#23,Stacy) is probably not her time.  We'll see.
(#21,Michael) and everyone seems to have a laptop...but only you
(#21,Michael) will hear some of the answers live!
(#21,Michael) Hi Henry! Here are the winners from Schindler's List
(#21,Michael) Holding their beautiful Oscars
(#23,Stacy) Alan StarsThey're holding comment until after this announce-
(#23,Stacy) ment.
(#21,Michael) Henry, question for the winners?
(#21,Michael) Tommy Lee Jones just won, and that's who Entertainment
(#21,Michael) Drive members selected in the Memeber's Choice Awards!
(#23,Stacy) A reporter is asking about research material
(#23,Stacy) used by the "Shindler's" art directors to 
(#23,Stacy) get the historical flavor accurate.
(#23,Stacy) He says...it's not his first movie about the
(#23,Stacy) period...Newsreels and archival footage he studied...
(#23,Stacy) months before the start of the moive.

Currently recognized:        dave nuttycombe 
  User ID & User #:          [73162,2743] (6)
 (#21,Michael) Helene Glassman
(#6,dave nuttycombe) I am witnessing this at work--no TV, no sound. Very 
strange. Having just met Ron Howard, is he there?
 (#21,Michael) who's here in the Winners room has been heling us very much
(#21,Michael) She just handed me the official program which
(#23,Stacy) Here come the quartet who won for visual effects on
(#21,Michael) has a beautiful ribbon on the cover
(#23,Stacy) "Jurassic Park."
 (#23,Stacy) They're asking whether effects winner dennis muren realizes
(#23,Stacy) he is the second most Oscar honored person along with 
(#23,Stacy) Walt Disney and Edith Head.  Now, Michael Bolanos is asking
(#23,Stacy) what's next for the quartet...they're going to work on "Casper," 
(#23,Stacy) the adaptation of Michael Crichton's "Congo."  The latter 
(#21,Michael) I can't believe I just asked Academy Award winners a question!
 (#23,Stacy) is supposed to begin production this fall.  Lantieri told me 
recently that
(#23,Stacy) it looked good for Tommy Lee Jones to star in the
(#23,Stacy) picture.
(#23,Stacy) A reporter is asking Stan Winton th..Winston the most
(#23,Stacy) difficutl part of "Jurassic Park."  He says it was
(#23,Stacy) building the T. Rex! (lantieri said he could not count
(#23,Stacy) the number of times he came home while working onthe
(#23,Stacy) picture and felt like crying, because he just couldn
(#23,Stacy) tdeliver what Spielberg wanted.  He said they didn't even'
(#23,Stacy) get 80 per cent of what the director envisioned!  But they
(#6,dave nuttycombe) Did my question get through? This is a bizarre 
(#23,Stacy) turned around and they had done much more than they
(#23,Stacy) ever thought possible.  They learned an awful lot about
 (#23,Stacy) making dinos realistic that they didn't get to use, he said
(#23,Stacy) ....probably they will in the sequel -- which is, of course,
(#21,Michael) Dave, please ask your question again
(#23,Stacy) realy going to happen.
(#6,dave nuttycombe) Stacy, I've heard that anecdote. What else is happening 
--Ok, new question: Are any of the stars there on CompuServe?
(#21,Michael) Dave, we'llDave, the stars are coming into the room after they 
 (#23,Stacy) Hold on, Dave...we're getting ready for the next winners...
(#6,dave nuttycombe) A friend wants to know if Willem DeFoe is present?
 (#21,Michael) And now we'd like to introduce Stephanie DuBois, who will be 
taking Stacy's place
(#6,dave nuttycombe) Where's Stacy going?
 (#23,Michael) Tommy Lee Jones will be coming in shortly
(#23,Michael) Stacy is about to file the column for the New York Daily News
(#23,Michael) Here's the next question
(#23,Michael) Good evening Stephanie!
 (#23,Michael) Here's Tommy Lee Jones!
(#23,Michael) Holding his Oscar
(#23,Michael) Testing the mic
(#23,Michael) Someone joked about his hair
(#23,Michael) (or lack thereof)
(#23,Michael) He has a mic problem and they're working to fix it
(#23,Michael) There's a big (8 foot) Oscar statue on the platform...
(#23,Michael) he's about 50 feet away in front of a blue
(#23,Michael) curtain with the Oscar symbol on it
(#21,Stephanie) How's everyone doing? Tommy's currently shooting the Ty Cobb 
biopic with Robert WuhlArnold Kopelson told the Beck/Smith column that there
(#21,Stephanie) possibly be a "Fugitive 2". We're going to ask Tommy Lee
(#21,Stephanie) if he would like to reprise the role?
(#21,Stephanie) Someone wants to know if tv character Tommy's was based on 
influenced him a tall? He said no.
(#21,Stephanie) Tommy says at any given time 93 percent unemployment
(#21,Stephanie) for actors, so he considers himself very fortunate.
(#21,Stephanie) Any performances he thought knocked his socks off,
(#21,Stephanie) who weren't nominated, has been asked of Tommy Lee.
(#21,Stephanie) He says, "Everybody knows we're not limited to eight 
(#21,Stephanie) wonderful performances, I'd rather not get trapped into 
(#21,Stephanie) saying who might have been favorites."
 (#21,Stephanie) Tommy says he doesn't think the Academy voters
(#23,Michael) Are there any questions from CompuServe?
 (#21,Stephanie) voted for good guys vs. bad guys. The Mrs. Doubtfire makeup 
winnners are coming in
 (#21,Stephanie) V. Neal, the makeup woman who just won for "Mrs.
(#21,Stephanie) Doubtfire" just joined Tommy Lee JOnes on his currently 
 (#23,Michael) Folks if you type /Question you'll be recognized in order
 (#7,huler) what was harrison ford like to work with?
(#23,Michael) If you're just joining us, welcome to the 66th Academy Awards
(#23,Michael) Live from Hollywood!
 (#23,Michael) I'm Michael Bolanos, with Stacy Jenel Smith, Stephanie DuBois
(#23,Michael) and Minika Guttman, and we're in the press room at the
(#23,Michael) Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.
 (#23,Michael) There are reporters from around the world
(#23,Michael) Everyone is in formal attire
(#23,Michael) Unusual for reporters!
(#23,Michael) There's a phone number on the wall
(#23,Michael) for the Academy Reference Librarian
(#21,Stephanie) shooting "Ty Cobb" film. On of ou
(#23,Michael) (213) 356-5016
(#21,Stephanie) One of our compuseeerve memebers wanted to know if John 
Malkovich owuld
(#21,Stephanie) be doing the film version of the play "Burn This?
(#23,Michael) While Stephanie is answering, let's recognize another question

Currently recognized:        Shlomo (Nick) Rosen 
  User ID & User #:          [100034,1604] (8)
 (#8,Shlomo (Nick) Rosen) Hello
(#23,Michael) Welcome to the Academy Awards!
(#21,Stephanie) Malkovich is currently shooting "Mary Reilly," and was 
supposed to be making his directorial debut with "Marie and Bruce." But 
Holly Hunt
(#8,Shlomo (Nick) Rosen) Thank you!
(#21,Stephanie) backed out of the project and it was tabled. So his slate is 
open for now.
(#23,Michael) Go ahead Nick
(#23,Michael) It looks like we should all keep an eye out for the movie CASPER
(#23,Michael) Based on the comic strip Casper the Friendly Ghost
(#8,Shlomo (Nick) Rosen) Sorry, I didn't want to ask a question, I just wanted
to listen to the proceedings, as British TV is not screening them tonight (
(#8,Shlomo (Nick) Rosen) Sorry, but I'm not familiar with conventions.
(#21,Stephanie) Another member wnated to know about anohter Indiana Jones film 
and when? Reports are that groundwork is being laid for anohter Indiana j
(#21,Stephanie) Jones, A spokesperson for George Lucas says he
(#21,Stephanie) s exploring doing either a TV movie version of "
(#21,Stephanie) Young Indiana Jones" series or a feature film with
(#21,Stephanie) Ford. The feature film is said to be Lucas' first
(#23,Michael) We've been given four packs of Evian Spring Water on each table
(#23,Michael) (how fashionable!)
(#21,Stephanie) priority and he's hired writers to come up with a suitable 
storyline for the arch
(#23,Michael) It's the only beverage allowed in here
(#21,Stephanie) arhaeologist/adventurer. 

