The Young and the Restless (Y&R) is based in the fictional town of Genoa City and revolves around modern relationships set against the backdrop of Jabot Cosmetics. Y&R, considered to be TV's most "artistic" daytime drama, began its 22nd season in the fall of 1995. The theme music, popularly known as "Nadia's Theme," is the most-recognized theme of any soap opera. Former cast members include David Hasselhoff and Tom Selleck. Y&R airs weekdays on CBS. A special prime-time episode of Y&R will air on May 22nd, prior to the CBS broadcast of the 1996 Daytime Emmy Awards.

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Scott Reeves (Ryan) of the The Young and the Restless (left). Y&R's Michelle Stafford (Phyllis) at the 22nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards (right).

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