When a dangerous undercover mission is required to put a high-powered drug lord out of commission, the assignment goes to the one man fearless enough to take on the task of infiltrating the biggest crime and narcotics syndicate in the Pacific Rim -- Detective Kevin Chan (Jackie Chan). Supercop also stars Michelle Khan.

Behind the Scenes...

Jackie Chan is an unstoppable daredevil in Supercop
Michelle Khan is Jackie Chan's sidekick.

Jackie Chan's physical skills and abilities as an action hero are carefully presented to his audiences, and Chan makes conscious use of wide shots and long takes in order to document the veracity of his stunt work. When a stunt is particularly dangerous and spectacular, it is often repeated in slow-motion, or shown in a series of repeated shots from several different angles, each showing the stunt in its entirety. As one watches Chan being suspended from a helicopter, there's no question that it's really Jackie Chan up there - without the courtesy of blue screens.

In one exhilarating seven-minute sequence, Chan jumps off the side of a ten-story building onto a rope ladder dangling from a moving helicopter, and swings at a height of 1000 feet (and a speed of 100 miles per hour) over Kuala Lumpur. Swinging madly among skyscrapers, Chan is smashed into the sides of buildings, through a billboard and onto a moving train.

Director Stanley Tong believed his challenge in making Supercop was to bring something new to the successful Jackie Chan film formula. One of the most innovative ideas Tong brought to the film was to have Michelle Khan co-star as Chan's sidekick. Tong knew that only Asia's top female action star would be able to fight alongside Jackie Chan.

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