Currently recognized:        Sandro Galindo 
  User ID & User #:          [73124,3174] (69)
 (#69,Sandro Galindo) Hello Micheal and Stephanie.. you are doing a great job
(#23,Michael) Thanks!
(#23,Michael) It's all happening so fast
(#69,Sandro Galindo) Could you please ask Mr Nick Park who just won an oscar 
about his bow tie?
(#69,Sandro Galindo) I wonder what it may signify
(#69,Sandro Galindo) Also, can you guys breathe OK in there?
(#23,Michael) The reporter from the San Gabriel Valley Tribune wants
(#69,Sandro Galindo) (the press room that is)
(#23,Michael) to ask the same question!
(#69,Sandro Galindo) Thank you!!
(#23,Michael) So you have a good shot of getting it answered soon
(#23,Michael) Nick is not here yet
(#23,Michael) But we'll tell you when we can!
(#23,Michael) Now Stacy is back, let's go on to the next question please

Currently recognized:        Ling 
  User ID & User #:          [72073,3044] (89)
 (#89,Ling) What is Harrison Ford working on next?
(#23,Michael) We love the San Gabriel Valley Tribune!
(#21,Stacy) While we're trying to remember/find out...You 
(#21,Stacy) might be interested in knowing that the producer of
(#21,Stacy) "The Fuguitve" says there will be a "Fugitive II" 00 that
(#21,Stacy) depending upon the script and how it comes togehter, the actors
(#21,Stacy) have said they're interested....Now. Harrison ford, you
(#21,Stacy) may be aware, just recently finished lensing "Clear And
(#21,Stacy) Present Danger" -- that's the Tom Clancy book.  Remember
 (#21,Stacy) he hurt his knee during production of "The Fugitive" 00 and
(#21,Stacy) later they had to do surgery on it...So when it came time
(#21,Stacy) to begin working on "Clear and Present," the doctors said
(#21,Stacy) "Nope 00 he's not ready." They wound up rearranging the
 (#21,Stacy) production schedule so that Harriosn wouldn't have do 
(#21,Stacy) any action sequences until the end, to give his leg more
(#21,Stacy) time to heal up.  Those were done (In mexico) about 2
(#21,Stacy) weeks ago...maybe 2 1/2?  And producer Bob Rehme told
(#21,Stacy) me that he came through them great.
(#23,Michael) You're live here at the Academy Awards here on CompuServe!

Currently recognized:        Ken 
  User ID & User #:          [73407,2541] (19)
 (#19,Ken) For the benefit of those unable to watch on TV could you announce 
the winners...
(#19,Ken) as they happen?
(#19,Ken) thank you

Currently recognized:        PeterB/press 
  User ID & User #:          [72662,1720] (11)

 (#11,PeterB/press) now that Spago is closed for tonight. GA
(#23,Michael) We'll bring you the list of winners thus far shortly
(#21,Stacy) okay...there are several biggies...The Women in Film party is 
shaping up as pretty big.  The El Rescate
(#21,Stacy) party has been a favorite with the, sort of, alternative, 
(#21,Stacy) younger(?) crowd for some time...There's an Amblin Pictures
(#21,Stacy) party tonight on the Universal Studios lot, where you can be
(#23,Michael) Very shortly we'll have Nick in the winners room
(#21,Stacy) sure a lot of the "Shindler's" winners will go...
(#23,Michael) Let's go to the next question

Currently recognized:        Laura 
  User ID & User #:          [73737,1051] (45)
 (#45,Laura) hi! could you ask that last winner when he gets back there...
(#45,Laura) if he gave his right arm for an oscar....
(#45,Laura) youll see what I mean in a minute  real question:...
(#23,Michael) Here are a few of the winners
(#45,Laura) Why wasnt JOY LUCK CLUB nominated more??
(#45,Laura) also-- I thought jodie Foster WAS raised in the woods..
(#45,Laura) with little human contact.
(#45,Laura) are ou getting my questions??
(#21,Stacy) Art Direction, "Shindler's List"; Visual Effects, "Jurassic Park";,
 Supporting Actor, Tommy Lee Jones in "the Fugitive"; "Mrs. Doubtfire"
(#45,Laura) I hope that kid wins!
(#21,Stacy) oh...That's Tommy Lee Jones for "The F
(#21,Stacy) fugitive."
(#23,Michael) Laura, we don't know why JOY LUCK didn;get
(#23,Michael) more nominations...it was a great film
(#21,Stacy) Well folks, I just have to point out
(#21,Stacy) that we told you so.
(#45,Laura) I think its awful=--best film I have seen forever!
(#45,Laura) she is so cute!!!
(#23,Michael) Nick Park is in the room
(#45,Laura) look at her! I love her! I want to take her home!!
(#21,Stacy) "Jurassic Park" took Best Sound Effects Editing;
(#45,Laura) I am so happy she won!!
(#45,Laura) Michael...
(#21,Stacy) "The WRong Trousers" won for Animated
(#45,Laura) I find your enthusiasm charming!
(#45,Laura) Nick Park? bowtie man??
(#21,Stacy) short film...In fact, here's the Trouser man now...with his green
(#23,Michael) Thanks Laura! This is so incredible 
(#45,Laura) he annoyed me a little
(#45,Laura) hey...
(#23,Michael) To be here in the middle of the world's greatest reporters and 
the world's
(#45,Laura) michael, I know I wish I was there!
(#23,Michael) greatest stars is overwhelming.
(#45,Laura) I know ! and all that evian!!!
(#21,Stacy) tie, or is it vice versa...We're trying to get an answer on the 
(#45,Laura) michael..
(#23,Michael) Just to walk on the red carpet with the crowds cheering
(#45,Laura) do YOU think JOY LUCK CLUB should have done better?
(#45,Laura) I know how you feel michaael-- 
(#23,Michael) I loved JOY LUCK
(#45,Laura) i went to thew tony awards and almost fainted with joy
(#23,Michael) We have so many questions
(#45,Laura) Me too
(#45,Laura) I could me a moderator-- 
(#23,Michael) Thanks Laura!
Currently recognized:        Cara Sands 
  User ID & User #:          [74164,3463] (33)

 (#21,Stacy) I made this tie last night, one of the fun things I did...was 
thinking of doing it for
(#33,Cara Sands) Thank you for taking my question...Have waited a while!
(#23,Michael) Welcome Cara!
(#33,Cara Sands) I would like you to ask Daniel Day-Lewis what his future 
projects include
(#33,Cara Sands) I would like to say that Daniel Day-Lewis did a SUPERB job
(#33,Cara Sands) and hope he wins the Oscar...his performance In The Name of 
the Father
(#23,Stacy) excuse me, back to the tie anser.
(#33,Cara Sands) was touching, moving and well executed.
(#23,Stacy) He said he did it for fun...it doesn't mean anything.  It was an 
(#23,Stacy) afterthought.  Thought of making it for St. 
(#33,Cara Sands) Hello..
(#23,Stacy) Patrick's day...Not that easy to follow the fellow.  Well, what
(#33,Cara Sands) This 
(#23,Stacy) do you expect from someone who wears a tie
(#23,Stacy) like that, eh?

Currently recognized:        Matt 
  User ID & User #:          [72643,2173] (27)
 (#27,Matt) Will any winners be on CompuServe?
(#23,Stacy) Well, we're not going to get them to come over
(#23,Stacy) and take over our keyboards, if that's what you
(#23,Stacy) mean...We're throwing your questions at them as
(#23,Stacy) much as we can...you know, these evenings are always
(#23,Stacy) the same in the press room as on the actual show...
(#23,Stacy) the momentum and speed of everthing seems to grow as
(#23,Stacy) the more important awards are announced.  It gets
(#23,Stacy) very frantic, toward the bitg finish...By the way,
(#23,Stacy) we're going to stay with you -- and the winners -- after
(#23,Stacy) the actual show is over.  We get 'em after ABC goes
(#23,Stacy) to their local stations...We get the Big Guns, I mean, like
(#23,Stacy) the best picture, director, actor, actress, etc...all come
(#23,Stacy) last as you know.

