Another World, (AW) NBC's longest running daytime drama, celebrated thirty years in May of 1994. The show focuses on the everyday lives of four families: the Corys, the Hudsons, the Harrisons, and the Frames, in the fictional city of Bay City, IL. On January 6, 1975, AW was the first daytime drama to adopt the one hour format. AW has explored storylines that included AIDS, post-Vietnam stress syndrome, date rape, and alcohol addiction. Former cast members include Morgan Freeman and Kelsey Grammer. AW airs weekdays on NBC.

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David Forsyth (John) at the 22nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards (left). Alice Barrett (Frankie) and Linda Dano (Felicia) at the Daytime Salutes HeartShare charity event in New York (above).

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