Curently recognized:        Daniel Piron 
  User ID & User #:          [71603,666] (50)

(#50,Daniel Piron) YEsS!!!!!! finally!!! REhi Mike!!
(#23,Stacy) Hi, do you have a question?
 (#50,Daniel Piron) Yes I want to know what the chances are of you asking 
Steven Spielberg a question??
(#50,Daniel Piron) Also I want to send him a file.
(#50,Daniel Piron) I know he has a PC, he plays DAy of the TEntacle
(#23,Stacy) Well...A reporter is asking whether the "Jurassic" 
(#23,Stacy) sound guys beleive most audiences are even 
(#23,Stacy) awre of the hard work they do...They don't always
(#23,Stacy) notice, they reply, but "the sound should be a part
(#50,Daniel Piron) Those were pretty ear pearsing shreaking sounds!
(#23,Stacy) of the visual experience, the sound should be married..."  If they 
don't do
(#50,Daniel Piron) I do, i've seen doubed movies,
(#23,Stacy) their jobs right, he says -- then audiences notice sound!
(#50,Daniel Piron) Best Director when????
(#23,Stacy) Now they're answering a question abouthow they'd create sound for 
a movie about an 8.0 earthquake...
(#50,Daniel Piron) And can I send Steven Spielberg a file?????? thru an 
internet or somthing
(#23,Stacy) Depends on what the director is lookign for, they reply.
(#23,Stacy) We can't address that now. /next
(#50,Daniel Piron) Well it's simjust go to LA and wait. ( no afense, I live 
in NY
(#50,Daniel Piron) what!!!
(#23,Stacy) see yo
(#50,Daniel Piron) Can you like call me up again we /if he comeing in!????!
(#23,Stacy) Please, no earthquake jokes...I'd swear I felt a little tremor 
(#23,Stacy) a few minutes ago...but then, I've been feeling
(#23,Stacy) those since Jan. 17.
(#50,Daniel Piron) Last earthquake in NY was in 1986
(#50,Daniel Piron) it was a saturday.
(#23,Stacy) Little Anna Paquin is here now.../next
(#23,Stacy) Someone is asking Anna what she thinks

Currently recognized:        Kay 
  User ID & User #:          [70672,1073] (36)
 (#36,Kay) Hello!
(#23,Stacy) someone is asking Anna what she thought, of 
(#36,Kay) Did you see Deborah Kerr?  
(#23,Stacy) yesterday's aftershock....Pretty nerve-wracking, she says.
(#23,Stacy) Now they're addressing her age.
(#23,Stacy) Anna says...producer says she was only 9 when
(#23,Stacy) the film was made...Now, sh'es ...she doesn't seem
(#36,Kay) Did you see Glen Close?
(#23,Stacy) so sure how old she is...lots of ummms...How does it feel to win, 
(#23,Stacy) asks her..."Pretty Cool!"...someone asked her
(#36,Kay) Is Whoopi going over as badly as it seems?
(#23,Stacy) what films she's doing, has in mind..."What?" she \
(#23,Stacy) says...Oh, that's not the producer, it's her
(#23,Stacy) dad.  She's adorable, with her little blue beaded beret.
(#23,Stacy) She's got the giggles...she just can't seem to answer
(#23,Stacy) a question about what actress inspired her.  She's so
(#23,Stacy) natural, acting like a normal, overwhelmed, a bit shy
(#23,Stacy) 11 year old...Now Shirley Eder's asking wheterh "Piano" has
(#23,Stacy) played in Anna's home town...what the other kids think of
(#23,Stacy) it, do they still play with her?  "Yes."  ...asked where she'll
(#23,Stacy) put her Oscar, Anna says, "I wouldn't have a clue."
(#23,Stacy) next

Currently recognized:        Shane 
  User ID & User #:          [73772,2511] (3)

(#3,Shane) This is for Steven Spielberg, provided he wins (as if...)
(#12,Michael) She is so adorable with the Oscars
(#23,Stacy) She (Anna) says she still hasn't seen the
(#3,Shane) After the critical, artistic, and spiritual plateaus he's reached 
with "Schindler's List," could he envision a another project which coul
(#3,Shane) eclipse this success?
 (#12,Michael) The Oscar was almost as big as she was
(#23,Stacy) entire "Piano."  Her father says "Piano" was an R-16 in New Zaland,
 so that should tell you.when she'll be allowed to see the entire movi
(#23,Stacy) We are getting questions in for Steven Spielberg
(#23,Stacy) which we cannot address at this time.  We'll
(#23,Stacy) try to remember them, but keep in mind who is
(#23,Stacy) actually here.

Currently recognized:        David Axelrod 
  User ID & User #:          [76702,643] (9)

 (#9,David Axelrod) Thank you...
(#9,David Axelrod) I'd like to say that Michael and Stacy, you are doing a 
wonderful job...
(#12,Michael) Welcome David
(#9,David Axelrod) I'm happy to be a part of this first live backstage 
(#12,Michael) David Axelrod is the Sysop of Entertainment Drive
(#12,Michael) and has done a fantastic job in helping to launch
(#9,David Axelrod) and the log of it will appear in Entertainment Drive...
(#9,David Axelrod) in Beck-Smith Hollywood Library 13....
(#12,Michael) theCompuSServe's global entertainment forum
(#9,David Axelrod) so you all can relive these magical moments.
(#9,David Axelrod) Thank you.
(#23,Stacy) The "Jurassic Park" sound editors are saying that they
(#23,Stacy) didn't do too much work with Spielberg via satellite 
(#12,Michael) For those of you who have been waiting patiently
(#12,Michael) With questions
(#12,Michael) please keep in mind that everything is happening very fast
(#12,Michael) here and we're trying to bring you all the latest information
(#23,Stacy) link to Poland -- Speilberg did supervise "Jurassic" post 
production while making "Shindler's"
 (#12,Michael) by reporting the backstage news you won't hear anywhere
(#12,Michael) else until tomorrow!
(#23,Stacy) they explain that sattellite
(#23,Stacy) works much better for the visual wokr
(#23,Stacy) than for sund.
(#23,Stacy) Folks, I suggest that you get your questions
(#23,Stacy) in for the winners as soon as you see them (if
(#23,Stacy) you
(#23,Stacy) 're watching TV as well as us) get their award...then
(#12,Michael) avid, do you have a question?
(#9,David Axelrod) No, just my previous comments, you can move on.
(#23,Stacy) it mayokay/next
(#9,David Axelrod) and thanks again!

Currently recognized:        wendy engelberg 
  User ID & User #:          [73252,555] (72)
 (#12,Michael) Welcome to our live online coverage of the 66th Annual
(#12,Michael) Academy Awards
(#72,wendy engelberg) yes, so far no surprises. But do you think there's a 
chance that Angela Basset could pull off an upset?
(#12,Michael) You're backstage in the Press Room at the Oscars
(#72,wendy engelberg) like I said, could Angela Basset pull off an upset? Any 
sense back there?
(#23,Stacy) This is a real coup -- this dance number -- for choreog. Debbie 
Allen, who was
(#23,Stacy) told as a youngster that she could never make it as a 
(#23,Stacy) ballerina!
(#12,Michael) Now here's Stephanie DuBois stepping in!
(#23,Stacy) Wendy, I would personally bet lots and lots that Angela
(#23,Stacy) will not win.  If it were legal, of course.
(#23,Stacy) I'm going to answer a Member question on Winona
(#72,wendy engelberg) personally, i think it's stupid. I wish theI wish the 
oscars wWell, then who's going to make a fool of themselves this year? 
(#23,Stacy) Ryder's next plans...She's doing a
(#23,Stacy) new version of "Little Women."  The producer
(#23,Stacy) is Denise DeNovi -- who did "Batman 2" -- and
(#23,Stacy) she says she's going to stick pretty closely to
(#23,Stacy) the book.  Oh, and Winona's playing Jo, of course,
(#72,wendy engelberg) this dance is a waste of time
(#23,Stacy) the character once portrayed by kate Hepburn.
(#23,Stacy) okay

Currently recognized:        mantis 
  User ID & User #:          [74047,611] (31)
(#31,mantis) if you see eliah wood can you tell him he was great in huck fin???
(#23,Stacy) One of you asked what Steven Spielberg is 
(#23,Stacy) doing next.  He's taking a year off
(#23,Stacy) making films "at least," he says.  He 
(#31,mantis) any thing in the works
(#23,Stacy) also says that with five kids, that's 
(#23,Stacy) plenty to do for a year, and he told me
(#23,Stacy) he'd like to spend more time with them.
(#23,Stacy) Speilberg does keep close tabs on everything
(#23,Stacy) including "Casper, the Friendly Ghost" which
(#23,Stacy) he's producging, and TV's "Sea Quest."  
(#23,Stacy) The latter, Stephanie Beecham told me, looks
(#23,Stacy) unlikely to be renewed...They wrap production
(#23,Stacy) for the season this week.

Currently recognized:        Tim O'Connor 
  User ID & User #:          [70004,3553] (54)
 (#54,Tim O'Connor) My wife wanted to know what the most difficult thing abount
(#54,Tim O'Connor) Robins williams face was
(#54,Tim O'Connor) to do makeup
(#54,Tim O'Connor) Is it too late?
(#23,Stacy) No, because that question came up.  They answered that 
(#23,Stacy) it was hard to keep Robin in the makeup chair
(#23,Stacy) long enough, "he does tend to bob around."

Currently recognized:        holt 
  User ID & User #:          [76467,1574] (41)

 (#41,holt) please ask Speilberg if he is ready to do interactive movies! This
is great!
(#23,Stacy) cool question...Monika can give you some information
 (#23,Stacy) on that...I'll turn this over to her...
(#12,Monika) Steven Spielberg is taking a year off to explore new aspects
(#12,Monika) of filmmaking -- both classic films and the evolving
(#12,Monika) field of interactive movies. In fact, a lot of Hollywood
(#12,Monika) is currently investigating interactive --- Jeffre
(#12,Monika) Katzenberg of Disney said his studio is developing
(#12,Monika) interactive films for release in 1995 or 1996, and 
(#12,Monika) Paramount has an interactive section in Palo Alto, CA.

Currently recognized:        Alex Lark 
  User ID & User #:          [100143,204] (40)
 (#40,Alex Lark) Hi all.  Is ABC having a 7 sec delay to control whoopi?  What 
is Spielberg doing
(#40,Alex Lark) for Jurassic 2
(#40,Alex Lark) and who was the actor in Schindlers , i mean Oscar, never saw 
him before
(#40,Alex Lark) has he won anything?
(#23,Stacy) I know the first answer.  Producer
(#23,Stacy) Gil Cates said that he turned down
(#23,Stacy) requests for a delay, so assumably what
(#23,Stacy) you hear is what...she will say, no matter
(#23,Stacy) what?? and as far as Jurassic 2 --
(#12,Monika) All Spielberg has said about that is that they
(#12,Monika) need about two and a half years to develop a new
(#12,Monika) idea/script/and concept. He has not said if Michael
(#12,Monika) Crichton will be involved.
(#23,Stacy) the actor in "Schindlers"?  Do you mean Liam
(#23,Stacy) Neesen?  He's done a lot of things...like "The
(#40,Alex Lark) dunno, the main guy, Schindler himself
(#23,Stacy) Good Mother" with Diane Keaton
(#40,Alex Lark) oh well, has he got anything?
(#23,Stacy) but...up til now has been under-appreciated, to
(#23,Stacy) my mind.
(#40,Alex Lark) i dont get the stuff on tv, its pay tv here
(#23,Stacy) No, Neeson hasn't won anything...yet.

Currently recognized:        Doug Gould 
  User ID & User #:          [75640,774] (90)
 (#90,Doug Gould) ok
(#90,Doug Gould) From my 12 year old daughter, Jennifer, to Anna Paquin: How 
did you get
(#90,Doug Gould) started and did you think it was difficult?
 (#23,Michael) Hi folks! Michael Bolanos here again giving Stacy a break
(#90,Doug Gould) And from me, how far back (historically) will Lucas' next 
Star Wars sequel
(#23,Michael) If you're just joining us, welcome to the Academy Awards!
(#90,Doug Gould) be relative to the first Star Wars ?
(#23,Michael) John Williams has just entered the room
(#23,Michael) Sorry Doug, but Anna has already left
(#90,Doug Gould) Thanks.  GA
(#12,Monika) John Williams is back stage now and has just said 
(#12,Monika) the fifth time is just as good as the first time

Currently recognized:        Nicole in VA 
  User ID & User #:          [71553,2034] (16)

(#16,Nicole in VA) thanks! 1:best reaction from winner so far...
(#12,Monika) Nicole-- it depends who you talk to. The press room 
(#12,Monika) broke into hysterical laughter when Anna Paquin tried
#12,Monika) to make her acceptance speech and froze. If you mean
(#12,Monika) back stage reaction, the actors who've been the presenters
(#12,Monika) seem more excited than some of the winners!'
(#16,Nicole in VA) and to the cinematographer who won for Schindler's..
could he say how it affected
(#16,Nicole in VA) him emotionally
(#16,Nicole in VA) to film there, that is
(#12,Monika) We're just now listening to John Williams, the composer of 
Schindler's and he says the music was derived
(#12,Monika) from the emotions he felt when he was watching the film

Currently recognized:        PeterB/press 
  User ID & User #:          [72662,1720] (11)

(#11,PeterB/press) Great job tonite! Hope all going as planned...
(#23,Michael) We'd like to thank the Academy for providing this remarkable 
(#23,Michael) Thanks Peter!
(#11,PeterB/press) Stars have to be moved around during show...
(#23,Michael) Monika Guttman is asking a question right now
(#11,PeterB/press) to bring nominees near aile seats down front...
(#23,Michael) She's asking about the cinematographer about the use of 
black and white
 (#11,PeterB/press) How many stars stay until end of whole show? GA
(#23,Michael) The answer was that it was more intense
(#23,Michael) emotionally because in black and white the
(#23,Michael) audience can concentrate on the performance
(#23,Michael) Most stay until the end because that's when the big awards
(#23,Michael) happen...best Director and Picture
(#11,PeterB/press) Have you actually been able to ask winners any questions?
(#23,Michael) This year is unusual because Best Director is usually awarded 
(#23,Michael) Peter, yes we've been asking winners questions...just now
(#23,Michael) Monika spoke to Janusz Kaminski
(#23,Michael) Winner for Best Cinematography for Schindler's List
(#11,PeterB/press) great! Re: my first question...
(#23,Michael) We'll keep asking as they keep coming!

Currently recognized:        julius 
  User ID & User #:          [74067,3564] (33)

(#33,julius) please ask sharon stone:
 (#23,Michael) Peter, in answer to your question
(#33,julius) what her plans this year?
(#23,Michael) Most stars stay until the end because the camera are on them!
(#12,Monika) Julius-- Sharon just finished making a Western and is 
(#33,julius) and for winona ryder: what she felt about her part in bram stokers
(#33,julius) dracula?
(#23,Michael) You're part of history, watching the first live online coverage
(#12,Monika) considering several other films.Since Winona didn't win, I don't
thik she's coming back here
(#23,Michael) Julius, we're only asking questions to the winners tonight
(#23,Michael) but we'll give any information we know

Currently recognized:        david 
  User ID & User #:          [74132,2323] (60)
 (#23,Michael) We'd like to thank the wonderful people at CompuServe for their
(#23,Michael) help and support as we bring you this live coverage
(#60,david) hi, did they present the award for best original musical score yet?
(#23,Michael) Barry Berkov, Mary Kay Fenner, Dan Meeks, David Nedrow, Rich Baker
(#60,david) hihi
(#12,Monika) David- yes, Goldie Hawn presented the award
(#12,Monika) and Schindler's list won
(#23,Michael) Debra Young, Pat Phelps and all the countless technical support
(#23,Michael) folks that helped us connect the system to bring you
(#60,david) di did janet jackson win for "again"?
(#23,Michael) this historic live coverage!
(#23,Michael) Best Song has not been awarded yet...stay tuned!

Currently recognized:        Laura 
  User ID & User #:          [73737,1051] (45)

(#45,Laura) hi again Mike!!!
(#45,Laura) I LOVE this!!!
(#23,Michael) I just saw Roger Ebert in the lounge
(#23,Michael) Thanks Laura!
(#45,Laura) I guess you didnt think my last question was good..
(#45,Laura) the one to the jurassic park guy about
(#45,Laura) giving his right arm to win the award/////
(#45,Laura) roger ?? he owes me email!!!! we correspond ....
(#45,Laura) anyway...
(#45,Laura) Mike, for you, personally...
(#23,Michael) Sorry Laura we can't answer them all...go ahead with your next 
question please
(#23,Michael) Just saw Roger Ebert in the Winner's Room
(#45,Laura) what has been the greatest moment tonight
(#45,Laura) well..
 (#45,Laura) roger once told me I was hallucinating..
(#45,Laura) because he THOUGHT I mistook him for siskall.
(#45,Laura) the fool!
(#45,Laura) did he wave?
(#23,Michael) Laura, the best moment so far was when these two computer
(#23,Michael) systems successfully hooked up to the network!
(#45,Laura) I agree michael!...
(#23,Michael) I've been so frightened all week
(#45,Laura) next year...
(#45,Laura) can I go???
(#45,Laura) I can be of assistance..
(#45,Laura) I can make famous people answer probing questions.
(#23,Michael) Director of Online Services, Jeffrey King, and I have been trying
 (#23,Michael) so hard all week and had terrible technical problems
(#45,Laura) Keep me in mind-- email me at 73737,1051
(#45,Laura) you have done a GREAT job!
(#23,Michael) But they've been solved and when it worked it was the
(#45,Laura) I like this better thanb the tv coverage..
(#23,Michael) biggest thrill in the world!
(#45,Laura) ironic, as I dont even LIKE computers!!!!
(#23,Michael) Paul Newman is on his way in any moment
(#45,Laura) Paul!!!!!
(#23,Michael) Thanks Laura!
Currently recognized:        Gordon Helser 
  User ID & User #:          [74111,1354] (26)
 (#23,Michael) It's so amazing to see all these people live
(#23,Michael) And to have the opportunity to share this incredible
(#26,Gordon Helser) what can ylo you see from the press rpp room?
(#26,Gordon Helser) Any famous Press people in the Press room?
(#23,Michael) night with Gordon, we have monitors to see the awards'
(#23,Michael) and wireless headsets for the audio
(#23,Michael) We can hear the yelling from the photo room 
(#26,Gordon Helser) What do you do with the numbers that you have?  Hold them up
and the wint  winner calls out a number?
(#12,Monika) Gordon, we s
(#23,Michael) Yes Gordon we hold up the numbers
(#12,Monika) Gordon, we see a lot of famous press people here: Mary Hart
(#26,Gordon Helser) What kind of laptop pcs are in use the most there?
(#12,Monika) Jeannie Williams, Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel. In addition, there
are reporters
(#23,Michael) OK Gordon we'll try to answer a few of your questions
(#12,Monika) from all over the world. But the best part is seeing the famous
actors -- I ran into Glenn Close as she was
(#23,Michael) Paul Newman is on his way
(#12,Monika) walking down the hall and she said this is one of her favorite
evenings in Hollywood
(#23,Michael) Ladies and Gentlemen, Paul Newman just walked in
(#12,Monika) The p
(#23,Michael) WOW!
(#12,Monika) The pres
(#23,Michael) Even the press is applauding!
(#26,Gordon Helser) How many folks have been on this convention tonight?
(#23,Michael) Paul says hello Tokyo!
(#23,Michael) Hello Australia!
(#23,Michael) We'd like to say hello to our friends around the world
(#23,Michael) Our coverage tonight is being seen in 120 countries
(#23,Michael) and we understand that our friends at J WAVE in Japan are
 (#23,Michael) broadcasting some of what's happening
(#23,Michael) Domo Arigato J WAVE!
(#12,Monika) Paul Newman says there's no comparing getting a humanitarian
(#12,Monika) award with winning for acting
(#12,Monika) He says he's motivated to his philanthropic work because
(#12,Monika) he's been involved in politics a long time, but he
(#12,Monika) never expected "Newman's Own" to become a success.
(#12,Monika) He says it was "kind of a joke" and he is surprised
(#12,Monika) it became so big -- it has given over $50 million to charity.
(#12,Monika) When a journalist asked Paul Newman what his
(#12,Monika) secret is for staying so young looking, he said
(#12,Monika) he "tries to keep it to two packs of Budweiser a day."

Currently recognized:        PeggyS 
  User ID & User #:          [74151,3226] (20)

 (#23,Michael) he winners for Best Foreign Film just walked in
(#20,PeggyS) Has Newmna ever thought about combining his humaniatianism w
(#20,PeggyS) How does it feel to bring the Oscar home to Spain?
(#23,Michael) We'll try to get that in Peggy
(#20,PeggyS) So are Newman's eyes Realllly that blue?
(#20,PeggyS) I noticed earlier that Whoopie seemed to have a tatoo peeking
(#12,Monika) Peggy, his eyes are so blue that you can almost see
(#12,Monika) through them
(#12,Monika) Peggy, we're trying hard to learn what the tatoo is. It's 
(#20,PeggyS) out from out from the top of her dress.  Any ideas what it is?
(#12,Monika) the big question of the night.
(#20,PeggyS) Are the Belle Epoque guys pretty blown away?
(#12,Monika) Peggy, the answer is that they are now thinking of their family
(#12,Monika) watching this live in Spain -- their fathers and sons
(#12,Monika) and they think this is great!!!
(#23,Michael) I just had a chance to ask the question

Currently recognized:        Simon 
  User ID & User #:          [71221,750] (59)

 (#59,Simon) OK
(#23,Michael) How exciting to ask such a wonderful filmmaker and hear about
(#23,Michael) his family in Spain
(#59,Simon) Did I just hear the audience laugh at Whoopi?  Are they properly 
(#23,Michael) And know that there may be CompuServe members online from Spain 
right now
(#23,Michael) If you hear the audience it's over the regular mics
(#59,Simon) And are the presenters reading too slow or are the graphics too fast?
(#12,Monika) Simon, the problem with the Academy Awards show over all
(#12,Monika) is that they have very little time to rehearse -- putting 
(#12,Monika) the presenters together with the graphics. In fact, they 
(#12,Monika) only have one day. So it's the graphics and the guys in the
(#12,Monika) effects truck who seem to be having the problems
(#23,Michael) I'm on the phone with Jeffrey King right now
(#59,Simon) Oh, well.  But Billy, we hardly knew ye...
(#23,Michael) Jeffrey's in the audience and will have an insider's report soon
 (#23,Michael) Welcome back Stacy!
 (#12,Stacy) Wethanks!  We just returned from a 
(#12,Stacy) reconnaissance trek.
(#12,Stacy) Next door, the photographers are going wild,
(#12,Stacy) yelling "Broooce, Brooce!  This way!"  Wild
(#12,Stacy) sorry to interrupt sally...
(#23,Michael) Bruce Springsteen just walked in!!!!
(#23,Michael) He's talking about working in film
(#23,Michael) and how much he liked How Green Was My Valley, The grapes of Wrath
(#23,Michael) he said they had a deep resonence for him and he's very excited
(#23,Michael) This picture hasn't changed his perception of AIDS
(#23,Michael) He knew what the picture was about and was glad to have a chance
(#23,Michael) to put his 2 cents in
(#23,Michael) it's hard to accept an award gracefully when they're so much
(#23,Michael) suffering going on, he said'
(#23,Michael) That was awesome!
Currently recognized:        Frederick 
  User ID & User #:          [76270,3646] (15)
(#15,Frederick) Hi there....I have a bunch of questions.
(#23,Michael) Fredrick, we can just take one
(#23,Michael) there are many people waiting patiently
(#23,Michael) For those of you just joining us, welcome to the 
(#23,Michael) world's first online coverage of the 66th Annual
(#23,Michael) Academy Awards live from the Dorothy Chandler
(#23,Michael) Pavillion! I'm Michael Bolanos, and along with
(#23,Michael) Stacy Jenel Smith, Stephanie Dubois and Monika Guttman
(#23,Michael) we're bringing you the backstage word from the
(#23,Michael) press room here at the awards
(#23,Michael) A transcript of the coverage will be avbailable in the
(#23,Michael) Entertainment Drive Beck/Smith Hollywood
(#23,Michael) Library (Library 13)
(#23,Michael) Jane Campion won for The Piano
(#23,Michael) To learn more about the film, you can see the production notes
(#23,Michael) on Entertainment Drive in the Indie Film section
(#23,Michael) GO EDRIVE for full information and to discuss the
(#23,Michael) coverage of the world's most watched event!
(#23,Michael) Fredrick, your question please?
(#15,Frederick) For Bruce....and Tom Hanks (WHEN he wins) OK..... Or Bruce and
Tom....same questions.....How has AIDS personally touched your lives and w
(#15,Frederick) For Bruce and Tom....(HAnks, when he wins)...
(#15,Frederick) How has AIDS personally touched your lives and what did 
being a part
(#15,Frederick) of PHILADELPHIA mean to you?
(#23,Michael) Bruce was here and said how difficult it was
(#23,Michael) to accept an award when so many are suffering
(#23,Michael) We'll try to ask Tom Hanks the question and thanks for
(#23,Michael) asking
(#23,Michael) I'm proud to be wearing a red ribbon right now
(#15,Frederick)That doesn't tell me whast it PERSONALLY meant to him
(#23,Michael) Tom Hanks just won Fredrick!
(#23,Michael) Tom Hanks Best Actor
(#23,Michael) Frederick
(#15,Frederick) EXCELLENT!
(#23,Michael) He's gone from the room
(#23,Michael) Tom got a standing ovation
(#23,Michael) I met Tom when he did the TV show Bosom Buddies
(#23,Michael) He and Peter Scolari taught me how to juggle!

Currently recognized:        JRMONROE 
  User ID & User #:          [74104,3227] (94)

(#23,Michael) Tom just asked to share the award with Denzel Washington
(#94,JRMONROE) Ask Holly Hunter how it was to work with Harvey Keital 
in Piano?
(#23,Michael) Raleigh Farnsworth, his high school drama teacher, just was 
(#12,Stacy) TomWhat an incredible speech!  For those of you who
(#12,Stacy) weren't watching, Tom Hanks just delivered a truly
(#23,Michael) Tom just made an extraordinary speech
(#12,Stacy) eloquent thank-you speech for his Academy Award ... wherein he 
(#12,Stacy) the streets of Heaven being TOO crowded...and talked of
(#12,Stacy) AIDS victims resting in the cooling embrace of the creator.
(#12,Stacy) Tom was near tears as he spoke...and there are many here
(#12,Stacy) in the press room near tears as well, having heard his
(#12,Stacy) remarkable acknwledgement.  

% Moderator recognizes question #48
  David Axelrod (9)

(#9,David Axelrod) Hello, I'd like to remind everyone...
(#9,David Axelrod) that you can type  /commands   for a list of commands to 
use here...
(#23,Michael) I'm sorry Holly hasn't been in yet
(#9,David Axelrod) and also see how many people are here by typing  /status
(#9,David Axelrod) thanks you, congratulations once again on a teriffic job,
Michael & Stacy.
(#9,David Axelrod) and thank you, too.  
(#12,Stacy) Thanks!
(#12,Stacy) So much talent and beauty in one place!  and
(#12,Stacy) here we are, partying silently in the press room 00
(#12,Stacy) in Cyberspace!
(#23,Michael) Holly Hunter just won Best Actress
(#23,Michael) For The Piano

% Moderator recognizes question #50
  lee p. (6)

(#23,Michael) Lee, question?
(#6,lee p.) could you ask holly if there were specific aspects of working 
with a female director that she enjoyed
(#23,Michael) Noted Lee! We'll try

Currently recognized:        Buzz Sparks 
  User ID & User #:          [74023,3115] (27)

(#23,Michael) Tom Hanks is in the room
 (#23,Michael) next door
(#23,Michael) the photo room
(#23,Michael) He'll be here in a moment
(#27,Buzz Sparks) Was Janet Jackson nervous when she sang the lead off song 
from "Poetic Justice"
(#23,Michael) We have no way of knowing Buzz she hasn't been back here
(#23,Michael) We only have access right now to the winners
(#23,Michael) They come in after they win their
(#23,Michael) awards
(#12,Stacy) They're screaming and applauding in the
(#12,Stacy) next room...I think for Tom Hanks...someone
(#27,Buzz Sparks) Is the little girl who won earlier the same young lady in 
the AT&T commercials?
(#12,Stacy) exciting, that's for sure.
(#12,Stacy) Here is tom...We're going to try to get
(#23,Michael) Tom Hanks has entered the room
(#23,Michael) Yes Buzz
(#12,Stacy) your questionanswered
(#12,Stacy) .
(#12,Stacy) Tom is addressing this "bizarre symbiosis" between
(#27,Buzz Sparks) I really enjoyed Tom Hanks performandin "Philadelphia". I 
didn't know he was such a great dramatic actor. 
(#12,Stacy) him and Bruce Springsteen, they keep appearing n same thngs...
(#12,Stacy) Now he's addressing how planned his acceptance speech
(#12,Stacy) was...would not have been standing there if it weren't for
(#12,Stacy) mr. farnsworth, his drama teacher at Skyline High...and
(#12,Stacy) John Wilkerson, friend he lost via AIDS...there are a lot of 
volative political statements I couldmake about that,
(#12,Stacy) but just tell the simple truth..that I would not
(#12,Stacy) be here if it weren't for these 2 men.
(#12,Stacy) Skyline High is in Northern California.
(#12,Stacy) Any actor wants to be a part of a movie that he
(#12,Stacy) thinks caputes the era we're living in, and Philadelphia
(#12,Stacy) did that, he says.
(#12,Stacy) Being asked about playing a gay man, as a heterosexual:
(#12,Stacy) the vast majority of American's havent lost anyone they loved 
or even liked t
(#12,Stacy) or even liked through...
(#12,Stacy) Steven pielberg ...just won for Best Director
(#12,Stacy) Interesting to note how many pictures this year
(#12,Stacy) deal with tolerance, says tom, and the issue 00 past
(#12,Stacy) or future.
(#12,Stacy) He's stopping for a moment while Spielberg
(#27,Buzz Sparks) Finally Steven Spielberg has won an Oscar after all the great moments
he has given us all in movie theaters for years.
(#12,Stacy) accepts...He said, remember, "No phoots in the press rooom while I
(#12,Stacy) have these headphones on."  Now, we're all
(#12,Stacy) listening together....with Tom Hanks...total
(#12,Stacy) queit expect for the sound of typing.
(#23,Michael) Spielberg No one can look good in these headphones!
(#23,Michael) And now we're coming down to Best Picture
Currently recognized:        Rick Chandler 
  User ID & User #:          [71762,3210] (42)

 (#42,Rick Chandler) ok
(#42,Rick Chandler) I timed it perfect
(#12,Stacy) His mom is a sweetheart...She 
(#12,Stacy) has a Kosher dairy restaurant nearby, and
(#12,Stacy) she comments to anyone wanting to hear her
(#42,Rick Chandler) Ask Spielberg if he has any upcoming TV projects and...
(#12,Stacy) glowing remarks aobut her son.
(#12,Stacy) Check...TV projects.
(#42,Rick Chandler) if he wants to collaborate w/ Lucas again?
(#12,Stacy) ...check.
(#12,Stacy) Now, I'm going to tell you what Tom's saying
(#12,Stacy) He's trying to lose weight "back to the treadmill"...
(#42,Rick Chandler) I know S. Spielberg thru his sponsorship of the cinematograoghy
merit badge in Scouting
(#12,Stacy) because he has a movie pending next...sumer...deal hasn't closed yet.
(#12,Stacy) Michael is about to ask the Member questin that
(#12,Stacy) came in earlier ... Whether "Phil." was a life-changing
(#42,Rick Chandler) wS. List WINS!!
(#12,Stacy) experience...and how to ...
(#12,Stacy) Hey!  He also announced our CompuServe presence to Tom,
(#12,Stacy) who'll answer after the "Schindler" acceptance.
(#12,Stacy) I might add, Tom seems to be a t home here, he ans
(#12,Stacy) wers questions with great ease and elan, and humor.
(#12,Stacy) Just now, he asked that we please move away from 
(#12,Stacy) 'bosom buddies' questions...
(#42,Rick Chandler) What was the name of the tune during the tribute to those who died?
(#12,Stacy) He's...We don't know...
(#12,Stacy) It is quite confused back here...
(#12,Stacy) We have a document called the Constitution of the 
(#12,Stacy) US...says Tom, addressing Tolerance...talking about
(#12,Stacy) living near Jews, gays, etc. "That is the america
(#12,Stacy) that I was promised in my Weekly Reader in 4th and 5th
(#12,Stacy) grade, but I was also taught that it's part of
(#42,Rick Chandler) On Barbara Walters, Spielberg said he resting from directoring 
foe awhile.
(#12,Stacy) my responsibility as an American to keep it that way.
(#12,Stacy) He's thanking Mark Platt, exec. TriStar, for
(#12,Stacy) making pic possible.  and Mike Medavoy....
(#12,Stacy) ...Regarding Speilberg, I think we covered that
(#12,Stacy) earlier...He's taking at least a year off from 
(#23,Michael) I can't tell you how incredible it was for Tom 
Hanks to look me in the eye
(#12,Stacy) directing...will focus on expoloring new filmmaking
(#23,Michael) and talk about how the Bill of Rights and how
(#12,Stacy) methods....get some rest, and spend 
(#12,Stacy) time with his family.
(#23,Michael) all people have the right to freedom and privacy and choice
(#12,Stacy) Tom...being asked whether do comedic role again.
(#12,Stacy) Would like to do comedy doesn't think is just
(#23,Michael) Tom has done an remarkable job of using his success and award
(#23,Michael) to expand the horizons of others
(#42,Rick Chandler) Stacy, Michael..do u plan to be back next yr.?
(#12,Stacy) obvious commercial vehicle.
 (#42,Rick Chandler) This is GREAT!!!
(#23,Michael) Hope so Rick! Let Barry Berkov of CompuServe know 

Currently recognized:        david dinwiddie 
  User ID & User #:          [73642,1012] (64)
 (#12,Stacy) Yes!  This is a ball...would like to do more, bigger, etc.
(#12,Stacy) And the fun has just begun...We still have
(#64,david dinwiddie) 0How many Oscars did schindlers list win
(#12,Stacy) the Schindlers winners.
(#12,Stacy) we're checking on the numers, David.  will
(#12,Stacy) tell you in just a moment.  It looks like it
(#12,Stacy) won 7.

(#23,Michael) We'd like to thank everyone from around the world for joining
(#23,Michael) us for the 66th Annual Academy Awards here on CompuServe
(#12,Stacy) and "Jurassic Park" won 3...quite a night
(#12,Stacy) for mr. S.!
 (#23,Michael) Entertainment Drive (GO EDRIVE) is where you'll find a
transcript of this historic event
(#23,Michael) The world has been watching the Oscars on television, but only
 (#23,Michael) you've been live in the Winner's press room hearing
(#23,Michael) the coverage that no one will hear until tomorrow
(#23,Michael) morning...the answers to the questions live!
(#23,Michael) We'd like to thank Hewlett Packard and Megahertz for
(#23,Michael) their help in bringing this coverage to you, as well
(#23,Michael) as our home base at the Hollywood Roosevelt, the home
(#23,Michael) of the first Academy Awards
(#23,Michael) Stay tuned for Steven Speilberg live!
(#23,Michael) I'd like to send my warmest thanks to Stacy jenel Smith for
(#23,Michael) being so extraordinarily supportive
(#23,Michael) and to her distinguished colleagues
(#23,Michael) Stephanie DuBois and Monika Guttman for their insight and
(#23,Michael) perspective
(#12,Stacy) Interesting, it appears neither Jane Campion...thanks Michael!...nor
 (#12,Stacy) HOlly Hunter is going to be back here...
(#12,Stacy) Chances are they were waiting for "Best Picture"
(#12,Stacy) to be announced...and then, well, it's hard to
(#23,Michael) Follwing the Oscars, we'll be going to the Governor's Ball, the
(#12,Stacy) come back after losing...just conjecture.  Also,
(#12,Stacy) Holly isn't tremendously fond of the press.
(#23,Michael) official event of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences

Currently recognized:        Alex Lark 
  User ID & User #:          [100143,204] (40)
(#40,Alex Lark) OK, Great Going!
(#23,Michael) Please, if you have a question and are recognized
(#40,Alex Lark) Could you ask S what shindlers jews reacted to the ovie?
(#23,Michael) please post your question quickly
(#12,Stacy) or
(#40,Alex Lark) and what theiropinion are of germans in general
(#12,Stacy) While we wait for Steven, I'll tell you I
(#23,Michael) We'll try Alex
(#12,Stacy) met Paul Page (SP?) over the weekend, he was a

Currently recognized:        Mary! 
  User ID & User #:          [71333,1366] (29)

 (#29,Mary!) Thanks
(#29,Mary!) Here's my question
(#12,Stacy) Schindler rescuee, and contributed to the story...was very, very
moved by the fact that the story is now part
(#12,Stacy) of the filmic record.  and Liam Neesen said, by the way, 
(#29,Mary!) Did Spielberg get any influences in his scene with the gi ....
with the girl in the red coat?
(#12,Stacy) that whether he won or lost Best Actor, he would be happy to
(#29,Mary!) Hi!
(#12,Stacy) have been part of HISTORY -- ie "Schindler's List."
(#23,Michael) We'll try Mary...we know Mr. Spielberg will be besieged
 (#12,Stacy) There is a gathering of Schindler's rescuees tonight ...watching
the Oscars...a non0
(#44,Stephanie Haase) Just listening in right now, no question, but thanks.
(#12,Stacy) publicised event...arranged by and for "Entertainment Tonight,"
(#23,Michael) Thanks Stephanie
(#12,Stacy) which will be part of the show tomorrow.

Currently recognized:        Doug Gould 
  User ID & User #:          [75640,774] (90)
(#90,Doug Gould) ok
(#90,Doug Gould) Q: How does Stephen Spielburg feel about
(#23,Michael) We're just discussing that this is the Year of Tolerance
(#90,Doug Gould) the contrast between SFX in his other works and the 
(#90,Doug Gould) classic art of film exhibited in Schindler's list?
(#90,Doug Gould) GA
(#23,Michael) Holly Hunter and Stephen Spielberg will be coming into the
press room shortly
(#12,Stacy) The Holocaust Survivors event is being held at
(#12,Stacy) the Museum of Tolerance here in L.A.  Lord have
(#12,Stacy) mercy, what a moving event that must be.
(#12,Stacy) We get word that Holly is going to cme back here
(#12,Stacy) You see, our biggest rush is coming up NOW!
(#23,Michael) Here's Jeffrey King
(#12,Stacy) He (Speilberg) is here!  
(#90,Doug Gould) By the way you folks have been doing an absolutely
(#12,Stacy) Di.."I was the only brother who didn't..." think he'd win..."I
didn't believe in the Vegas Odds thing.  I've had other encounters of the 
(#90,Doug Gould) fantastic job!!!
(#12,Stacy) I've never taken any time off
(#12,Stacy) You ahve 4 pictures my company is producing..
 (#23,Michael) Thanks Doug
(#12,Stacy) he said...he'd had other (Oscr) close encounters.
(#12,Stacy) We're going to address the Euro experience:
(#12,Stacy) "I couldn't have made this movie on the back lot...You wouldn't
have believed the faces...the
(#12,Stacy) faces, the premise...We used Oscar's real
(#23,Michael) Jack question quickly
(#23,Michael) Steven Spielberg's wife
(#12,Stacy) apartment...needed t be where it acutally happened...
(#23,Michael) is standing in the back of the Press Room here]
Currently recognized:        Jack Cooper 
  User ID & User #:          [74223,2235] (21)
 (#12,Stacy) We used the locatin. has the sad connotation of being
(#23,Michael) watching the questions and answers
(#12,Stacy) the largest killing field in'industrialized world.
(#21,Jack Cooper) Did Tom Hanks mention his good friend John Candy backstage?
(#12,Stacy) Does he resent it's taken so long?
(#12,Stacy) No, I have never had any resentment.
(#12,Stacy) Absolutely not.  I've come here hopeful, and
(#12,Stacy) tonight I came here hopeful...
(#23,Michael) Kate Capshaw looks beautiful
(#12,Stacy) Will his next project be about Bosnia?
(#12,Stacy) "Well, the studio I'm associated with, MCA, is
(#12,Stacy) making a film called 'Zlata's dirary."  Im not
(#12,Stacy) involved but that film is bieng done by MCA.
(#12,Stacy) (By the way, his wife is in this room...wathicng)
(#12,Stacy) He says Jurassic a "Not to trivialize it, but
(#23,Michael) Spielberg just said hi to Roger Ebert
(#12,Stacy) (only awards didn't surprise were effects.)
(#12,Stacy) getting into a very dangerous area of technoligy
(#12,Stacy) superceding acting and directing.  I worry about that,
(#12,Stacy) but it hasn't happened.
(#12,Stacy) This is not a political film, and the ...the message is about 
(#12,Stacy) teaching tolerance and combatting ignorance, in so many 
(#12,Stacy) schools, the holocaust is a footnote...unless yong
(#12,Stacy) people taught...holocaust happen again and again.
(#12,Stacy) Beca...as you know, Iv'e taken any profits and tiven them
(#12,Stacy) to to holocaust causes..whole purpose of film.
(#12,Stacy) "Often ...So many of the deniers (of the holocaust)anti semitic...
(#12,Stacy) I will not debate the deniers because that gives 
(#12,Stacy) them a platform they do not deserve.
(#12,Stacy) Why it took 10 years to go from book to film...
(#12,Stacy) ..."I was terrified of the responsiblilty of putting the
Holocaust on
(#12,Stacy) the movie screen...especially when novelist
(#12,Stacy) Elle Weisel says he hasn't caputed it...but.." he
(#12,Stacy) felt compelled to take the great opportunity.
 (#12,Stacy) My mom was very vocal about the holocaust
(#12,Stacy) when I was young...my mother, father and grandparents
(#12,Stacy) prepared me for this year, more than anything else did.
(#12,Stacy) We're being interrupted, because the academy is 
�k? Ambiguous command
(#12,Stacy) presenting Spielberg with photographs of his win.
(#12,Stacy) Okay...we must break.  Spielberg has left , and now, here
(#12,Stacy) is Jane Campion.
(#12,Stacy) She is talking about how hard it is to make
(#12,Stacy) an effort to be glamorous.  We weren't expecting
(#12,Stacy) Anna to win, and we're so glad, she's so darling...
(#12,Stacy) Now...in and out...here's Holly Hunter.
(#12,Stacy) Was she sure she was going to win?
(#12,Stacy) "I knew that my director had voted for me."  (laughs)
 (#12,Stacy) Every actress who has played a mute has won; why do
(#12,Stacy) you suppose that is?
(#12,Stacy) "That's a crippling question; It makes me want to revert
(#12,Stacy) to my character."
(#12,Stacy) HOw does it feel to win the day after your birthday?
(#12,Stacy) "Ooh.  Double whammy."
(#12,Stacy) "I have been very surpised by the world-wide connection
(#12,Stacy) with this movie," she says...
(#12,Stacy) "The Piano" is something I'll have with me the rest of
(#12,Stacy) my life...
(#23,Michael) I'm shaking.
(#23,Michael) I just held Tom Hank's Oscar
(#12,Stacy) Holly is talking about the Oscars..."It's an American
(#23,Michael) Sorry it's Michael here
(#12,Stacy) phenominon, but I'm 
(#12,Stacy) (happy) actors from other countries can be 
(#12,Stacy) recognized.  ... I haven't read alot of 
(#12,Stacy) newspapers and magazines lately, because I wanted
(#12,Stacy) to have something else going on in my life besides
(#12,Stacy) speculation about the Oscars, and who was going to win.'
(#12,Stacy) They also presented her with a photo of her win.
(#23,Michael) The most amazing moment just happened
(#23,Michael) I went to the men's room and Tom was alone in there
(#23,Michael) He remembered the question and we talked for 10 minutes about
(#23,Michael) how important Philadelphia was to him
(#12,Stacy) I believe thatWe're not getting any more winners.  Shall we take
(#12,Stacy) a last couple of
(#23,Michael) He knows that the Best Actor award was a platform that will
allow him to encourage people
(#23,Michael) to be more tolerant
(#23,Michael) Then he looked me in the eye
(#23,Michael) and handed me the Oscar and said, "Give it a hoist"
(#23,Michael) And I did!
(#23,Michael) I held a fresh Best Actor Academy Award
(#23,Michael) Unbelievable

Currently recognized:        Ron Chaffin 
  User ID & User #:          [74204,3306] (8)

 (#8,Ron Chaffin) IS Tom Hanks Aval. for Questions?
(#12,Stacy) questions, Michael?Terrific
 (#12,Stacy) No...tom's left.

Currently recognized:        mary whitney 

 (#23,Michael) Mary?
(#11,mary whitney) yes, pass for the time being.

Currently recognized:        Ken 
  User ID & User #:          [70000,267] (16)
 (#16,Ken) Didn't realize I had a question in.
(#16,Ken) Ga.
(#23,Michael) We'd like to thank Karl Turzi and the folks at CompuServe
(#23,Michael) for their incredible help
(#12,Stacy) Okay, everyone...Thank you VERY MUCH for
(#12,Stacy) joining us, experiencing this first-ever, live
(#12,Stacy) Cyberreport party...rough edges and typos notwith-
(#12,Stacy) standing...WE'll be back in the a.m. with more
(#12,Stacy) Oscar (governor's ball) news...Meanwhile, thanks for
(#12,Stacy) all the great questions, and for your interest!

Currently recognized:        JRMONROE 
  User ID & User #:          [74104,3227] (94)

 (#94,JRMONROE) (#82) jr monroe
(#23,Michael) Sorry JR she's gone
(#23,Michael) Everything's wrapping up here and we're ready for the
(#23,Michael) Governor's Ball!
(#23,Michael) Tom said he'd see me there
(#23,Michael) So folks, we can't thank you enough for being part of
(#23,Michael) this event, the first live backstage coverage of the
(#23,Michael) Academy Awards!
(#23,Michael) We'll take one more question...

% Moderator recognizes question #84
  David Axelrod (9)

(#12,Stacy) first, we'll have to pull Michael off the 
(#12,Stacy) cieling.
(#9,David Axelrod) I pass.  Goodnight folks.
(#23,Michael) Right! 
(#9,David Axelrod) thanks for coming!
(#23,Michael) David, perfect timing!
(#9,David Axelrod) Congratulations!
(#23,Michael) David joins us in saying thanks for your support of the Oscar
coverage and Entertainment
(#23,Michael) Drive, CompuServe's global entertainment forum.
(#23,Michael) GO EDRIVE to find a transcript of tonight's event in Library
(#23,Michael) 13, Beck/Smith's Hollywood, and GO BECK to find
(#23,Michael) Beck/Smith's Hollywood Exclusives each weekday.
(#9,David Axelrod) by tomorrow morning.
(#23,Michael) Entertainment Drive and Beck/Smith Hollywood Exclusive are only on
(#23,Michael) CompuServe...your Backstage Pass to the Entertainment
(#23,Michael) Industry!
 (#23,Michael) I'd like to thank Monika Guttman and Stephanie DuBois for their
(#23,Michael) outstanding work tonight, and Stacy Jenel Smith for her support
(#23,Michael) and kindness. I'd also like to send my warmest and most sincere
(#23,Michael) thanks to Marilyn Beck, whom I met when I was 10 and am honored
(#23,Michael) and humbled to know and work with.
(#23,Michael) Our friends at CompuServe have been amazing about this project,
(#23,Michael) and in particular I'd like to thank Dan Meeks, Mary Kay Fenner,
(#23,Michael) Rich Baker, Debra Young, Pat Phelps, Karl Turzi, David Nedrow,
(#23,Michael) and Barry Berkov for their support and encouragement.
 (#23,Michael) We all thank the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
(#23,Michael) for their support, and Helene Glassman for her kindness tonight
(#23,Michael) (and I got my Driver's License back in exchange for the
(#23,Michael) earphones!)

% Discussion period beginning

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